Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

Blog made out of sheer curiosity to see all the feats performed from the God Tiers in One-Punch Man and see how powerful those are until now. No speed feats counted here thus far.

God won't be included, as he's still pretty featless rn.

Feat 1: Boros kicks Saitama to the Moon[]

In Chapter 36, Boros kicks Saitama really hard in the moon, at near-light speed.

I'll obviously not use 99% Light-Speed, that would be an exaggerated interpretation. But I'll use the anime version to get an idea.

Timeframe would be 2.96 seconds.

So, speed would be:

  • 384400000 m / 2.96 s = 129864865 m/s
  • 129864865 / 299792458 = 0.43c (Relativistic+)

Saitama's canon weight is 70 kg.

Putting the info in a Relativistic KE Calculator, I get 688901218795319410 Joules, or 164.65 Megatons (Mountain)

Disappointing ngl.

Feat 2: Saitama jumps from the Moon[]

Still in Chapter 36, Saitama jumps off the Moon, returning on the Earth, causing a massive crater on the former, and Boros' ship has received almost no damage from said jump.

In the Chapter 153 we have what I think is the most detailed view of the Moon after Saitama's jump.


Completely ignoring God, as it's quite irrelevant here, we get:

  • Red line = Moon's diameter = 471 px = 3475 km
  • Green line = Crater's diameter = 289 px = 2132.22 km

To get the volume of the crater Saitama has created, we know that dephts of craters are from 10 to 20% the diameter, aka 15%. So the depht would be 319.833 km.

I'll get the destroyed volume in cm^3 using this calculator, inserting as Semi-axis A and B the radius of the crater, and as Semi-axis C the depht, then half the result as the crater would be just half of the ellipsoid.

So, inserting as Semi-axis A and B 1066.11 Km and as Semi-axis C 159.92 Km, the calculator gives me 761369410891132060799407 cm^3. I have to halve it, getting 3.80684705e23 cm^3.

I'll use the average violent fragmentation here, to avoid too complex things about the Moon's crust composition.

Energy would be: 3.80684705e23 * 69 = 2.62672446e25 Joules or 6.28 Petatons (Continent+)

Feat 3: Boros destroys the surface[]

Alright, time to get this straight. Anyone and their mothers knows about this, in the Chapter 36.

Boros surface

So, we have the infamous databook statement. According to this article, it can perfectly mean destroy, shave or erase the Earth. Considering the context, shaving would obviously make much more sense than the rest, given that Boros here was just aiming at destroying the surface. The method used here would be melting, as Boros has shown to melt anything around him while charging the attack, with the anime showcasing this as well. I'm obviously not making this attack Planet level or anything because of what he says in the anime, but I'm using it as a supporting evidence for him actually melting the surface with this attack, and not using a mere average surface destruction.

The crust's mass would be 2.77e22 Kg. For the composition and percentages I'll use this website. About the temperature, I'll just use the melting point of each material, with Specific and Latent heat of fusion for each about the energy. Oxygen will ignored as it's a gaseous element.


  • Mass: 2.77e22 * 0.28 = 7.756e21 Kg
  • Specific heat: 705 * 1414 * 7.756e21 = 7.73172372e27 J
  • Latent heat: 1787000 * 7.756e21 = 1.3859972e28 J
  • Total heat energy = 7.73172372e27 + 1.3859972e28 = 2.15916957e28 J


  • Mass: 2.77e22 * 0.081 = 2.2437e21 Kg
  • Specific heat: 897 * 660 * 2.2437e21 = 1.32831527e27 J
  • Latent heat: 396000 * 2.2437e21 = 8.885052e26 J
  • Total heat energy = 1.32831527e27 + 8.885052e26 = 2.21682047e27 J


  • Mass: 2.77e22 * 0.05 = 1.385e21 Kg
  • Specific heat: 449 * 1204 * 1.385e21 = 7.4872546e26 J
  • Latent heat: 247000 * 1.385e21 = 3.42095e26 J
  • Total heat energy = 7.4872546e26 + 3.42095e26 = 1.09082046e27 J


