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Vampire Hunter D is a series of Light Novels that are written by Hideyuki Kikuchi and illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano since 1983 and consists of nearly 4 dozen books as well as multiple Spinoffs, Short Stories, a Comic Book adaptation, and 5 Audio Dramas and the series is still ongoing. The verse depicts a Post-Apocalyptic Future in the year 12,090 AD when the world is ruled by Vampires Lords called Nobles and their servants as well as mutant creatures with Humanity living under fear. D is the main protagonist of the series who is a Dhampir AKA a half-human and half-vampire and travels around to help those in need and fight evil forces.

The following blog provides only D's feats from the novels along with context for his feats. Note that some abilities have been omitted from later volumes of the novels due to the redundancy it creates such as D's Unearthly Beauty or Eldritch Aura capable of inducing fear and paralysis in foes. Also much thanks to Vampire Hunter D Wikia for some of their info used in the blog. Check out the pages of Vampire Hunter D for character profiles.

Before proceeding, one thing needs to be made extremely clear about D. D's power source comes from the Sacred Ancestor aka the Void itself and as such, he's extremely OP (To know more about the Sacred Ancestor being related to the Void, just check this blog)

Spin-off Novel: Noble V: Greylancer

While D makes no appearance at all in this novel, however, this novel is very significant for the blog. This is due to the fact that this novel is a prequel to the main series and takes place in 7,000 A.D. while VHD takes place in 12,090 A.D. As such, this part of the blog will only highlight the key attributes and powers of Nobles (excluding the Servants of Nobility) that will help to understand the power of Nobles in later novels and also for D since he is Half-Noble himself. Noble Physiology page has all the relevant information needed so please do check it out.

Novel 1: Vampire Hunter D

  • Vector Manipulation: Doris hits D with her whip but D changes the vector of the whip without even moving
  • Intangibility: Doris tries to capture D with her whip by grabbing his torso and arms and suddenly the whip passes through D's body without even losing its circular form
  • Enhanced Senses & Extrasensory Perception: D can hear and listen to things from far away distances as well as know who is nearby him, and is stated to possess superhuman hearing. He can also sense every aspect of the Count's Castle including the number of weapons it has.
  • Status Effect Inducement: Was able to put Doris to sleep with his left hand
  • Regeneration Negation (Upto High-Godly): Was able to negate Garou's Regeneration who, as an engineered werewolf, could regenerate easily from their cells (Low-High Regeneration). Even negated the healing of Count Magnus Lee despite the latter, being a Greater Noble, have the ability to regen from getting his protons vaped (See above in Greylancer Section for Nobility feats). This is due to D's ability to cut the Fount Of Life.
  • Fear Inducement and Paralysis: D's mere presence was able to induce ineffable horror in Greco's horses and made them unable to move.
  • Technology Manipulation: D's Pendant can hack any kind of technology no matter how sophisticated it be and render them useless or work as per D's wishes
  • Hypnotism & Mind Control: D hypnotized the Midwitch Medusas when they looked in his eyes and as soon as he drank their blood, they became his loyal servants
  • Holy Manipulation: At the end of Chapter 4, Count Magnus Lee attacks Doris while D was away, however he couldn't get near her neck since D placed a Holy Charm around her neck which repelled the Count away. Larmica did the same and got repelled
  • Absorption: D's left hand absorbed the swarm of spiders that came forth from one of the henchmen of Rei-Ginsei in their fight
  • Presence Concealment: D could perfectly blend with the Darkness and can be undetected by even sophisticated 3D Radars
  • Body Control: D can control the body of the people he touches with his left hand as he did so with the Mayor and made him tell all the truth
  • Ressurection, Healing, Regeneration (Low-Mid), & Elemental Manipulation (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind): Rei-Ginsei Staked D in his heart which killed D and severed his left arm. However, Lefty was able to revive D, heal and regen the hole in his heart and join himself back in his arm
  • One Hit Kill (OHK)/Death Manipulation: D killed a night cloud, a mutated monster that could regenerate from single cells and devour and dissolve anything it grabs

  • Vampire Physiology, Immortality, & Powers: D was heavily hinted to be the son of the Sacred Ancestor, the progenitor of the entire Race of Vampires, and as such, he shares the same attributes as other vampires including the Sacred Ancestor such as prolonged Ageless Life, Regenerative Powers, Magic, Telekinesis, Telepathy
  • Resistance to Regeneration Negation (Upto High-Godly): D was hit by his own attack and survived as well as regenerated from it eventually later in the Novel. Said attack was intended to hit Rei-Ginsei, however, the latter reflected it by sending the attack through a 4 Dimensional Space.
  • AP/DC, Durability, & Speed: D was able to survive the collapse of Count Magnus Lee's Castle as well as being able casually to fight Garou travelling at half the Speed of Sound and even throw foot-long wooden needles at such speed that it catches fire. D was also stated to be faster than Laser Beams which fits with how D can dodge Light Speed attacks in later Novels and since its 12,090 AD when FTL tech exists, it's plausible that the Laser Beams are comparable to light speed.

Novel 2: Raiser Of Gales

  • Non-Physical Interaction: D can cut through Non-Existent weapons such as the Non-Existent Axe of the Pixie Shadow with his Longsword. D can also attack Shadows like the Pixie Shadow and even Non-Corporeal beings existing as Auras
  • Aura: D has an Aura around him that makes the environment tensed and eerie
  • Limited Reality Warping & Mental Attacks: D can force Non-Corporeal Abstract Beings to take on a Physical Form as seen when he willed Sacred Ancestor to take on a Physical Form so that he can attack the latter's body with Physical and Mental energy that injured him since Sacred Ancestor's true form was impossible for D to interact with despite D being able to Hit and Cut through Non-Existent things, Non-Corporeal beings existing as Shadows or Auras. However, this is labeled as limited since D cannot reality warp his environment and only did this feat once that too on an individual.
  • Resistance to Spatial Manipulation: D is unaffected by a Space Manipulating Hill which makes it so that no matter how fast or good an individual is at climbing, they'll take 10 hours to reach the top while the descent is normal. The hill is 1.25 miles at the diameter or base and 60 feet in height thereby making the slope somewhere around 1.25 miles. D can normally climb the hill whereas for an average fit climber it'll take 30 mins to cover 3 feet height.
  • Resistance to Mind Manipulation/Mental Attacks: D could not only sense mental energy, but he could also fight off psychological attacks taking place in his mind which would have killed him if he lost. He also resisted his Psyche getting crushed.
  • Dimensional Manipulation, Resistances to Space-Time Manipulation, Sealing, and Matter Manipulation: One of the most impressive feats of D, D was sealed inside a Dimension and with the help of his Left Hand he was able to break through the dimension with such force that it literally warped the entire Timeline causing many events and incidents to disappear and occur such as disappearance of Jack the Ripper and an Alpha Class Black Hole as well as linking of two completely different points in time. Moreover, breaking through dimension atomized the Mecha horse D rode but D was completely unfazed by all of these and even reached Fern's house where Lina was present through the Space-Time warp.
  • Resistance to Matter Transmutation: D resists getting turned into something else when he sets foot inside the Spatial Warp Trap door to the ruins
  • AP/DC, Durability, & Speed: D was stated to have the strength of 50 men and could easily drag a river monster out. D was able to save a woman from an explosion and jump out of the harm's way all under a second. D could also tank an energy blast that turned hundreds of tons of rocks into rubbles

