Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia


Yhwach (ユーハバッハ, Yūhabahha), is the Father of the Quincy (滅却師 (クインシー)の父, Kuinshī no Chichi) and the emperor of the Wandenreich, with the designation "A" - "The Almighty". He is the Son of the Soul King and the final Villain of Bleach manga.

Born as child incapable of doing anything, Yhwach was not even able to walk, breath, speak, or see; but he still knew he would survive; this due to the fact, Yhwach knew he was the "Son" Of The Soul King and that his father saw the future. Yhwach's special ability is to be able to heal people from anything, this is why he was worshiped as a God as a Child, but in doing this, when those people died, Yhwach absorbed people abilities, techniques and even knowledge itself from them inside himself, this is how Yhwach was able to evolve and start his mission, bring back the Primordial World to avenge his father and create a world without death and life.

Powers and Stats

Dimensionality: 3D

Threat Level: At least Maoh || At least God-, possibly Quasar|| At least God-, possibly Quasar || Celestial+

Powers and abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Non-Physical Interaction (Quincy can fights with spiritual entities such as Hollows and Shinigami), Invisibility (Iinvisible to people without Reitsu or spiritual awareness), Soul Manipulation (Quincy can interact, attack, and destroy souls, Yhwach can splits his own souls to the others to grant his own powers, and can absorbs them whenever he wants), Enhanced Senses (Can sense beings with Reiatsu), Energy Manipulation (Can use Reiryoku and exert it as Reiatsu, which is used to increase the user's offensive power and defensive abilities), Energy Absorption (Gather spiritual energy form the ambient and spirits and coat them in their own spiritual energy), Energy Projection (Quincies materialize their bow and arrows from their spiritual energy), Flight (Type 3), Statistics Amplification (Can diffuse reishi at a higher level, Hirenkyaku is a Speed enhancement technique), Dimensional Travel (with Shadow, it allows Quincy to move freely through dimensions opening portals), Blood Manipulation (with blut Vene, manipulate his own blood), Power Absorption (with medallion), Forcefield Creation (can expand Blut Vene as a barrier), Weapon Creation, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Sun temperature and Heat Manipulation (can use Yamamoto Bankai which can generate heat up to 15.000.000 degrees), Necromancy, Resurrection and Life Manipulation (can ressuct whoever he killed as an army of skeletons, addionally can ressurect quincy by using Auswahlen), Power Absorption (can steal abilities with Sankt Altar), Absorption (by touching is body Blut Vene start to spread and take your Body), Passive Overwhelming Aura(Yhwach can exert his own Spiritual Pressure, Reiatsu can causes various side effects depending on the gap in power, raging from Fear inducement, Paralysis and Soul destruction), Regeneration (Low-Mid), Immortality (type 3) Resistance to Power Nullification (Ichibei cannot remove permantly his voice and take his power away, since yhwach can just regain them), Soul Manipulation (can Fight Shinigami and Hollows, and posses complete control on his own soul) and possibly Mind Manipulation (PePe ability is stated to be uneffective against Yhwach)

All previous abilities and Resistances, Darkness Manipulation (can manipulates Mimihagi and shoot him with a death beam) Resistance to Precognition (gained Mimihagi powers, Mimihagi cannot be forseen in the futures)

All previous abilities and Resistances, Acausality (type 2, scaling from Reio absorbed Mimihagi and the Husk of the Soul King, obtaining their powers, Soul King Reiatsu shown multiple times to being immune to precognition and negating manipulation and rejection of events & phenomenas), Regeneration and Causality Manipulation Negation (Damage done by Yhwach cannot be healed, even using orihime rejection is useless), likely Conceptual Manipulation (scaling from other transcendent beings, was on point to merge life and death, absorbed multiple pieces of the soul king, and became the new soul king, who was able also to re-create those concepts) Resistance to Causality Manipulation (Absorbed Soul King and gained his powers which includes the resistance to Orihime Casuality Manipulation, that didn't work on Soul King, futher more confirmed by the fact that Orihime cannot repair damage done by Soul King Yhwach)