  • Mass: 2.77e22 * 0.036 = 9.972e20 Kg
  • Specific heat: 532 * 842 * 9.972e20 = 4.46689757e26 J
  • Latent heat: 57350 * 9.972e20 = 5.718942e25 J
  • Total heat energy: 4.46689757e26 + 5.718942e25 = 5.03879177e26 J


  • Mass: 2.77e22 * 0.028 = 7.756e20 Kg
  • Specific heat: 1260 * 97.794 * 7.756e20 = 9.55697733e25 J
  • Latent heat: 113000 * 7.756e20 = 8.76428e25 J
  • Total heat energy: 9.55697733e25 + 8.76428e25 = 1.83212573e26 J


  • Mass: 2.77e22 * 0.026 = 7.202e20 Kg
  • Specific heat: 1000 * 63.5 * 7.202e20 = 4.57327e25 J
  • Latent heat: 56000 * 7.202e20 = 4.03312e25 J
  • Total heat energy: 4.57327e25 + 4.03312e25 = 8.60639e25 J


  • Mass: 2.77e22 * 0.021 = 5.817e20 Kg
  • Specific heat: 1050 * 650 * 5.817e20 = 3.9701025e26 J
  • Latent heat: 358000 * 5.817e20 = 2.082486e26 J
  • Total heat energy: 3.9701025e26 + 2.082486e26 = 6.0525885e26 J

This doesn't count the amount of water which would evaporate from this. I'll add it too:

  • Average ocean temperature: 20 °C
  • Ocean's total mass: 1.4e21 Kg
  • Water's Vaporization Temperature: 100 °C
  • Delta: 80 °C
  • Specific heat: 4182 * 80 * 1.4e21 = 4.68384e26 J
  • Latent heat: 2256000 * 1.4e21 = 3.1584e27 J
  • Total heat energy: 4.68384e26 + 3.1584e27 = 3.626784e27 J

So, how strong is Boros? Putting together all the Total Heat Energies:

  • 2.15916957e28 + 2.21682047e27 + 1.09082046e27 + 5.03879177e26 + 1.83212573e26 + 8.60639e25 + 6.0525885e26 + 3.626784e27 = 2.99045351e28 Joules / 7.15 Exatons (Multi-Continent)

I wanted it to at least get a "+", but that's quite the best I can get lol.

Feat 4: Saitama's Serious Punch splits the sky[]

To answer to Boros' strongest attack, Saitama opposes it with his Serious Punch, splitting the clouds in the sky.

To see how much air Saitama has moved with his punch, we have to get first the volume of said air.

Thanks to an Online Protractor, I could see the angle of the spherical lune Saitama has "created" on the surface.


The area of a spherical lune is 2 * radius of the sphere^2 * angle in radians.

33 degrees would be 0.57595865316 radians.

So is: 2 * (6371^2) * 0.57595865316 = 46755909.9 Km^2, or 4.67559099e13 m^2

Clouds extend up to 20 km, or 20000 m. As Saitama has moved all of them away, is safe to say his punch has involved at least that much altitude in the atmosphere.

Volume would be: 4.67559099e13 * 20000 = 9.35118198e17 m^3.

As a low end, I'll take dry air's density which is currently accepted here, so 1.003 Kg/m^3.

Volume would so be: 9.35118198e17 * 1.003 = 9.37923553e17 Kg.

Passing to KE, Saitama has pushed the air at his sides.

The max width would be the:

  • 40007.863 / (360/32) = 3556.25449 km = 3556254.49

It happened quite fast, but not too much, so I'll take 5 seconds as timeframe.

Speed would be: 3556254.49 / 5 = 711250.898 m/s.

KE: 0.5 * 9.37923553e17 * (711250.898^2) = 2.3723737e29 Joules / 56.7 Exatons (Moon)

Makes sense given that Boros went easily overpowered.

Feat 5: Psykos-Orochi shifts a portion of the crust[]

In Chapter 132 Psykos-Orochi shoots a beam so strong that it lifts a really big portion of Earth's crust.