Novel 3: Demon Deathchase

  • Expert Swordsman: D is an extremely proficient and talented Swordsman and having lived for thousands of years, he can do many impossible things with his swords. He cut the bunker where Myerling and the eloping Daughter were in by finding an Infinitesimal Gap in the walls and thrusting his blade into it.
  • Fire Manipulation: D can manipulate fire with the help of his left hand and used it to heat a caltrop to cauterized Leila's wounds
  • Aura: D has an Eldritch Aura that not only intimidates his opponents but also strikes fear in their hearts
  • Energy Absorption: D's left hand can easily absorb energy beams and attacks
  • Non-Physical Interaction: D can attack beings who can turn into Shadows and blend with others' shadows
  • Speed: D can react to Light Speed attacks casually and even fight with opponents who could perform those feats

Novel 4: Tale Of The Dead Town

  • Feather Feet: Due to his Vampiric Physiology, D can move without exerting any pressure and was able to walk through quicksand without being affected to save Pluto
  • Fear Manipulation: D's Aura is capable of inducing fear into anyone including Humans and Vampires
  • Non-Physical Interaction: D can cut through Fog and prevent them from rejoining or reforming back as he was able to cut the lower part of the Vampire who could turn into fog.
  • Empathic Manipulation: D's Aura is also capable of changing the mood of an individual as it was able to make Lori's rage vanish.
  • Electricity Manipulation, High Tolerance to Pain, & Resistance to Electricity Manipulation: D is capable of manipulating and changing the flow of electricity that was running through his Body. Due to his Vampiric Physiology, D was unaffected and did not feel pain even when Hundred Thousand Volts of Electricity flowed through his body. D can fight off lightning strikes with his sword and is completely unaffected by the flow of a Hundred Thousand Volts of Electricity within his body.
  • Information Analysis: D's left hand is capable of Analyzing the information of anything it sees or touches.
  • Resistances to Memory Manipulation & Sleep Manipulation: D was unaffected by the Experimented Vampire's attempt to erase D's memories and make him fall asleep
  • Speed: D was stated to have been able to cut laser beams in two and could casually parry off 72 Pellets of Shotgun Ammo fired towards him with nothing but a tree branch

Novel 5: The Stuff Of Dreams

  • Passive Aura: D has a passive intimidating Aura that warns and scares anything that comes near him including the monsters created by the Nobilities
  • Agility: D is extremely agile and quick which let him leap from a bomb in a one-thousandth of a second before it's explosion
  • Absorption: Lefty or D's left hand can absorb Smoke, Fire, and even Dreams
  • Non-Physical Interaction: D can cut through beings made of Dreams as well as illusions easily
  • Information Analysis: D's left hand can analyze anything easily including Dreams even on an elementary particle level
  • Regeneration (Mid): D can reform/heal himself easily and quickly after getting his body ruptured from within by a large monstrous insect

  • Resistance to Poisons: D can easily inhale poisonous mists and survive without any issues
  • Resistance to Dream Manipulation: D was stated to be unable to be controlled in his or anyone else's dreams and D has even escaped from Dreams within a Dream
  • Strength: D is strong enough to easily and casually overwhelm multiple people at the same time who were wearing power suits that boosted their strength 500 times

Novel 6: Pilgrimage Of The Sacred And The Profane

  • Wind Manipulation: D can conjure ghastly unearthly winds that can threaten to kill people
  • Non-Physical Interaction: D can kill the will of a sentient Desert as well as having stated and demonstrated the ability to Cut, Kill, and Destroy Dreams and Illusions. Furthermore, D's Longsword and his Blood are the two major things that can affect Intangible abstracts like literal Dreams
  • Absorption: D's Left Hand or Lefty can absorb high-speed wind and sandstorm easily
  • Paralysis Inducement: D's Aura is capable of paralyzing hordes of Mutated beings on their tracks
  • Magic: D and his Left Hand or Lefty can perform magic that allowed them to isolate and summon the Will of the Sentient Desert which he later killed.
  • Resistance to Madness Manipulation: D very casually resisted a Psi attack that was so powerful that it could have driven an entire city's population mad in a millisecond
  • Resistance to Information Analysis: D is so powerful that the Sentient Desert, which can analyze other beings and use that data to recreate them as perfect copies, was unable to analyze D and said that he can't do that even if he tried
  • Resistance to Mindhax and Illusion Creation: D casually resisted a Psi illusionary attack from the sentient desert which can mindhax someone and create illusions that can be perceived as real and can have deadly results in the real world such as an illusion of falling endlessly can result in death of the individual in the real life.

Novel 7: Mysterious Journey To The North Sea: Part 1

  • Afterimage Creation: D can create Afterimages that can fool his opponents.
  • Information Analysis: D can analyze anything with his left hand AKA Lefty.
  • Absorption: D can absorb magical boundaries inside which the user has complete control over all aspects like Gravity, Life, Earth, Water, Plants, etc.
  • Transformation & Fear Inducement: D can transform into his full Vampire mode and in this form, he can even induce fear into Soulless and Mindless machines and robots.
  • Non-Physical Interaction: D can easily cut through Holographic Illusions which can attack physically.
  • Super Agility and Precision: D can climb down 100 miles of smooth walls upside down with over 100 lbs on his back by placing his fingers on the irregularities spanning for a fraction of an inch on the walls. D can also cut an individual's fingers that are holding his blade without even seemingly moving his blade.
  • AP: D can easily slice through Zeramium Steel which is so durable that even continuous exposure to Laser for an hour can only cut a fraction of an inch from it.

Novel 7: Mysterious Journey To The North Sea: Part 2

  • Technology Manipulation: D's pendent can Nullify/Disable an attack from the Ring of Baron Meinster which can produce a seven million-degree beam with an output equivalent to the energy of a Magnitude 8.0 Earthquake.
  • Transformation & Statistics Amplification: D can drink or even inhale the vapor of his own blood that turns him into a full Noble mode and boosts his stats.
  • Ice Manipulation: D's mere presence can turn the Air around him icy cold and Lefty was stated to be capable of freezing objects easily.
  • Darkness Manipulation: D can create a "True Darkness" around his vicinity which not even a single ray of sunlight can penetrate.
  • Fire Manipulation: Lefty is capable of easily making someone burn violently in chemical blue flames that turn them into ashes even before they can scream.
  • Blood Manipulation, Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, & 7), and Regeneration Negation (Upto at least High-Godly): D is capable of manipulating the blood flow of his opponent and has used it to negate the Immortality and Regen of a newly turned Noble Prof. Krolock and kill him easily. It is to be noted that Krolock could initially Regen/Heal from D's attack which negates Regen of even Greater Nobles
  • Wind Manipulation & Enhanced Senses: Lefty can absorb air with a speed at over 100 miles/hr and can sense the presence & location of any individual using this method.
  • Resistance to Fear and Madness Manipulation: D can resist and even shut down a deadly Aura from Baron Meinster that was capable of driving any individual insane with the Miasma being deadly even for the likes of Nobility.
  • Resistance to Ventriloquism: D can identify puppets masquerading as real people easily.
  • Resistance to Gravity Manipulation: D can easily and effortlessly move through 5 times normal gravity in his Vampire mode while even in base form, he can still fight at high speed at 10 times gravity amidst with some difficulty.
  • Resistance to Body Control and Mind Control: D can easily resist Professor Krolock's ability to control any individual's body and mind and make them do as per his orders.
  • Resistance to Magic, Illusion Creation, and Mind Control: Even when Samon can cast her Spell "Samon of Remembrance" to conjure an image of D's Mother and make him act like her, D could still lolnope it and kill Samon implying he can resist her spell.