One should note that Yhwach never showed to use all those abilities on character, However Yhwach was born with the innate ability to distribute a piece of his soul to another by being touched by them. Yhwach acquires power by bestowing an ability, allowing its wielder to cultivate it, and then taking it back. This means after a senritter dies, its ability is again returned to Yhwach, since it is clearly stated that abilities and knowledge turn back to him, Yhwach can forcibly retake the soul fragments of his soul that he has shared out, and with them comes the abilities the individuals possesed too. In the end of the series, all the sternritters were either killed in battle, or yhwach absorbed them back forcefully, this is heavily supported by Yhwach’s lore as a kid gaining abilities. This gives him their abilities which include:

Physical Strength: At least Multi-Continent level striking, likely higher || At least Moon+ level striking, possibly Galaxy || At least Moon+ level striking, possibly Galaxy || Low Multiverse level

Attack Potency: At least Multi-Continent, likely Higher (Far superior to his sternitters, able to steal and control Yamamoto bankai, somehow fought Ichibei who was far stronger than Yamamoto, since the Squad Zero is stronger than all the Gotei 13 combined, moreover Yhwach while fighting Ichibei called him, as the one on top of the Shinigami) || Unknown, likely Moon+, possibly Galaxy (One shots Ichibei, Was stated to be much stronger than his previous form since he awakened his true strength, reached the soul-king and claimed to be superior to Mimihagi and possibly him by overpowering Mimihagi, effortlessly One-shotted Ichibei and briefly fought with True-Shikai Ichigo, far superior to a full-potential gremmy) || Unknown, at least Moon+, possibly Galaxy (Stronger than before, Absorbed Mimihagi) || Low Multiverse level (wanted to undo Soul King creation, his spiritual energy started to encompass the soul society and he was on point to destroy the 3 realms, which are 3 universal space-time contiuums, all with his own power, as repeatedly stated countless times during the final arc)

Durability: At least Multi-Continent, (His defense should be at least comparable to his attack potency since reiastu is both an offensive and defensive measure, easily tank with his bare hand Ichigo Getsuga Tensho, tanked attacks from Ichibei Hyosube) Higher while using Blut Vene) || At least Moon+, possibly Galaxy (tanks multiple attacks from True-Shikai Ichigo || At least Moon+, possibly Galaxy (more durable than before) || Low Multiverse level (In Bleach, your body needs to be strong/durable enough to withstand your own spiritual power/energy or else your bones & body will be crumbled by your own power, your body will be torn apart by your own spiritual power/energy, was able to withstand and control his own spiritual energy, tanks Ichigo's Gran Rey Cero Getsuga Tensho)

Speed: Relativistic (Faster than all the sternitters, fought with Ichibei) || Relativistic+ (Faster than before, easily blocked Mimihagi, also claimed he is in a whole another league in respect to him) || At least Relativistic+ (Absorbed Mimihagi and gained his power, shot a black tendril which is fast if not faster than the Mimihagi feat) || At least Relativistic+ (Superior to his previous form) || At least Relativistic+ (Far superior to his previous form)

Intelligence: Genius, likely higher (One of the smartest characters in Bleach, is a military commander with likely over 1000 years of experience in warfare, managing to bring the Gotei 13 and the Soul King's force to their knees, know the equivalent of millions of years of history about the origin of the Soul King and the universe. Since his birth he Has absorbed knowledge, power and abilities from beings that got in touch with him and he absorbed into himself. Possesses future sight and reality warping with his "The Almighty” which allow him to look at all the possible futures and fates further amplifying his knowledge and especially making him even deadlier in battle giving him full knowledge on almost everything he needs)

Stamina: Extremely High likely Nigh-Limitless via Hax (Reformed from being cut in half, according to his own words being able to change even futures in which he dies, after he absorbed the soul king he gained his reiastu who started enveloping his body increasing his overall stats and stamina, after he became the soul king he is capable to stop the collapse of the world even with just the residuals of his main body)

Range: Thousands of Kilometers with Arrow Projections || Same as before, higher || Same as before, higher || Low Multiversal (Can affects multiple realms which made the bleach universe and revert them, to the primal state before the Soul King shaped the universe, by merging realms and removing death and life and creating a new world)

Weaknesses: None Notable, Blut Vene and Blut Arterie use two different reishi systems, so they cannot be used at the same time || Almighty Clairvoyance can be tricked if abilities affect him before he has activated the Almighty, if Almighty is activated, None notable.