Ok so (ignore the dark blue line):

  • Planet diameter = 4967 px = 12742000 m (6371000 m as radius)
  • How much the slice was lifted = 33.61 px = 86220.7813 m
  • Slice's diameter = 1147.09 px = 2942665.75 m (1471332.88 m as radius)

I'll use the spherical cap to determine the volume, so, thanks to this calculator, I got 5.88321991717925e17 m^3

Now, using the oceaninc crust's density, which is 3 g/cm^3 or 3000 kg/m^3, we get as the mass 1.76496598e21 kg.

I'll use two ends here respectively, PE and KE, given I'm unsure.

PE: 9.81 * 86220.7813 * 1.76496598e21 = 1.49285388e27 Joules or 356.8 Petatons (Multi-Continent)

About KE, given that it took some pages, I'll use 10 seconds.

KE: 0.5 * 1.76496598e21 * ((86220.7813/10)^2) = 6.56039896e28 Joules or 15.68 Exatons (Multi-Continent+)

Feat 6: Orochi messes with the Earth's core[]

In the redraw of Chapter 115, Orochi charges his attack from taking energy from Earth's core and shoots it at Saitama. Earth's outer core gets moved from said energy, causing violent earthquakes world-wide.


I'll semplify this a lot:

  • Earth's diameter = 590 px = 12742000 m
  • Distance which the energy has moved = 137.19 px = 2962838.95 m
  • Blue line = Width of the moved mass = 19.1 px = 412495.255 m

Assuming it's a cylinder, I get 395945891591108643.77 m^3.

Density instead is from 12.6 to 13 g/cm^3, getting so 12800 kg/m^3 as average.

Mass would be 5.06810741e21 Kg

I'll make 2 ends:


About the gravitaty acceleration, the outer core is from 4 to 11 m/s^2, making 7.5 m/s^2 the average.

7.5 * 5.06810741e21 * 2962838.95 = 1.12619895e29 Joules or 26.92 Exatons (Multi-Continent+)


Here I'll use 30 seconds as a lowball, given that it happened fast, but many people could react to it, and Orochi himself didn't treat it as instantaneous either.

0.5 * 5.06810741e21 * ((2962838.95/30)^2) = 2.47166379e31 Joules or 5.91 Zettatons (Small Planet)

Feat 7: Sage Centipede is big and rotates real fast[]

Ok so, this feat is reaaaaaaaally complicated given the immense amount of inconsistencies about the sizes of the objects used to scale here.

At the end of the Chapter 156 Sage Centipede gets out from one of the "holes" of the Monster Association.

To know how much this hole is, let's go back to Chapter 91, when Garou faces Oversized Rover. The size of the dog is an inconsistent mess, so I'll use quite a lowball-ish method to get a reasonable scale for Sage Centipede.


Red line: Garou's height = 71.59 px = 177 cm = 1.77 m

Blue line: Distance between the border of Rover's top eyes = 90.43 px = 2.24 m


Blue line = Distance between the border of Rover's top eyes = 11.66 px = 2.24 m

Orange line = Floor's height = 82 px = 15.75 m

In the Chapter 138 we see one of these floors on one of the "spears" which appear from the holes.

P 31

Orange line = Floor's height = 2 px = 15.75 m

Purple line = Hole's diameter = 345 px = 2716.875 m

Time to scale the centipede.

Centipede-Scaling +

For this I'll have to get one of the "torsos" lenght

  • Green line = Hole's diameter = 121 px = 2716.875 m
  • Red line = Centipede's torso lenght = 41.59 px = 933.84 m
  • Blue line = Centipede's torso width = 76.32 px = 1713.65 m
  • Purple line = Centipede's torso height = 25 px = 561.34 m

In the Chapter 158 it claims to have 6666 legs, and is not even that false as shown in Chapter 159, meaning it has 3333 pairs of legs, thus 3333 torsos.

Before getting again on Sage Centipede, let's get a real Centipede. To make it much simplier I'll use just the lenght for this part.