Novel 8: The Rose Princess

  • Non-Physical Interaction: D can cut through Holograms that are a conglomeration of Electrons as well as fogs that have a Miasma of Death which kills any living being that comes in contact with it and can render them unable to reform back despite it being virtually impossible.
  • Healing: D can heal others who are in critical condition and can even heal himself despite being cut halfway through the neck.
  • Flight/Levitation: D can fly/levitate off the ground and remain in the air although he can do it for a brief period.
  • Poison Manipulation: D can weaponize his blood and can cause Greater Nobles like Diane Rose aka The Rose Princess to be poisoned and feel heavy pain when they drink his blood.
  • Resistance to Paralysis: D was engulfed in an Aura by the White Knight which can normally paralyze any individual. However, D was not only unaffected but proceeded to fight him head-on.
  • Resistance to Death Manipulation: D's Left Hand or Lefty can easily resist and absorb multiple Death Essences, beings who exist as Fogs covered by a Death Miasma that kills any living creature in contact with it.
  • Resistance to Electricity: D was shot with an electrical discharge capable of Ionizing the atmosphere with a power of 5 Million Volts. D casually tanked it.
  • Resistance to Curse Manipulation and Poison Manipulation: D was cursed by The Rose Princess who engraved four tattoos in his body thereby weakening him via poison to the point he couldn't move. However, D could still move after that effortlessly and proceeded to fight and kill both the White Knight and Her.

Novella: Dark Nocturne


Since the Novella is a collection of three short stories, the chapters would not be given for the feats but instead, the name of the story corresponding to the feat would be provided.

  • Agility and Stamina: D has shown to be very agile as he can freely walk over floating leaves in a pond. Moreover, D can swim underwater for 10 minutes in a single breath. While this can be deadly for vampires and dhampirs, for D it is not a problem.
  • Resistance to Fire Manipulation: D can easily tank flames that can easily melt iron.
  • Resistance to Blindness Inducement and Extreme Pain: D was attacked with an ability that leaves the opponent permanently blind and can cause pain so intense that even Vicious Beasts and Demons can go insane from it. Not only did D resist the pain, but he also recovered from the Blindness as evident in the next story where he is perfectly fine.
  • Resistance to Acid: D's clothing easily protects him from strong acid that corrodes everything away.
  • AP/DC, Durability, & Speed: In terms of Speed, D can casually catch arrows that were flying at such high speed which would have broken stones mid-air. In terms of AP/DC and Dura, D can easily slash through armored beasts that can tank small nuclear devices. Moreover, in the final story of the Novella, D was superior to someone who can absorb (and is essentially powered by) 50 Million Megawatts per hour energy output from an Underground Noble Nuclear Reactor straight up continuously for 2,000 years which yields Large Country Level power thereby showing D's progression in Power.

Novel 9: Pale Fallen Angel: Part 1 & 2

  • Enhanced Senses: D has special Dhampir sixth senses which allows him to see and hear even the most minute visions and sounds such as the buzzing of an insect the size of a molecule from a far away.
  • Non-Physical Interaction: D can cut through & kill beings who are made out of Water, Gas, and even "Nothingness".
  • Technology Manipulation: D can hack Nobility Supercomputers which are one of their greatest inventions and a testament to their intelligence.
  • Magical Cutting: D was faced with the opponent called Mario "The Puppeteer" who can telekinetically control puppets and attack his foes using them. However, when D pierced Mario's puppets, the attack not only affected the puppets but also affected the hands of Mario using which he controls puppets even though D did not attack Mario.
  • Resistance to Poison: D is unaffected by Miska's "Fog of Death" which is so poisonous, it can immobilize a noble for 3 days. D is also affected by beasts which can spew Toxic Gas.
  • Resistance to Physics Manipulation: Against his fight with Johanne, D's blade was rendered useless to the point it could not cut anymore. However, D still used that blade to cut magic-infused being where the Narration states that D can surpass Physical Phenomenon. This is not hyperbole as i) it comes from Narration, and ii) D has comparable feats which are even impossible for Greater Nobles.
  • Resistance to Hypnotism and Sleep Inducement: D was completely unaffected by Water Harp which can hypnotize its victims and lure them to it. D was also unaffected by Water Drop induced Lullaby from the Dark Water Warriors.
  • Resistance to Illusion Creation and Mind Manipulation: Against his fight with Johanne, D not only ignored a Psychological attack that even killed his Cyborg Horse, but he can also see through Illusions cast by the Magician which was so effective that it bordered on Sorcery.
  • Resistance to Water Manipulation and Matter Manipulation: D's whole physiology was changed into Water by a being called "Kenlark" which can not only turn its surrounding environment into Water but can also manipulate it. D was not only able to fully retain his original form and was unaffected by Kenlark's manipulation, but he was able to return into his original physiology later on albeit with the help of Lefty.
  • Resistance to Acid Manipulation: D can resist the adhesive and dissolving properties of a Genetically Engineered Giant Spider's strings.
  • Resistance to Willpower Manipulation: D was able to resist the effects of Yoputz's magic spell that weakened Miska and robbed her all of her will. Although he was seemingly struggling to stand up, however, a few moments later when Baron Byron Balazs revealed it was all an act, D effortlessly stood up and even killed Yoputz.
  • Strength: D displayed the strength to effortlessly and single-handedly push the main door to Talos Arsenal which was made from Liquid Metal and weighed in at 50,000 tons.
  • Speed: Baron Byron Balazs can shoot streaks of white light which was shown quite a few times in the Novel and D can react to it very casually implying D is Light Speed at the very least.

Novel 9: Pale Fallen Angel: Part 3 & 4


  • Biological Manipulation and Body Control: Lefty has the ability to control the metabolic activities of any individual it touches and can put them in a state of Hibernation.
  • Absorption and Resistance to Electricity: D is not only able to resist over 100 billion volts of electricity but is also capable of absorbing it with the help of Lefty. Moreover, Lefty has the ability to gobble up flames.
  • Dimensional Rifts: D can create Dimensional Rifts or cuts in Space-Time since he did that to connect Vlad's Manor with that of Fisher Lagoon's safehouse basement where Hugh, May, Miska, and The Guide were present.
  • Resistance to Magic and Soul Manipulation: Zanus, an assassin of Lord Vlad, used his magic to cast a spell on D that resembled Voodoo magic where individuals were controlled by Magician using doll having the soul of the victim which would have allowed him to transfer D's soul into his doll so that he can control him. D not only resisted his ability but also proceeded to kill him.
  • Resistance to Physics Manipulation: D can perform impossible actions which defy the immutable laws of Physics. This is consistent with the feat performed in Part 2 where it was stated that D has the ability to surpass physical phenomenon.
  • Resistance to Mind Manipulation and Hypnotism: D can resist the effects of De Carriole's eyes which can brainwash and hypnotize his victims including Nobles.
  • AP/DC & Dura: Pale Fallen Angel boosts up the entire verse in terms of Raw Power to At least Universe Level. The Big Bang Accelerator has the ability to output energy equivalent to that of the Big Bang which created the Universe. The Destroyer or rather half of the Destroyer AKA Vince possessed by the Destroyer is more powerful than the Big Bang Accelerator by tanking and negating its energy blast with its Aura. Lord Vlad Balazs is powerful enough to slay Vince possessed by the Destroyer while he remarked that D's Aura itself is more intense than the Destroyer. The Guide, an extradimensional entity is also stated to be powerful enough to make the other half of the Destroyer AKA Miska possessed by the Destroyer powerless against him. The Guide is also equal in power to Lord Vlad Balazs as they could fuse together which would have been impossible if they were not equal in terms of Psych and Power. Lefty states that Nobles fused with the Guide can be 5x more powerful than before and even then, an awakened Baron Byron Balazs was able to slay the original Guide infused Lord Vlad Balazs. Moreover, D not only killed the Doppelganger to Guide infused Lord Vlad Balazs who is equal to the original one, but he also killed Baron Byron Balazs.