Key: Base || The Almighty || Mimihagi Absorbed || Soul King


  • Quincy Cross (forms his sword from it)
  • Medallion (A medallion made for stealing bankais. Yhwach stole Yamamoto's bankai, Zanka no Tachi with one of these medallion)

Noteworthy Techniques and Abilities

Yhwach was born with the innate ability to distribute a piece of his soul to another by being touched by them. Yhwach acquires power by bestowing an ability, allowing its wielder to cultivate it, and then taking it back. This means after a senritter dies, its ability is again returned to Yhwach, since it is clearly stated that abilities and knowledge turn back to him, Yhwach can forcibly retake the soul fragments of his soul that he has shared out, and with them comes the abilities the individuals possesed too. In the end of the series, all the sternritters were either killed in battle, or yhwach absorbed them back forcefully, this is heavily supported by Yhwach’s lore as a kid gaining abilities.

This being the opposite of quincy's general ability of absorbing reishi from their surroundings and turn in into their power. Those who recieve part of Yhwach's soul have their lifespan shortened, but in return all of their ailments- whether spiritual, physical, or mental - are healed, and all of their knowledge, experience and skills are engraved in that shared soul. Once their short lifespan ran out, the piece of soul Yhwach shared returns to his possesion, ultimately gaining everything that was engraved inside that piece of soul, this is established the lore and this is how Yhwach learned to see and breath for example, those are simply abilities he gained by taking back souls. Later on, Yhwach discovered a more powerful way-by directly engraving letters signifying abilities onto the individual's soul. All of the senritter's have gone through a ceremony where they drank Yhwach's blood, so after the sternritters died their ability allegedly returned back to Yhwach, it is also explained that by getting in touch with a Yhwach souls, means that at your death, you’ll be absorbed, in fact Yhwach should have absorbed not simply his sternitters but all the shinigami.

As an extension of his ability to distribute pieces of his soul to others, Yhwach can forcibly take the power of other Quincy; 9 years ago, he used this technique to regain his power during his revival. After selecting Quincy whom he deems impure, including those with mixed blood, Yhwach can steal their powers and make them his own. This process is fatal to its victims, particularly those who are already weak

Auswählen is an extremely fast beam of light that follows its targets, to have a comparisons it has a similar speed of mimihagi, though some have been lucky enough to survive. Even those that dodge the light and are near it, lose their powers, including the ability to use Vollständig. Reishi barriers cannot stop Auswählen at all, it is s transfers of not physical accumulations of Reishi, but pure energy

  • Absorption: Yhwach can gains power and abilities of people that came in contact with it, absorbing their very own being. He can near instantly absorb those weaker than him, but those that are stronger take a longer amounts of time.
  • Self-Power Restoration: Yhwach is able to restore his physical and spiritual abilities by summons ribbons of Reishi inscribed with Roman letters, this restoration has even conceptual nature, since it can even restore a “name” to Yhwach which is a concept or and abstract idea, or more concrete things like simply spiritual pressure or damage.

Yhwach's schrift is "A", which stands for Almighty. It gives Yhwach several unique abilities, which are as follows