I'll use the Red-Headed Centipede here. It weight 3 grams, has 23 pairs of legs and is 8 inches long at peak. 8 inches here would be 20.32 cm, or 0.2032 m.

A Red-Headed Centipede's torso would be long 0.008835 m. If we make a torso of this centipede big as Sage's, this centipede would be:

  • 933.84 * 23 = 21478.32 m long

Thus, from applying Square Cube Law we get from this hypotetical centipede:

  • (Amped height/regular height)^3*mass = (21478.32/0.2032)^3*0.003 = 3.54283617e12 Kg

But this is not remotely how heavy our Sage Centipede would be! In fact, given the immense amount of leg pairs, it would be 144.91 times longer, aka it Sage Centipede would equate to this exact amount of copies of our hypotetical centipede. So Sage Centipede is actually:

  • 3.54283617e12 * 144.91 = 5.13392389e14 Kg heavy (Class C)

This weight of his scales to his Lifting Strenght given that irl centipedes in general can handle stuff which is much heavier than them. But this ain't for just his LS, but his AP.

1st let's see the AP he'd get from just being big.

For PE, we need the lenght, which is:

  • 21478.32 * 144.91 = 3112423.35 m

Now that we have the lenght, let's apply the formula:

9.81 * 5.13392389e14 * (3112423.35/2) = 7.83767232e21 Joules or 1.87 Teratons (Island+)

BUT, given he literally spins and uses this as an attack, why not calculating it too?

First the speed. Centipede called himself a drill, and it in average spins from 2000 to 3000 rpm, so I'll use 2500 as I dunno which end to use.

For the inertia, I'll use this calculator, assuming that Sage Centipede is a cuboid, reminding that the sizes are:

  • Mass: 5.13392389e14 Kg
  • Lenght: 3112423.35 m
  • Width: 1713.65 m
  • Height: 561.34 m

What has been rotated was the width, so I get 414443682294388350759703408 kg*m^2.

Passing on Rotational KE, we now have with this 14202761079084635969797723181757 Joules, or 3.39 Zettatons (Small Planet)

BRUH. Anyway, it should fully scale to all its stats, as he's just... spinning real fast here.

Feat 8: Evil Ocean Water is big[]

Between Chapters 156 and 157, Evil Ocean Water is big. I'll calculate its PE given is a full body of water and can manipulate itself at will.

Scaling its blast from Sage Centipede doesn't work, as apparentely it shrinks. So I have another method.

Page 07-1

We need to first find the distance between Sage Centipede and the Ocean.

  • Red point (if you zoom on it you'll see it) = Sage's hole diameter = 1 px = 2716.875 m
  • Blue line = Distance between it and the ocean = 61.33 px = 166625.944 m

Let's see how big it is:


I'll use the angsize formula to get this time the size, using even this time the way to get the angle. But I'll get the size instead of the distance, given the latter is already known:

  • 2*atan((42/1134)*tan35) = 0.0350937845 rad = 2.010725739 deg
  • Size of the eye: 5.8481e+3 m
Page 10

I'll get the volume of EOW:

  • Orange line = EOW's eye = 5 px = 5.8481e+3 m
  • Red line = EOW's width = 209.02 px = 244473.972 m (122236.986 m as radius)
  • Yellow line = EOW's height = 45 px = 52632.9 m

I'll just take it as a cone, and I get 8.23552298E+14 m^3

Mass = 1030 * 8.23552298E+14 = 8.48258867e17 Kg

PE = 9.81 * 8.48258867e17 * (52632.9/2) = 2.1899022e23 Joules / 52.34 Teratons (Country)

Feat 9: Saitama punches away Evil Ocean Water[]

Still in Chapter 157, Saitama uses his Serious Punch to completely destroy Evil Ocean Water.