As such, the scaling is D > Baron Byron Balazs > Guide infused Lord Vlad Balazs >>> The Guide = Lord Vlad Balazs >= Full Power Destroyer > Miska/Vince possessed by the Destroyer > Big Bang Accelerator = At least Universal.

  • Speed: In terms of Speed, the verse hits FTL with the Big Bang Accelerator capable of outputting at FTL speeds. Based on the scaling, D, Baron Byron Balazs, and the Guide infused Lord Vlad Balazs would be At least FTL while the rest would be FTL.

Novel 10: Twin-Shadowed Knights: Part 1 & 2

  • Memory Manipulation: Lefty has the ability to make anyone view all of their memories no matter how deep or forgotten they are.
  • Electricity Manipulation: Lefty has the ability to electrocute anyone by discharging electric currents.
  • Spatial Manipulation: Lefty has the ability to stabilize distorted space.
  • Regeneration (Mid): Twin D, who is D's equal in terms of stats, haxes, and resistances, was pierced/impaled by Yuma's Hair which went through his head but he was able to heal/regen from it as evident throughout the story.
  • Molecular Manipulation: Twin D was able to alter the molecular structure of a solid wall and turned it into an Intangible Wall.
  • Limited Causality Manipulation & Status Effect Inducement: D has the ability to cut someone without even leaving any cut marks or drop of blood which makes them fall into a death-like state where their heartbeat, pulse,etc are all stopped. He can also reverse it by making a cut in the reverse direction.
  • Non-Physical Interaction & Energy Absorption: Twin D can easily cut through Magical Illusionary Apparitions made by Mia and a Full Vampire Mode D was also able to cut through and destroy Menda's Black Abstract Heart which was not only created by the Sacred Ancestor, but was made from the same material as Dreams and being linked directly to her Soul rendering her unable to pass on to the afterlife even after her death. Moreover, in the "Astral Plane" D can also cut a Metaphysical Gate of Infinite Thickness which was made from a part of the Will/Mental Defense of the Sacred Ancestor while at the same time absorbing and channeling all the energy of the Astral Plane by merely concentrating. D used that power to absorb the energy and cut open the gate in the Astral Plane.
  • Resurrection: D can resurrect himself on his own without Lefty's help even if he is impaled through the heart although this requires him to taste/absorb Blood.
  • Willpower Manipulation: D can imagine and create a sword made of his will which can cut through non-physical objects while his sword itself is non-physical.
  • Resistance to Plasma Generation/Extreme Heat: D was covered with plasma while trying to cover the Atomic Charge which exploded point blank range. He was still completely fine after that.
  • Resistance to Existence Erasure and Anti-Matter: D was able to waltz through an Anti-Matter Barrier that can erase anything from Existence and furthermore, the barrier was powered by the Perpetual Motion Energy Supply of the system which generated an endless supply of energy.
  • AP/DC, Dura, Speed: D is capable of easily fighting and killing dozens of his clones who were made with the data from D and Fake D and having the same stats and abilities as them. Moreover, as stated above, D can channel the entire energy from the Astral Realm which is a different reality that is big enough to house an Infinite Sized Wall. Furthermore, D did that feat in his Astral form by mere concentration and as such, his AP would be Universe+ while in his full vampire form he should be statistically boosted heavily to an unknown extent. In terms of Speed, D was able to display Light Speed movements which is consistent with his Light Speed feats.
  • Stamina: D as well as Twin D were stated by the narrator to likely have a Source from where they can draw almost Infinite energy from.

Novel 11: Dark Road: Part 1 & 2

  • Animal Manipulation: D can control animals as shown when he touched the reins of the Cybrog Horses carrying the Transporters' wagon which not only brought a sudden change over them, but it also boosted their speed that drew cries of Amazement from the Transporters.
  • Reality Warping: Madame Laurencin warped the garden of General Gaskell into a scenario filled with blood and corpses which was not an illusion as D can even smell the stench of the blood and corpses. However, D warped the scenario back to the previous state where the Garden was normal.
  • Regeneration Negation (Upto High): Even regular blade strikes and thrusts were able to completely negate the Regeneration of both General Gaskell and Roland, Duke of Xenon who were of Greater Nobilities.
  • Spatial Manipulation: D's blade strikes can close Portals in Space caused by the Space-Eater which can devour itself causing a rip in Space that sucks anything sending them at the depths of Space and Time.
  • Resistance to Sound Manipulation: D was able to resist a sound from a defense mechanism which can stop the heart and blood befouled of the nobles as well as stopping machines completely.
  • Resistance to Physics Manipulation: D is able to cut through Roland's Duproneum Suit which even the Laws of Physics dictate impossible to cut through.
  • Strength: D is strong enough to throw his blade at least thousands of miles instantly with pinpoint accuracy and he was able to push back a bloodlusted General Gaskell with one hand casually while being completely blind.

Novel 11: Dark Road: Part 3


  • Life Manipulation: D can channel the Life-Force of his Left Hand and resurrect beings who are dead or slain by him.
  • Spatial Manipulation: In his full Vampire Mode, D's sword slash can cut through and destroy an endless maze of space which keeps target seemingly in the same spot even if they were moving forward.
  • Resistance to Poison Manipulation and Matter Transmutation: One of the most well-known feats of D, D was poisoned by Dr. Gretchen so badly that it started her "Daybreak Effect" which transmutes anyone, including greater Nobles, into a mini sun effectively killing them. D was turned into a sun but returned back into his original form through sheer willpower while also recovering from the effects of Dr. Gretchen's poison. Two things are to be noted here that firstly, D did this feat while being completely blind and without his left hand as it was revealed later that he lent Lefty to aid the Transporters and secondly, D is over 10,000 years old as he remembers this same attack of her being used on a certain Greater Noble 10,000 years ago.
  • Resurrection Negation and Resistance to Power Null & Power Mimicry: Lord Rocambole had the ability to nullify powers coming in contact with him as well as copying them in addition to having 3 lives so that he would not die even if he is killed the first time. Not only did he fail to nullify or mimic the powers of D, but he also died and unable to resurrect when D bisected him at the end of their fight. It is to be noted that while Rocambole was able to nullify D's aura and even copy his fighting style, however, while fighting D, neither was he able to nullify D's abilities, nor could he copy his abilities or resistances.
  • Miscellaneous/Complete Arsenal: It's stated by Lefty that since D is the son of the Sacred Ancestor (And a special one at that), he can use any power and ability that the Nobility has and can do anything that they are capable of doing.

