The purpose of this blog is to prove the Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe crossover is canon to both Mortal Kombat and DC Universe, more specifically, the Injustice version of the DC Universe.
If you wonder why Injustice, the reason for that is because that crossover is remembered by the characters of that series in regards to it. As such, they WONT scale to Post-Crisis, New 52 or any other versions of DC Universe, saying it right now before anyone is gonna point fingers that I will make the Mortal Kombat characters Solar System level/Universal+ or the DC characters weaker than portrayed in their respective versions, whom people might bring up.
Scaling wise it makes way more sense to be done towards Injustice, as they aren't that crazy in power levels, not to mention both are made by NetherRealm Studios, which does both the Mortal Kombat and Injustice games, with the comics also meant to tie with the games and give us more lore.
Injustice 2
First things first, for those who didn't know, Subzero and Raiden were both guest characters for this game, the dialogues that both of them have with some of the cast of the DC characters it's about how they met before and mentions of the main villain of the crossover known as Dark Kahn (Darkseid and Shao Kahn fused), which only in the Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe would have been possible for this dialogues to exist. Not to mention their endings, that have ties for the lore of both.
Subzero arrival in Injustice series
Let's start with Subzero, in his ending of the game, we are given the following information:
"I arrived in this realm accidentally, driven here by magic unleashed as I forced Kotal Kahn's retreat from Earthrealm to Outworld. I was seeking a route home when Brainiac attacked. I could not allow this vile invader to add this planet, or myself, to his collection. In gratitude for my flawless victory, Batman offered the Justice League's aid. While I waited on him to unlock the magic of inter-realm travel, I provided valuable kombat training to the youngest members of his order. But the spells that were devised went awry. Instead of opening a portal to Earthrealm, they opened a gateway to the Phantom Zone. Now I fight to re-imprison Superman and his followers. They would not have been freed, but for my accidental arrival in this realm. I am now duty-bound to protect it, as if it were my own."
The first bolded part tells us Subzero came from his series into Injustice as he was facing Kotal Kahn and his army, which happens in the Mortal Kombat X main story. As for the second bolded part, which happens in the Injustice 2 main story, Batman imprisons Superman into the Phantom Zone, so his ending has ties to the lore of both games and this is one of the many pieces of evidence of canonicity between these two.
We also have his dialogues with Scarecrow, Black Adam, Gorilla Grodd, Green Arrow, Swamp Thing which further supports he arrived in Injustice:
- 1)Subzero: Where am I? Answer me!
- Scarecrow: Ooh I'm shaking in my boots
- Subzero: I would not mock a Lin Kuei!
- 2)Subzero: When do i return to Earthrealm?
- Black Adam: We shall see
- Subzero: You will make good on your promise
- 3)Gorilla Grodd: From which Earth are you?
- Subzero: One where apes are as nature intended
- Gorilla Grodd: All apes will bask in your shame!
- 4)Green Arrow: I totally spaced on this meeting!
- Subzero: I do what i must to return home
- Green Arrow: Hope these old bones can take it
- 5)Swamp Thing: There is no need for violence
- Subzero: I do what i must to return home
- Swamp Thing: Defend yourself
As well as dialogues with Firestorm, Blue Beetle and Supergirl about the training they receive from him:
- 1)Subzero: You have sought me out for training?
- Blue Beetle: But I'm not sure I'm cracked up for this
- Subzero: With discipline, you could be a Lin Kuei
- 2)Subzero: You are too young for kombat
- Blue Beetle: But I've been practicing
- Subzero: It is no substitute for maturity
- 3)Subzero: Are you prepared to battle a Grandmaster?
- Firestorm: I'm ready to fight with fire!
- Subzero: The cold will freeze your flames
- 4)Subzero: You have sought me out for training?
- Firestorm: I can do things you won't believe
- Subzero: Only the best receive my instruction
- 5)Firestorm: What's Batman think I'll learn from you?
- Subzero: That you must approach kombat with cold fury
- Firestorm: Then let's get this class in session
- 6)Subzero: You have sought me out for training?
- Supergirl: That a problem?
- Subzero: Only the best receive my instruction
- 7)Subzero: You are not yet trained for kombat
- Supergirl: So what? I need more practice?
- Subzero: You need the discipline of the Lin Kuei
- 8)Supergirl: What did you wanna teach me?
- Subzero: That you must approach kombat with cold fury
- Supergirl: I'm way more of a sun and fun girl
So there is canonicity existing for it, as they are backing up his arrival and training that he gives in the ending. In conclusion for this section, Subzero actually went there and more supporting evidence of that exists in Mortal Kombat 11 to further solidify these, which we will get into as well later on in the blog.