When Saitama one-shots it:

  • EOA's right eye = 25 px = 5.8481e+3 m
  • 1 px = 233.924 m

Considering the next panel has barely any difference in the distance from the planet in the POV, I think is fine to apply the previous scaling here as well:

Page 16-17
  • Green line = Shockwave's width = 206.93 px = 48405.8933 m

From angsizing, in order to get the lenght of said shockwave:

  • 2*atan((206.93/1134)*tan35) = 0.172492515 rad = 9.8830931071 deg
  • Distance from closest point of shockwave = 2.7993e+5 m
  • 2*atan((12.2/1134)*tan35) = 0.0101948669 rad = 0.58412284607 deg
  • Distance from farthest point of shockwave = 4.7480e+6 m
  • Lenght of the shockwave = 4.7480e+6 - 2.7993e+5 = 4468070 m

For the volume, I'll use the depht of oceans as weight, with the lenght and width we've found.

Volume: 3700 * 4468070 * 48405.8933 = 8.00239403e14 Kg

Mass = 1030 * 8.00239403e14 = 8.2424659e+17 Kg

For KE it happened in just 1 panel, with Sage Centipede being shocked, so I'll take 1 second here. I'll use here the same way I have used with the cloud split, aka using the width as distance as Saitama has moved the water at his sides.

0.5 * 8.2424659e+17 * ((48405.8933/1)^2) = 9.65658665e26 Joules or 230.8 Petatons (Multi-Continent)

Damn I hate this feat... I took quite the hours in finding a lenght for the shockwave which isn't like twice the Earth's diameter like the 1st time I did this lol.

Feat 10: Garou slams in the Earth's layers[]

In Chapter 164 Garou pushes Saitama in the Earth's layers, causing quite a distortion in the Earth.


He has essentially created a Paraboloid.

  • Red line = Lithosphere's thickness = 10 px = 100 km
  • Blue line = Praboloid's diameter = 64.94 px = 649.4 km (324.7 km as radius)
  • Green line = Paraboloid's height = 42.43 px = 424.3 km

The calculator gives me 70267982.75623 km^3.

About density, the continental lithosphere has 2.7 g/m^3 as density.

Mass: 7.02679828e16 * 2700 = 1.89723554e20 Kg (Class E)

Garou didn't push the thing instantly has he hit the ground, but the attack lasted through different pages, with humans being able to quickly notice it, so I'll put 5 seconds as a fair timeframe.

KE: 0.5 * 1.89723554e20 * ((424300/5)^2) = 6.83120488e29 Joules or 163.27 Exatons (Moon)

Feat 11: Garou's Gamma Ray Burst[]

In Chapter 165 Garou attacks Saitama with a Gamma Ray Burst.

Considering that Garou has gained total understanding of the universe' energies and can replicate them, to the point he can replicate perfectly the opponent's current strenght and techniques, or even radiate cosmic radiations in Chapter 166, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't take it as a literal GRB, especially when he creates a black hole before using the blast like irl GRBs do.


This will be still a pretty big lowball, as the blast in itself is obviously much stronger, but the black hole is really small compared to real ones, other than the building being actually way smaller than the black hole, but looks bigger as is closer to the POV.

  • Orange line: 3 Storeys height = 5.38 px = 4.3 m * 3 = 12.9 m
  • Blue line: Black hole's diameter = 81.86 px = 196.28 m (98.14 m as radius)

About the Black Hole's mass:

  • Black Hole Mass = (c^2 * radius) / (2 * G)
  • Black Hole Mass = (299792458^2 * 98.14) / (2 * 6.67408e-11)
  • Black Hole Mass = 6.60793946e28 kg
  • Black Hole Earth Masses = (6.60793946e28 / 5.972e24)
  • Black Hole Earth Masses = 11064.8685

About energy:

  • GBE of Earth * Earth Masses = 2.4870114e+32 * 11064.8685 = 2.75184541e36 Joules or 657.71 Yottatons (Large Planet)

However, I'd like to point out that imo it has still grounds for a "likely/possibly Large Star+", given that generally one of these is 1e44 Joules in energy output (which is exactly 1 FOE) and the narrator described an actual GRB when Garou has used the attack. Given that Garou can replicate actual events in the universe with their current strenght, I don't see this GRB being as strong as an actual one impossible.