Novel 12: Tyrant's Star: Part 1 & 2


  • Regeneration (Low-High): D was drowned in a Super Dissolving Enzyme by Sigma which turned him into a puddle of fluids. However, he was able to reform himself back instantly.
  • Survival in Space & Ice Manipulation: D is able to survive and fight in the Stratosphere when he along with Mia was BFR'd to there by Speeny. D can even safely survive atmospheric entry as well as temperature 60 degrees below 0.
  • Non-Corporeality: Lefty can exist as a disembodied Non-Corporeal being while trying to interact with the Sigma possessed control center of Sacred Ancestor's Fort.
  • Resistance to Gravity Manipulation: D along with Duchess Miranda and Count Braujou were trapped inside an enclosed space whose gravity was equivalent to that of a Black Hole and it was becoming a Black Hole absorbing Light and Electromagnetic waves. However, not only D and his gang were able to survive the Black Hole, but he also also stabbed and collapsed the black hole.
  • Resistance to Sealing: D was sealed in a 4D Extradimensional Space by Sigma and he was able to break out of it courtesy of Lefty.
  • Resistance to Precognition/Analytical Prediction: Sigma hypnotized 5025 possible outcomes of the simulation D was placed in and D outdid all of that by taking an action beyond the possibilities calculated.
  • Resistance to Possession: D allowed Sigma to possess him but once Sigma entered D's body, it was isolated and destroyed by D's mere Will.
  • Speed: D is able to hack Sacred Ancestor's Computer which were sending Trillions of Signals each at FTL speed and even analysed all of it.

Novel 12: Tyrant's Star: Part 3 & 4


  • Non-Physical Interaction: Lefty as well as D are both capable of destroying ghosts with mere physical attacks despite the ghosts being impervious to physical attacks.
  • Enhanced Senses: D was trapped in King Minotaur's Labyrinth which is a maze governed by something other than 4D and whose reality is warped. D was able to find the exit of the maze easily despite the fact that it is nearly impossible to find the exist without the ball of string.
  • Spatial Manipulation & Portal Creation: D was BFR'd by the Sacred Ancestor from King Minotaur's Labyrinth into outer space and in order to survive the fall, D is able to cut through Space itself in his Full Vampire Mode which mimicked Glencalibur's ability.
  • Energy Absorption & Limited Causality Manipulation: Lefty is able to absorb Anti-Protons from the energy reactor of Valcua which generates the purest form of energy in the world by making Protons and Anti-Protons contact each other. D can cut open anything with a stab and can even close the cut by stabbing in the cut.
  • Regeneration (Mid-Godly): D was cut by Glencalibur which was stated by Valcua to Negate Regen of even the Nobles no matter how powerful they are and also stated by Valcua Two that the skill is par with D's ability to cut the Fount of Life. D was unable to heal himself initially despite being able to heal himself from wounds that negate Nobility regeneration even in Volume 1. However, with the help of Lefty using the four essential elements Earth, Water, Air, & Fire, he was able to heal the wound.
  • Regeneration Negation (Upto High-Godly) & Conceptual Attack (Type 4): D is able to cut through the Fount of Life itself which is more vital than the Soul and no one can heal from and neither can any God or Demon able to help heal the wound. Moreover, it's very likely that this ability of D allows him to hit and kill/destroy anything including non-corporeals, nothingness, abstracts, etc.
  • Energy Absorption & Resistance to Extreme Heat: Lefty can easily swallow Valcua's Particle Cannon Beam which has a heat output of Hundred Million Degree celsius. Both D and Lefty were unaffected by it too.
  • Resistances to Illusion Creation and Biological & Disease Manipulation: While trapped in King Minos's Labyrinth, D was able to kill beings with the power to come back with stronger armor after being cut down, beasts who cast illusions, and Flesh-Eating Viruses that attack and devour on a Genetic Level.
  • Resistance to Energy and Blood Absorption: D is able to resist the effects of Valcua's Succubus Squad while being unconscious with the squad being able to enter the body of their target and drain them completely of their blood and seed thereby killing them.
  • Resistance to Corruption/Soul Contamination: Valcua's life force is capable of contaminating and corrupting beings as well as non-living things like Soil and Air on a Spiritual level. This happened when he clashed with the Sacred Ancestor aka the entire force of Nobility during the Rebel War. However, when he fought against D in the novel, he was unable to contaminate or corrupt him on a spiritual level.
  • Base AP/DC, Dura, & Speed: In terms of Speed, base D is fast enough to react to Valcua's Particle Beam attack from Mars instantaneously which yields 182x SoL as per this calc.

He is also fast enough to cut Kima under a Nanosecond before Kima could warp away. In terms of AP/DC and Dura, Base D is stronger than a trained Valcua who was vastly stronger than beginning of the novel Valcua who is vastly more powerful than the combined force of his seven assasins/underlings/retainers since he was able to kill all of them once easily and resurrected them again where each of them are powerful enough to kill several nobles and go toe to toe against Count Braujou and Duchess Miranda. Furthermore, even one of them called Speeny was able to curbstomp General Gaskell badly who in Novel 12/Volume 15 was somewhat comparable to D and was stated to be the most powerful foe of D in that volume making him powerful than Twin D. Therefore, in terms of scaling, the representation is something like this:-

Base D > Valcua Post-Training >> Valcua Pre-Training >>>> His Underlings >>> Speeny >> General Gaskell > Twin D >>> Baron Byron Balazs > Vlad+Guide >>> Guide/Vlad > FP Destroyer > Miska/Vince Destroyer > Big Bang Accelerator = At least Universe

Moreover, Full Vampire Mode D has Infinite Speed due to being able to cross infinite distance and kill Matthew. However, the biggest jump in power in the series is due to the Akashic Records.

  • Akashic Records Usage+Resistance & Acausality (Type 2 & 4): D is able to control the Akashic Records at will which gives him a plethora of abilities explained in his page. Moreover, D is completely missing from the Records which gives him Acausality and makes him completely immune to it's effects as shown multiple times in the stoy. Usage of Akashic Records gives the user control over all of Creation in the VHDverse and even likely Immeasurable Speed. However, only three individuals are able to properly control and use the Akashic Records to it's full extent are who are Valcua, D, and Sacred Ancestor. Furhermore, very few people have been able to read Akashic Records but only a handful (Valcua fused with Valcua Two, D, and Sacred Ancestor) have been able to interact with them due to the fact that the Ether can erase anything it touches on a conceptual as well as higher dimensional level such as in the case of Kima as well as that of the History and Space-Time of the Universe. Yet, Valcua fused with Valcua Two, D, and Sacred Ancestor were unaffected by the ether displaying their resistances to the Akashic Records' void hax.