  • Clairvoyance: With the power of Almighty, Yhwach sees all the possible future at any point of time. He compares it to countless grains of sand scattered before him, each of those seemingly isolated grain representing one future each; or to put it in another way, possibilities. He looks over all every sand of grain from high above, ergo he can already see all the possible futures at any given time. This gives him absolute knowledge of any move his opponent is going to make, or could make. Even since starting activating it against Ichibei, he was able to perfectly predict everything even after the fight with Ichigo, even telling Ichigo events that happened when Yhwach was in completely different place.
  • Future Modification: The true nature of Almighty is not to see the future of all possibilities. It's true ability is to have the power to alter future, or to intervene with all possible futures Yhwach observes through his eyes. With this, Yhwach can change the placement of his traps to wherever his opponent stands at any given point of time, destroy weapons/equipment in future itself, attacking them before they can even begin their own attack, change the direction of his attack. In essence, he warps any of the future possibilities viewed by the almighty into immediate reality, this ability work based solely on Yhwach’s consciousness, in fact, he can also use the ability to rewrite future even after his death, applying a change into the present to resurrect.
  • Power Nullification and/or Reactive Evolution: As we said, Yhwach see all the possibilities or futures as mere grains of sand from an higher perspective, The Almighty allow him to negate all the abilities that Yhwach see in the futures, in way that they cannot harm or kill him, this can also be due to Yhwach body becoming immune to what he see by selecting various future.
    thanks to this ability, he easily defeated Ichibei by nullifying/adapting to both his name manipulation and his existance erasure.

Zanka no Tachi: Yhwach has inside his medallion Yamamoto Bankai, which he can uses whenever he wants.

It incorporates the full power of Yamamoto's flames into the blade: the flames within the blade burn anything without leavng trace. Zanka no Tachi has the side-effect of depleting the moisture in an entire area (at least the size of the Seireitei), causing the air and the water to dry up. Even Tōshirō Hitsugaya's Bankai, Daiguren Hyōrinmaru, cannot be used, for its ice melts due to the intense heat of Zanka no Tachi. No flames are visible as it cuts. Yamamoto claims releasing his Bankai clads both his blade and his body in the flames of the Sun. Even Retsu Unohana believes that Zanka no Tachi's flames could incinerate the entirety of Soul Society if left active for too long.

  • Zanka no Tachi, Higashi: Kyokujitsujin (残火の太刀 "東": 旭日刃, Longsword of the Remnant Flame, East: Rising Sun Edge): Automatically activated at release, this ability concentrates the intense flames of the sword along the tip of the blade. It neither burns nor erupts, but anything it touches is eradicated to nothingness.
  • Zanka no Tachi, Nishi: Zanjitsu Gokui (残火の太刀 "西": 残日獄衣, Longsword of the Remnant Flame, West: Remnant Sun Prison Garb): Automatically activated at release, this ability is unseen by the eyes of anyone else unless Yamamoto wills it to be seen. It engulfs his body in heat which reaches a temperature upwards of 15,000,000 degrees. Therefore, it becomes impossible to even touch him while he is using his Bankai. The level of heat produced by this technique is so high, it would not actually appear in the form of flames.
  • Zanka no Tachi, Minami: Kaka Jūmanokushi Daisōjin (残火の太刀 "南": 火火十万億死大葬陣, Longsword of the Remnant Flame, South: Great Burial Ranks of the Ten Trillion Fire Dead): Impaling the tip of his sword into the ground, Yamamoto calls upon the corpses and ashes of the dead who were killed by his flames to come forth and fight on his behalf. They emerge from a rupture in the ground which comes with enough force to decimate Kirchenlied: Sankt Zwinger. Using the heat of his sword on their ashes, he can rouse all the people he has killed, allowing the corpses to become his limbs and attack whomever he deems as his enemy until they become dust. He can bring forth any specific corpse that he wishes, allowing him to inflict psychological damage upon those with connections to those he has slain.
  • Zanka no Tachi, Kita: Tenchi Kaijin (残火の太刀 "北": 天地灰尽, Longsword of the Remnant Flame, North: Heaven and Earth End in Ashes): A slash of concentrated fire and heat which incinerates whatever it touches ointo nothingness.

The Balance: While sleeping Yhwach change his Almighty power with Jugram Haschwalth. Obtaining his schrift "B".

  • It can manipulate fortune and misfortune redirecting them as jugram please, his shield can tank Jugram's misfortune and then redirect it to the target, fortune and misfortune can be labeled as negative and positive things, what is shown in the manga as example is the "damage", shown as misfortune

Sankt Altar: Yhwach creates orbs of Reishi near his opponents to hit him with a powerful beam of light. Yhwach can also uses this ability to steals all kind of powers of its target.