Dialogues with DC characters
Dialogues with Batman
This is the following dialogue with Batman:
- 1)Subzero: I have found you Batman
- Batman: Yet another wannabe Bat Killer
- Subzero: You misunderstand my intentions
Subzero remembers Batman and was looking for him as well, in fact in Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe they fought each other in Chapter 4 of the Mortal Kombat side of the crossover story mode.
Dialogues with Catwoman
This is the following dialogue with Catwoman:
- 1)Subzero: I did not expect we would meet again
- Catwoman: Fancy meeting you here darling
- Subzero: We must prepare ourselves for dark magic
Subzero and Catwoman acknowledge how they meet again, they met each other in chapter 7 of the DC Universe side of the crossover story mode.
Dialogues with Joker
This is the following dialogue with Joker:
- 1)Joker: You look familiar...
- Subzero: We joined in kombat against Dark Kahn
- Joker: Sadly you won't outlive me
Joker points out how Subzero looks familiar, to which Subzero replies that they met to face Dark Kahn, which happens right before the final chapter of both sides of the crossover story mode.
Dialogues with Superman
This is the following dialogue with Superman:
- 1)Superman: Why are you on my Earth?
- Subzero: This realm must prepare for kombat
- Superman: You'll never get past me
Superman asks him why he is on his Earth, he remembers Subzero given we are shown they met each other and battled in the prequel comic book and sometime earlier in chapter 3 of the DC Universe the crossover story mode.
Dialogues with Flash
This is the following dialogue with Flash:
- 1)Subzero: Do you remember our last encounter?
- Flash: What are you talking about?
- Subzero: Perhaps kombat will refresh your memory
- 2)Flash: Where'd you come from?
- Subzero: We have met. I am Subzero
- Flash: Hope you got your wallet
- 3)Flash: Oh no. Not again
- Subzero: This realm must prepare for kombat
- Flash: I pick up when duty calls
Flash says in the last one "not again", they didn't meet so much back then, but he still remembers little of their meeting, which happens right before the final chapter of both sides of the crossover story mode.
Dialogues with Darkseid
This is the following dialogue with Darkseid:
- 1)Subzero: Retreat to Apokolips, Darkseid
- Darkseid: You do not command me, Grandmaster
- Subzero: You will withdraw or be buried here
- 2)Subzero: I now know the villain you truly are
- Darkseid: Whatever i can't control, I must destroy
- Subzero: For the safety of all, you will die
- 3)Darkseid: Your Lin Kuei cannot match my parademons
- Subzero: To think so demonstrates your ignorance
- Darkseid: To think otherwise seals your fate
There is also clash quotes too with Darkseid:
- 1)Darkseid: We have met before
- Subzero: Of that I'm painfully aware
- 2)Subzero: You lack a god's prowess, Darkseid
- Darkseid: Should I rip out your spine to prove it?
Darkseid back then was fused with Shao Kahn, but he should remember about the Mortal Kombat characters, since Dark Kahn says he has so many memories, that they aren't his own, which means the two have the memories of the other obviously.
But to explain it more simply for some of you, Darkseid has memories from Shao Kahn and Shao Kahn has memories from Darkseid, so it makes sense they would know of the characters of the other side.
Not to mention Darkseid has swapped with Shao Kahn universes, after Dark Kahn's defeat, ending up in the opposite series, shouting his name to the characters of its characters universe when asked who is he was in the Mortal Kombat side of the crossover story mode.
Raiden arrival in Injustice series
Lets now continue with Raiden, in his ending of the game, we are given the following information:
"Though I had defeated Shinnok, his corruption of Earthrealm's Jinsei has cracked the barrier between my realm and this one. I began having visions of Brainiac's collection of this Earth. I realized that Brainiac's actions would soon destroy the barrier among all the realms. All life would be annihilated. With Brainiac dispatched, I tended the injured. His wounds too great, Kent Nelson could not be saved. But as he died, he warned me: the Armageddon I had foreseen was the design of the Lords of Order. By destroying reality, they would return the multiverse to a perfectly ordered state, obliterating Chaos. To defeat this powerful magic, the Justice League turned to this Earth's most proficient wizards and sorcerers. I gladly accepted the invitation to join them. The Lords will be contained, Order and Chaos will remain balance. Life as we know it, will continue."