Novel 13: Fortress Of The Elder God


  • Limited Causality Manipulation: D was faced with the door of the God's Fortress which disperses any amount of force applied to it and spirals it out as if no force was ever applied. Lefty remarks even if the door is made of tissue, it would not budge since no matter what, the energy would be spiralled out. Lefty then absorbs all four essential elements and once D uses Lefty to push the door, it bypassess the mechanic and opens it up. However, this is limited since Lefty has to consume all 4 elements (Earth, Water, Fire, and Air) in order to perform it.
  • Power Mimicry & Attack Reflection: D was faced with a doppleganger in the Fortress who could redirect the damage done to him by D to the latter. However, D copied his ability to reflect the damage from the attacks and sent it back to him when the doppleganger tried to attack D. Furthermore, in the next chapter, D used the same ability against a bunch of sentries in the fortress with the narrator supporting the fact that D indeed copied the ability used on him by the doppleganger only to use it against the sentries.
  • Absorption & Dimensional Travel: Lefty is able to absorb a reality warped space done by the Elder God and helped D escape the dimension by travelling back into the fortress. Lefty can also absorb a Nobility Forcefield which is powered by the Cosmic Power that is capable of moving the Milky Way and only the Sacred Ancestor is able to destroy it.
  • Death Manipulation & Existence Erasure: D was able to one shot the Elder God with his sword strike whom even the Sacred Ancestor failed to kill despite stalemating for a year. It is implied that D's attack killed and erased the god since it was stated that not only did the God die, but he also disappeared. It is very likely due to D's ability to cut the Fount of Life. Although it has to be noted that the Elder God was sealed by the Sacred Ancestor and was vastly weakened on top of the god literally allowing D to kill it without doing anything to him. As such, D does not scale to the speed nor the true power of the God as of Volume 18.
  • Resistance to Fear Inducement: Toto's essence was able to induce fear within every survivor of the Skybus which caused two people to faint and Bierce to get scared but D was unaffected by it.

Novel 14: Mercenary Road

  • Vocal Mimicry: Lefty can impersonate two or more sounds accurately at the same time.
  • Fear Manipulation: D can attack with his "Killing Lust" that can induce fear within his victims. He can even imbue his "Killing Lust" in long range weapons like his needles so that when he throws his needles, it'll scare the crap out of any individual no matter how stealthy they are.
  • Fog Absorption, Perception Manipulation & Magic: Lefty can absorb magical fogs called "Fog of Misdirection" and can use them in battles which can cover D can hamper the sense of direction of anyone caught in it. This even works with non-living weapons such as darts which were caught in the fog but got their sense of direction hampered causing them to drop on the ground instantly.
  • Fire Absorption: Lefty can easily tank and swallow thousands of degrees of flame.
  • Life Force Absorption: Lefty can easily absorb an attack from Grand Duke Dorleac which is made up from the life force of thousands of lives.
  • Non-Physical Interaction: D can parry off Metaphysical attacks with his sword such as Zenon's literal deadly intent attack which isn't a physical attack and can shatter even the strongest forged sword.
  • Resistance to Corruption & Mind Manipulation: D can easily shrug off the effects of Rancor's mind manip which can corrupt anyone and control their mind into joining it.
  • AP: D can heavily wound and weaken Grand Duke Dorleac who was powered by the Sacred Ancestor.

Novel 15: Scenes From An Unholy War


  • Enhanced Senses: Lefty has senses so enhanced that he can instantly analyze a room for the presence of any electronic, demonic, or paranormal traps.
  • Sword Skills: D, while extremely weakened, half-dead, and bedridden due to Sunlight Syndrome, was still able to cut down hundreds of bats in his room with a single hand.
  • Spatial Manipulation: Lefty can swallow up distorted space from his surroundings that can affect both living and non-living things.
  • Stealth Mastery: D is stated to be so stealthy, that he can stand in front of an individual in a dark night and the individual would not even know it.
  • Regeneration: Lefty was bisected by Toma but still regenerated himself albeit it took him a day.
  • Regeneration and Immortality Negation (Upto High-Godly and Types 1, 2, 3, & 7), Resistance to Absorption: D was attacked by 4 Pseudo-Nobles who possessed power comparable to that of him given by the Sacred Ancestor. They fused and absorbed D and defused again but a few moments later D was able to erupt from their body/head killing 3 of them while outright killing the fourth one with his sword strike who was shown to resist D's regeneration negating sword attack and regenerate himself.
  • Resurrection, Darkness Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Resistance Negation, & Resistance to Power Mimicry: When D fought Toma for the first time, Toma was resistant to Death hax and was unaffected by a heavily weakened and poisoned D's sword attack which negates regen and kills anyone. Toma was able to kill D but D resurrected without his left hand in a day. In the second round, D was able to bypass the resistances of Toma and left him for dead until the Sacred Ancestor arrived and resurrected everyone while granting them power beyond that of Nobility making him stronger than the current D. In the 3rd and final round, D was unable to bypass the resistances of Toma and was killed by him when the latter caught him off-guard via Light of Creation. However, D resurrected a few seconds later generating darkness that was much darker than Toma's Night and killed him by bypassing his resistances, regeneration, and immortality. It is to be noted that while Toma had the ability to copy abilities just by seeing such as in the case of Lyra where he copied her ability to attack using strings, however, he was unable to copy any of D's abilities displayed during his final fight with D.

Novel 16: Record Of The Blood Battle

  • Spatial Manipulation: D was trapped in a Nobility Maze/Labyrinth which can distort space and create new regions to throw foes off guard or confuse them. Lefty was able to suck up this manipulated space easily.
  • Regeneration Negation: D is able to negate the regeneration of a Sorcerer Machine Man which could regen its threads and wires, therefore, proving that D can severe Regen in machines too.
  • Energy Absorption: Lefty is able to absorb Thermal Energy/Infrared Rays casually.
  • Non-Physical Interaction, Empathic Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Resistance Negation, Reactive Evolution Negation, Regeneration Negation (High-Godly) and Death Manipulation: D was faced with the Darkness, a non-corporeal machine of Darkness itself created by Alpulup Macula 5,000 years ago which repaired/evolved and adapted heavily. When D first faced it, he was able to affect it with his Earthly Beauty and Eldritch Aura and even slice it up. But it evolved, healed, and fought D instantly displaying that it gained resistances to D's abilities. Even D commented that he cannot kill it. However, during their second and final confrontation, D is able to not only induce fear within it, but also kill it indicating that D not only negated it's regeneration and instantly killed him, but he also negated it's resistances and reactive evolution.
  • Rubber Physiology Negation: D faced an individual called Tong who has a rubbery elastic body that can even protect himself from sharp objects including D's blade thrusts. Later, after getting amped by the Sacred Ancestor in the later part of the novel, he fought D and D was finally able to pierce and kill Tong by thrusting a rib that the former broke from his own body.