Feat 12: Saitama and Garou make a hole in space[]

In Chapter 167 Saitama and Garou wiped out a good portion of the space with an enegy blast generated with the collisions of two Serious Punches, making this in the Outer Space:

Saitama Star

This feat is weird, so I'll take three ends.

Low End[]

I would have liked to use some kind of distance between farthest star visible to naked eye and Earth but that's already covered from the average starry sky creation. However, given we don't talk about the creation of a pocket space but of a portion of the universe observed with a POV much wider than the one someone has when they're on the Earth's surface, it should still be close.

The farthest star is 4000 LYs apart, and closest is 4.3 LYs apart from Earth, so is 3995.7 LYs, or 3.780224e+16 km. Given this is the diameter, radius would be 1.890112e16 km.

Surface area of the sphere with such radius = 4.48936527E+33 KM^2

Cross-surface area of Sun = 1.523e+12 KM^2

GBE of Sun = 2.276e+41 Joules

Energy = (4.48936527E+33 KM^2 / 1.523e+12 KM^2) * 2.276e+41 = 6.71e62 Joules / 6.71 ExaFOE

Given is a shared feat:

6.71e62 Joules * 0.5 = 3.355e62 Joules / 3.355 ExaFOE (Multi-Solar System)

Mid End[]

This end instead assumes that the farthest thing is the Andromeda Galaxy, as is the largest thing visible in space with naked eye as a tiny star, so why not.

Andromeda Galaxy is distant from Earth 2.5 millions LYs, so distance bewteen it and closest star to Earth would be 2499995.7 LYs or 2.365179e+19 KMs. Radius would be in this case 1.1825895e19 KMs.

Surface area of the sphere with such radius = 1.75742946E+39 KM^2

Cross-surface area of Sun = 1.523e+12 KM^2

GBE of Sun = 2.276e+41 Joules

Energy = (1.75742946E+39 KM^2 / 1.523e+12 KM^2) * 2.276e+41 = 2.63e68 Joules / 2.63 YottaFOE

Given is a shared feat:

2.63e68 Joules * 0.5 = 1.315e68 Joules / 1.315 YottaFOE (Galaxy)

Almost Galaxy+ heh.

High End[]

This instead takes the Boötes void as reference, as what Saitama and Garou have created is really close to it.

It has 330 Millions Light Years which equate to 3.122041e+21 KM as diameter, or 1.5610205e21 KM as radius.

Surface area of the sphere with such radius = 3.06215434E+43 KM^2

Cross-surface area of Sun = 1.523e+12 KM^2

GBE of Sun = 2.276e+41 Joules

Energy = (3.06215434E+43 KM^2 / 1.523e+12 KM^2) * 2.276e+41 = 4.58e72 Joules / 4.58 NinaFOE

Given is a shared feat:

4.58e72 Joules * 0.5 = 2.29e72 Joules / 2.29 YottaFOE (Multi-Galaxy)

I dunno which one of the 3 should be taken tbh. I feel safer with Low End, but I'm not that used with cosmic calcs so, idk.

Adressing arguments against this feat[]

I really don't see how people can already go against this feat but around I saw some saying this isn't even a feat. I simply don't understand how, given that it showcases the actual power of Saitama and Garou, with the latter actually using just a fraction of God's power, a character we have yet to see the true capabilities. They're the most powerful beings of One Punch Man now, is literally showing the gap between them and the rest of the verse. However, some might still argue against this, so I'll still bother to take down these arguments:

  • No.1: It's just space dust, those aren't stars.

This is honestly baseless and even contradicts how Murata draws the Earth. He has never bothered drawing it around the planet, so why should he do it now? At the end of the previous Chapter Blast even says that the Earth would be destroyed from the impact of their punches, so why should Murata use space dust instead of Stars to show this kind of power? This claim is against everything One Punch Man has been while having this kind of feats.

  • No.2: That's just the Moon's dark side.