Sankt Zwinger: A beam of light which is, Quincy's ultimate offensive and defensive spell according to Yhwach. After making several energy constructs, it hit the target leaving no trace.


Blut: By making Reishi flow directly into their blood vessels, users of this technique can drastically increase their attack and defense power to inhuman levels. However, despite the significant danger this potentially presents to one's opponents, Blut possesses one major flaw: because the independent forms of the technique for attack and defense operate using two different Reishi systems, they cannot be employed simultaneously.

  • Blut Arterie: Blut's offensive form.
    • Blut Vene: The defensive form of Blut, which grants the user inhuman durability, it is represented by a faint blue pattern tracing the veins beneath the surface of their skin, which is only visible on the afflicted area when struck. Additionally, Blut Vene can be used to aid the user against critical wounds which have already been inflicted by stopping the severe loss of blood which would result from said wound
      • Blut Vene Anhaben: Yhwach extends his Blut Vene out from his body to create a powerful forcefield that consumes those around it, breaking down living beings, to fuel and maintain itself.

Hirenkyaku: is an advanced Quincy movement technique, allowing the user to move at high speed by riding on the flow of Reishi created below their feet. Essentially, it is the Quincy equivalent to the Shinigami's Shunpo

Ransōtengai: A high level technique which allows the user to control their body parts using strings of Reiryoku controlled by their brain, forming lines or strings made of Reishi. Using this technique, the Quincy can control their body like a marionette, allowing them to move freely despite paralysis, broken limbs, or any other force which would impede normal movement.

Sankt Bogen: Yhwach's Spirit Weapon, an immense bow that he can manifest in his hands or somewhere in his surroundings, using it to fire at his opponents with similarly large arrows.

    • Heilig Pfeil: The primary form of attack for Quincies, spiritual energy manifested as arrows and fired from the Sankt Bogen, or in Yhwach's case, even just from his fingertips. He can fire them as a rapid-fire barrage capable of completely obliterating a foe in short order.
    • Reishi Broadsword: Yhwach can fire an immense arrow around his own height from the Sankt Bogen to the ground at his feet, an arrow that will transform into a large, extremely powerful broadsword once he grabs it.

Sklaverei: This technique tears away the components that make up spiritual objects and being or eviroment, and absorbs it.

Shadow: The user's shadow expands and becomes a doorway between dimensions, including but not limited to the nature of the dimension, it worked for the Soul King Palace, and even one's inner world, and the user's Reiatsu instantly disappears from the area of departure.


If you cannot understand it, then allow me to explain. Nobody can take anything away from me, even with the power you hold, Hyōsube Ichibē. If you were unaware, then it is time for you to learn. Everything in this world exists to be taken by me!
— To Ichibei

I thought I told you I see all, there is no room of comprehension and counter-measures against my power. All that I see is powerless against me, you seems to think that I am still the one without a name. My name is Yhwach, the one that will orb you of everything
— To Ichibei

Farewell Reio, my father... who has seen the future
— To Reio

What a dream...No better dream than a nightmare
— To Reio

The future diverges from a single point in time... like countless grains of sand scattering in the wind...Now, if you could see them, each and every grain of sand would be considered a 'future', which means there are as many 'possibilities' as there are grains of sand... Ichigo I enjoy speaking of hope, the future can be chnaged, that is a fact, a fact filled with such great hope, but changing the future simply means jumping from one grain of sands to another, And I can see every single grain of sand clearly from high above
— To Ichigo

It must have crossed your mind already and you're right. that's what you said. the future can be changed, and The alimighty is not the power to see the future... is the power to change it

But if you want to come after me, then come. I will leave this gate here, out of respect for your bravery.. I will give you a magnificent death. I shall single out the moment of myour greatest happiness in the future and kill you then, from now on, every time you will feel joy you will recall my words, and each time you will taste the fear of death you have been promised. Forever
— To Renji, Rukia and Ichigo