Novel 17: White Devil Mountain


  • Perpetual Power Growth: D's powers were stated to grow continuously day after day at such a tremendous exponential rate that while the D today might be equal to the power of Duke Gilzen from 10,000 years ago, tomorrow that may not be the case and D might likely be something greater than the Duke Gilzen of tomorrow. In terms of AP, this puts D tremendously above every other Nobles from before.
  • Flight: D can use his coat's capes as wings to fly and glide through the air.
  • Information Analysis: Lefty is able to analyse any environment using his "Analogical Inference" where he scans the data and information available and gives an accurate evaluation of the situation to D.
  • Enhanced Senses: D can sense the killing lust inside anyone no matter how much they try to conceal it from him such as in the case of Jeanne who harboured killing lust towards D but tried to hide it.
  • Status Effect Inducement: Lefty is able to make even Pseudo-Nobles unconscious near instantly just by touching their necks such as in the case of Lilia.
  • Blood Manipulation: D is able to suck a little bit of blood from anyone while allowing lefty to produce a limitless supply of it to expel for offensive purposes such as when D gave Lilia the Kiss of Nobility and by sucking up her blood, he was able to magically multiply it allowing lefty to expel it and extinguish the fire.
  • Fear Manipulation, Non-Physical Interaction and Possibly Void Manipulation, Negations of Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, & 11), Regeneration (Upto at least Mid-Godly), Resurrection, Reactive Evolution, Adaptation, and Resistances (including resistances to Fear Manipulation, Regeneration Negation {At least High-Godly}, Conceptual Attacks, Death Manipulation, and Resistance Negation) via Miracle Bloodlight: When Gilzen fought D, he was completely resistant to his passive haxes of empathic and fear manip as well as D's regen negging and death-inducing sword attacks. However, with the help of Budges, D was able to negate the resistances to death manip and regen negation of Gilzen and killed him by cutting off his head. However, when Gilzen came back again, he was able to evolve himself into something even more menacing and powerful than before but now developing resistances to D's resistance negation hax. However, D finally used his trump card aka Miracle Bloodlight which not only negated all the resistances and reactive abilities of Gilzen, but also his resurrection, immortality, and regeneration as well as Gilzen's newly developed resistance to resistance negation which allowed D to stab Gilzen in the heart and kill him. Furthermore, D's Miracle Bloodlight is also able to make Budges feel like his bodiless formless body was being torn apart despite the fact that Budges is an entity who has no body and form and visibility and is likely heavily non-existent due to not being able to get cut by D's sword attacks which can cut through anything including non-corporeals, souls, spirits, dreams, abstracts, nothingness, etc.
  • Resistance to Illusion Creation: D is able to resist the illusionary effects of the Illusion Beast with the help of Lefty.
  • Resistance to Absolute Zero: D was able to casually exist and move in a room with a temperature of 458 degrees below zero which is extremely close to Absolute Zero and as such, it is safe to say he can easily resist Absolute Zero which is 460 degrees below zero.
  • Resistance to Telekinesis: Budges, a powerful psychic user, failed to stop/hold D's sword throw when the latter threw the sword to attack the Anti-Energy reactor.
  • Resistance to Poison: D was affected by Gilzen's ancient poison which is potent enough to bypass the hunter's resistances to poisons and could kill anyone in a day or two. Yet D quickly recovered in later part of the novel without showing any sympotoms of the poison.
  • Resistance to Forcefield and Gravity Manipulation: D was locked inside an alien forcefield cum gravity field of Duke Gilzen which was stated to exert an extremely high level of gravitational force to make anyone collapse and shrink small enough to fit through the Dirac Sea i.e. it was stated to be capable of making someone gain infinitely negative mass occupying an infinitely small volume.
  • Resistance to Regeneration Negation (At least High-Godly): D was cut by Duke Gilzen's attacks which initially negged the Hunter's regenerative capabilities. D also had his left arm severed at the elbow by Gilzen and when he tried to join it, it would not join. However, D stated that it would take a day or a week or even a month for it to join implying that he can heal from Gilzen's attacks.

Novel 18: Iriya The Berserker

  • Presence Concealment: D has the ability to erase all the traces of even his ordinary presence once any hostile situation ends and was stated to resemble a beautiful nothingness made solid.
  • Enhanced Senses: D's senses are so keen, he is able to sense formless entities and their activities meters away while not even Lefty is able to sense it.
  • Shapeshifting: D is able to shapeshift into anyone due to the fact that he is Half Noble himself.
  • Spatial Manipulation: D is able to cut through Count Langlan's Spatial Fold device which can create a looped space that not even a nuclear weapon is able to destroy. Although it took Lefty to absorb both Earth and Water for D to accomplish that feat.
  • Body Control: Lefty is able to temporarily cause a deceased person to start talking when he touches them. Although it is to be noted that it the deceased person should have died recently as in a few minutes ago for Lefty to perform this feat.
  • Dream Manipulation: Lefty is able to show Iriya dreams of her family coming to take her away while she was on her deathbed.
  • Non-Physical Interaction, Death Manipulation, Conceptual Attack, Existence Erasure, Resistance Negation, Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, & 7), Regeneration Negation (At least High-Godly), Reactive Evolution Negation, & Resurrection Negation: When D initially fought Viscount Kraken, he was able to kill Kraken, a Noble who discarded his Noble body to become one with water. D was able to cut his Fount of Life which seemingly erased him and turned his watery body into regular water. However, when Kraken resurrected and came back again in his watery form for the second round, he was completely unharmed by Langlan's attack and by D's attack to his chest due to his evolved form. D was captured by him but once D went Full Vampire Mode and cut him easily, Kraken was defeated and his watery form dissolved indicating that D not only erased him for good by cutting his Fount of Life, but also negged his Immortality, Regen, Resurrection, Resistances and ability to evolve which is consistent with how D took down Toma and Gilzen in the previous novels. It is to be noted that Kraken was trained by the Sacred Ancestor and said that none could slay him except for those who come from the same bloodline as that of the Sacred Ancestor implying that D's mystic skills were able to kill him instead of any regular skills.
  • Non-Physical Interaction, Duplication Negation, and Resistance to Mind Manipulation: D is able to attack and destroy the souls/spirits of "Those Who Wait" while being unaffected by their screams and chants which near instantly mind controlled Iriya. It is to be noted that the Souls were erased when D cut them which is very likely due to his ability to cut the Fount of Life. D was also able to cut and erase the Prismatic Fog duplicates of Albidozen which were unable to return back to normal further proving D's ability to cut through the Fount of Life.
  • Mind Manipulation & Resistance to Poison: D was poisoned during his scuffle with the formless being but he was able to recover naturally and quickly as evident in the novel. Furthermore, Lefty is able to help nullify a mind controlled person.
  • Resistance to Acid: D is able to survive covered in the body fluid/stomach acid of the formless being which can easily eat and dissolve hundreds of people as well as Cyborg horses instantly.