There are TONS of reasons why this is just stupid. First, the blast was released between Earth and Moon, so the hole being actually the Moon is already an headcanon. Second, Earth is literally 4 times bigger than the Moon for one, so that would be too big to be the Moon. Given that both Earth and Moon are illuminated from the Sun, both would reflect light from their surface on a similar degree. Moon wouldn't be completely black unless Earth would be too, given that for this to happen the Sun needs to be observed exactly behind both, but this ain't the case. This whole article debunks this claim as well, as the Moon would be much farther from Earth to be completely dark too. Muarta also accurately represents celestial bodies in his drawings, so it would be odd for him to make such an error, especially here.

  • No.3: Is just a Black Hole/Distortion of space.

There's literally 0 reason to believe this. A complete headcanon which is baseless as well. Also because with a Black Hole so big the Earth would instantly be destroyed. Plus, the fact that they clashed so hard that they went to a Moon of Jupiter from the recoil discredits this idea completely as well.

Feat 13: Saitama flips Io's crust away[]

Still in Chapter 167, Saitama flips a whole Moon's surface out of said Moon with a single hand. Later on the chapter it was revealed that the surface was completely lifted.

They ended to one of Jupiter's Moons, and said Moon is Io.

Page 41

Another weird feat. Great.

  • Io's diameter = 438 px = (1821.6 km * 2) = 3643.2 km
  • Average distance which the debris were launched = 300.65 px = 2500.75 km
  • Average depht of debris (given we don't have any information on Io's surface depht) = 7.81 px = 64.96 km

To see how strong this is, let's see the volume of the surface Saitama has lifted:

41910000 km^2 * 64.96 km = 2722473600 km^3 or 2.7224736e24 cm^3.

For the mass, as Io's surface is mostly made of sulfur:

2.7224736e24 cm^3 * ((2.07 + 1.96 + 1.92 g/cm^3) / 3) = 5.39957264e24 g or 5.39957264e21 Kg

About AP, I think 5 seconds is quite fair as timeframe, as Garou noticed it being quite fast:

  • 0.5 * 5.39957264e21 * ((2500750 / 5)^2) = 6.75351609e32 Joules / 161.41 Zettatons (Planet)

Expected, but LS was what interested me the most.

In case we accept this as Lifting Strenght too, we need to count that Saitama did this with just one hand, so in this case it would be doubled given that he'd lift twice with both hands:

  • 5.39957264e21 Kg * 2 = 1.07991453e22 Kg (Class M)

Feat 14: Saitama's Serious Sneeze[]

In Chapter 168, Saitama uses a "Serious Sneeze", which heavily damages Jupiter, shifting away a good chunk of the planet, exposing its core.

Page 24-25

Using this website almost all Jupiter's info in this calc:

  • Jupier's diameter: 1056 px = 69911 km * 2 = 139822 km
  • (Lowballed) Distance that the mass moved: 424 px = 56140.6515 km

I'll get the volume of the volumes of both Jupiter and its core, to get the mass of Jupiter without its core, then divide it per 3 as 1/3 of the planet was shown to be moved:

  • Jupiter's volume: (4/3) * 3.14 * (69911^3) = 1.43055621e15 Km^3
  • Jupiter's core volume: (4/3) * 3.14 * ((32000/2)^3) = 1.71485867e13 Km^3
  • Volume of Jupiter without its core: 1.43055621e15 - 1.71485867e13 = 1.41340762e15 Km^3
  • Volume the mass moved: 1.41340762e15 Km^3 / 3 = 4.71135873e14 Km^3 = 4.71135873e23 M^3
  • Mass moved: 4.71135873e23 * 1326 = 6.24726168e26 Kg

Speed I'll take 5 seconds, as few time passed, but wasn't instant.

  • 56140.6515 km / 5 = 11228.1303 km/s = 11228130.3 m/s = 0.0374530112c

Relativistic KE calculator gives me 39421376214871569638638180260055150506377 Joules / 9.422 Tenatons (Small Star)

I think this is done here. Hope I get an evalutation soon jeez.