The first bolded part tells us Raiden came from his series into Injustice when Shinnok had corrupted the Jinsei and was defeated in the end, which happens in the Mortal Kombat X main story. As for the second bolded part, which happens in the Injustice 2 main story, when Kent Nelson (or also known as Doctor Fate) was wounded by Brainiac and dies shortly after, so his ending has ties to the lore of both games and this is one of the many pieces of evidence of canonicity between these two.
We also have his dialogues with Powergirl, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Red Hood and Grid which further supports he arrived in Injustice:
- 1)Powergirl: I'm stranded in the wrong universe
- Raiden: I am from a different realm entirely
- Powergirl: Well aren't we a couple of misfits
- 2)Raiden: I'm not yet fully acquainted with this realm
- Cyborg: So why are you fighting me?
- Raiden: Because vengeance has hardened your hearth
- 3)Green Arrow: What Earth they snatched you from?
- Raiden: I am from a different realm entirely
- Green Arrow: Man you need a publicist
- 4)Raiden: Resurrection has tainted your soul
- Red Hood: And thats your problem how stranger?
- Raiden: It must be cleansed in this realm Jinsei
- 5)Grid: There is no record of you on this Earth
- Raiden: I am from a different realm entirely
- Grid: I must evaluate the threat you pose
As well as dialogues with Black Canary, Brainiac, and Doctor Fate, with the former knowing him by being present there, the second and latter ones pointing about the visions mentioned during his ending:
- 1)Black Canary: Combat is all about controlling conflict
- Raiden: Wisdom worthy of the Shaolin Black Canary
- Black Canary: That said i still gotta kick your ass
- 2)Raiden: As a combatant you have untapped potential
- Black Canary: You won't think so in a few minutes
- Raiden: There is much yet to learn Black Canary
- 3)Raiden: Your stolen realms will be returned
- Brainiac: An unlikely outcome of this encounter
- Raiden: It is a certainty Brainiac
- 4)Raiden: You see the future as I do
- Dr Fate: Your fate is preordained
- Raiden: Then you know we must fight
- 5)Dr Fate: You are torn between two worlds
- Raiden: Our realms converge, bringing chaos
- Dr Fate: Order will be enforced!
So there is canonicity existing for it, as they are backing up his arrival and about the visions, Dr. Fate told him about and Brainiac thing he had to stop, as well as her meeting with Black Canary in there too in the ending. In conclusion for this section, Raiden actually went there and more supporting evidence of that exists in Mortal Kombat 11 to further solidify these, which we will get into as well later on in the blog.
Dialogues with DC characters
Dialogues with Batman
This is the following dialogue with Batman:
- 1)Batman: Thanks for coming back
- Raiden: My aid can tip the balance against Brainiac?
- Batman: We're about to find out
Batman is thanking Raiden for coming back, in fact in Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe they fought each other in Chapter 2 of the DC universe side of the crossover story mode.
Dialogues with Superman
This is the following dialogue with Superman:
- 1)Raiden: When we last met I respected you
- Superman: Are you gonna turn on me too?
- Raiden: I will act as needed to save your realm
- 2)Superman: You're leaving Earth, now!
- Raiden: We were allies on Apokolips Superman
- Superman: Here we're not
Raiden and Superman remember of each other, when they battled each other, as well as together against Dark Kahn in the final chapter of both sides of the crossover story mode.
Dialogues with Darkseid
This is the following dialogue with Darkseid:
- 1)Darkseid: All the realms will submit to Darkseid
- Raiden: The Elder Gods will stand against you!
- Darkseid: Your toothless serpents cannot stop me!
There is also clash quotes too with Darkseid:
- 1)Darkseid: We have met before
- Raiden: Dark Kahn! Of course!
- 2)Raiden: I will trap you as i did Shinnok!
- Darkseid: That false god was a weak fool!
As I talked earlier for Subzero section, Darkseid back then was fused with Shao Kahn, but he should remember about the Mortal Kombat characters, since Dark Kahn says he has so many memories, that they aren't his own, which means the two have the memories of the other obviously.
Simply put, Darkseid has memories from Shao Kahn and Shao Kahn has memories from Darkseid, so it makes sense they would know of the characters of the other side.
Along the fact Darkseid has swapped with Shao Kahn universes, after Dark Kahn defeat, ending up in the opposite series, with Raiden banishing him in the NetherRealm after Darkseid shouted his name to the characters of its characters universe when asked who is he was in the Mortal Kombat side of the crossover story mode.