Novel 19: Throng Of Heretics


  • Aura Imbuing: D can imbue any object with his Aura to avoid getting detected
  • Conceptual Attack & Regeneration Negation (High-Godly): D's attacks are once again shown to cut through the Fount of Life when he cut Xeno Gorshin and the latter's wounds didn't heal despite having the blood of Grand Duke Drago who could heal himself from D's cuts. Gorshin stated that being cut by D's attack makes him feel like his Source of Life was cut aka implying that his Fount of Life was cut.
  • Poison Manipulation & Corrosion Inducement: Lefty is able to develop an extremely corrosive poison within his body that was able to burn and corrode the face of Xeno Gorshin and was stated to not heal for a few days.
  • Regeneration (At least High-Godly) and Resistances to Curse Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, and Regeneration Negation (At least High-Godly): When D faced Grand Duke Drago, he was cut by the Magic Sword, Blue Blood. The Blue Blood is stated to be a sword instilled with the souls of the failed and slain experiments and created by the Sacred Ancestor. When touched or hit by Blueblood, the opponent is cursed by the wrath and hatred of the trapped souls which drains life and blood from every single pore of the opponent until they die. Moreover, wounds don't even heal when cut by Blue Blood as D, who can heal himself even after getting his Fount of Life severed, was unable to close his wounds initially. However, he was able to resist the effects eventually, recovered and closed his wounds despite lacking his left hand or lefty.
  • Resistance to Poison Manipulation: An extremely weakened D was poisoned by the Blood Beads of Xeno Gorshin which was stated to dissolve innards and flesh. However, later he was able recover from the poison without even the aid of Lefty.
  • Resistance to Fire Manipulation: D was hit by Barry Dawn's Flare Soldier which is a flaming sword that attacks it's opponents with a hundred thousands degree flame. D was attacked by it from behind but yet he was able to resist it.
  • Resistance to Mind Reading: The Confessor, a Hunter who has the power to read the secrets of his opponents just by looking at them was unable to read D at all.
  • Resistance to Power Absorption, Power Mimicry, and Energy Absorption: D fought against Xeno Gillian who has the ability to drain as well as copy the powers and special abilities of his opponents with just a touch as seen when he drained the abilities of Blue Blood and Grand Duke Drago in their fight and even copied Quake Resden's Ultra-Intense Vibration ability even though the latter still possessed it even after getting turned into Gillian's Servant. He can likely absorb energy too as shown when he absorbed Drago's energy to somewhat match him in combat despite the latter being stronger and more powerful than Gillian. However, when Gillian tried to copy and steal the powers and energy of D, he utterly failed and was overwhelmed. Not only that but he couldn't even display any of the abilities of D implying that he failed to copy and steal the powers, abilities, and energy of the Vampire Hunter.

Novel 20: Undead Island


  • Regeneration Negation: D's attacks are able to negate the Regen of Greater Nobles such as in the case of Lord Danae and Baron Gildea.
  • Resurrection (For Lefty): Lefty died when it tasted Duke Dandorian's blood which is so poisonous, it bypassed Lefty's resistances to poison and killed him as confirmed by the Narrator himself. However, he resurrected soon after a few hours.
  • Enhanced Senses, Teleportation, Resistances to Void Manipulation & Sealing: An impressive feat of D, D was BFR'd into the "Nothingness", a realm of pure Void/Nothingness where not even any Mathematical Construct can exist and which can erase anything and anyone. The realm was stated to be so dangerous that not even a Noble amongst Nobles can escape. Ofc, not only D was able to survive being inside it, but he also escaped it easily. It is to be noted that D and Lefty can both sense the "Nothingness/Void". Furthermore, the realm of Void was stated to not have any Mathematical Construct meaning it's not bound by Laws or Universal Structure if Mathematical Construct refers to Mathematical Structure as well as the Physical Reality. As such, it can be assumed that it's a realm of Non-existence that exists on the flip side of Reality i.e. the Multiverse.
  • Resistance to Life Manipulation & Willpower Manipulation: D was able to resist the White Fog of Undead Island that renders everything in the world blind and powerless as it drains them of both life and will.

Novel 21: Bedeviled Stagecoach


  • Enhanced Senses: D has been stated to have at least Seven Senses which allows him to see the invisible, detect the odorless, hear the silent, and know if it's Reality or a Dream that he's in.
  • Resurrection: D killed his Doppleganger which resulted him in dying due to the curse mechanic associated with Doppleganger. Only the blood of the Sacred Ancestor was stated to be able to revive someone from the death curse of Doppleganger and D, being the Son of the Sacred Ancestor, was able to revive himself back in a few mins.
  • Non-Existent Physiology (Type 1), Nigh-Limitless Stamina, Resurrection, and Resistance to BFR, Time Stop/Manipulation: When D reached the Hidden Graveyard of the Sinistre Clan, he touched the Gateway which resulted in him dying due to energy overload while his Soul was able to move into the Realm beyond the gateway which is a world that's tremendously vast having no Length, Breadth, Height and Time/Flow of Time. D existed as a Soul in the realm and was stated to simultaneously exist as well as doesn't exist. D spent a few hundred million years searching for the coffins of Sinistre's son and daughters and once he made contact with them, Lefty's connection to the Real World bought them back and D revived. It was also stated that while the journey took place for few hundred million years, in the Real World it took only a few seconds which attributes to D dying and his soul moving to the Spaceless and Timeless realm and returning back implying 0 time passed for the actual few hundred million years journey. One thing to be noted is that since Sacred Ancestor is also an entity with Non-existent physiology, it's very likely that his Son, D, has it too albeit it being applicable to his soul only.
  • Dimensional Travel, Reality Warping, Resistance to Dream Manipulation, Reality Warping, and Law Manipulation: Duke Sinistre launched his final retrieval unit named LUI who is a being that lives in the dream world and has complete control over it's laws. The dream world was stated to be a Universe sized realm with the laws and rules made by LUI and has nearly infinite energy which allows LUI to bring the effect into reality and vice versa i.e. LUI can turn Reality into Dreams and Dreams into Reality. Multiple times LUI was able to possess Dorleac and tried to attack D by trapping him and others into Dreams but it failed due to the fact that D is the only individual who doesn't fall under the powers of the dreams and it's laws. D is also stated to be remain tethered to reality and can move freely between the real world and dream world while being himself. Moreover, D is also stated to be an individual who can turn back the Dream World into Reality or into his own World.

Novel 22: Nightmare Village


  • Forcefield: Lefty can erect a Forcefield which can protect D from external threats.
  • Empathic Manipulation: While shown in all the novels, this novel gives a better understanding of D's Unearthly Beauty. Even when D is unconscious due to Sunlight Syndrome and Rain, his face is so beautiful that it makes a Hunter forget all about his injury and bleeding.
  • Healing and Pain Manipulation: Lefty can heal others' wounds as well as inflict pain on such a magnitude, that it can make a grown athletic human level individual pass out.
  • Enhanced Senses: D can easily sense illusions and holograms made by the Nobility which can fool others.
  • Life Manipulation: D can bestow life in non-living things such as when he bit a doll that became alive and went on to protect the people.
  • Magic: D can use magic unknown to the Nobility which allows him to cut people even if they are out of his range or if they are in safe distances from his attacks.
  • Negation of Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 6, 7) and Regeneration (At least Mid-Godly): D and Greylancer were faced by The Thing which is a fusion of The U-Taker of the Twilight, The Prototype, and a Human Hunter aka a Fusion of Human-Noble Hybrid, OSB-Noble Hybrid, and a Human. This made The Thing a near perfect combination of Human, OSB, and Noble which, while having only Galaxy+ power, was immortal as it can absorb energy above it's tier and even regenerate from D's attacks which severes the Fount of Life. However, once D went into Full Vampire Mode, he used his Miracle Bloodlight to negate the Immortality of The Thing which has the Immortality of a Noble (Types 1, 2, 3, 7) and that of an OSB (Types 1, 2, 6) and kill him.
  • AP+Dura: In this Novel, D was initially heavily weakened due to Sunlight Syndrome and Rain. Later when he woke up, he wasn't fully recovered and still had his left hand missing. Despite that, he was still able to casually blitz and kill The U-Taker of the Twilight who is a hellspawn berserker that ranked amongst the top 5 Nobles in terms of combat. A few minutes later he was faced with Lord Greylancer and even casually shrugged off a fullpowered blow from his lance which caused Greylancer to get frightened. It is to be noted that Greylancer was Galaxy level as he can channel the power of the entire Milky Way and even fight The Thing which has the power to destroy the Milky Way Galaxy.