DC characters knowing about the MK characters
Some might point out that DC characters mention or know of Mortal Kombat characters only when they talk with them, which is false, since between Joker and Black Adam we have the following clash dialogue:
- 1)Joker: Met the other lighting guy?
- Black Adam: With the bamboo hat? Yes
Joker knows of Raiden since they met right before the final chapter of both sides of the crossover story mode.
Also the dialogue between Raiden with Black Adam is the following:
- 2)Raiden: I too command lightning
- Black Adam: I am superior in every way
- Raiden: Your hubris will prove false, Black Adam
So these two are tied with each other and proves the DC characters know of the other series whom they had a crossover with, else one of them that was present in said crossover wouldn't have asked about it in the first place.
Foreshadowing about Mortal Kombat 11 plot and possibly another crossover in the future
What's more interesting is that between Subzero and Raiden dialogues with each other, as well their mirror matches, they foreshadow a lot regarding what Mortal Kombat 11 plot will be about in the future, when its gonna be released in two years, which was revealed to be about timelines and alternate versions of the characters, which would explain so much about the mirror matches dialogues too they have. Of course, there is also more support that indeed came into Injustice too.
- 1)Raiden: Neither of us are from this realm
- Raiden: Yet we find ourselves here, in kombat!
- Raiden: I fear Shinnok toys with us both
- 2)Raiden: In my realm, Liu Kang and Kitana rule Edenia
- Raiden: In mine they govern the NetherRealm
- Raiden: Whose incompetence led to this falling?
- 3)Subzero: There should not be two of us
- Subzero: Our realms splintered timelines are merging
- Subzero: We must battle to save them both
- 4)Subzero: Is it you, Bi-Han?
- Subzero: I am free from Quan Chi clutches
- Subzero: Let kombat prove your identity
- 5)Subzero: We are stranded in this realm Raiden
- Raiden: I believe our kombat brought us here
- Subzero: Then perhaps kombat will take us home
- 6)Subzero: Winter is coming to this realm
- Raiden: Worlds will collide in kombat
- Subzero: We must prepare ourselves for dark magic
- 7)Raiden: Will you aid in this realm protection?
- Subzero: I do what i must to return home
- Raiden: We must prepare ourselves for kombat
- 8)Raiden: Neither of us are from this realm
- Subzero: Our realms splintered timelines are merging
- Raiden: Whose incompetence led to this falling?
- 9)Raiden: It is possible that Dark Kahn returned
- Subzero: That would explain our arrival in this realm
- Raiden: We must prepare ourselves for kombat
They mention about timelines shenanigans, they show us to be two different Raiden and Subzero from different timelines, tease about a possible crossover again in the future and mention Dark Kahn, which further supports that to be a canon event for them and not to mention, it tells us how they are not just some Raiden and Subzero versions from Injustice (as a certain wiki thinks for no reason to be Injustice own versions of them) and they try to get back home in Mortal Kombat again.
Answering to counters for the Injustice side
Since some that will read this are gonna most likely oppose it, I will answer against possible counters people might bring up against our evidence so far:
1)>The dialogues aren't canon, they are just references or easter eggs<
You will also say the same about the following dialogues?
- 1)Harley Queen: You ain't so tough Superman
- Superman: What gives you that idea?
- Harley Queen: Alfred knocked your freaking ass out!
Which talks about this moment from the Injustice Gods Among us comic book.
- 2)Blue Beetle: There any line you wont cross?
- Superman: I don't hurt children
- Blue Beetle: Didn't stop you with Shazam
Which talks about this moment from the Injustice Gods Among us video game.
They literally talk of things we seen in the canon lore of the Injustice series, so it's really no different then the ones for MK vs DC, they are relevant to the lore of that, ignoring it just for its nature of being a crossover is simply hypocrisy if anything.
If you will accept the dialogues mentioned earlier are acceptable for talking of events from Injustice, the same you gotta do with the crossover, no ifs or buts.
2)>Other dialogues with the characters contradict the ones you bring up as evidence for the endings and the crossover canonicity, there is also inconsistencies with the endings and crossover as well regarding the canon lore<
And? The injustice comics themselves have inconsistencies compared to the games, but they are canon to the other despite certain differences, and they are meant to tie with each other with the lore.
As for those other dialogues that "contradict" whats established in endings and crossover, it's not like the developers will limit dialogues with other characters to just the crossover and endings of the two, there will be variety for them, they can add more unrelated to these if they wish, not to mention there are more for supporting the canonicity then the other way around.
Lastly, to point out, franchises like Tekken and Devil May cry have their own things like a movie and light novel respectively with little inconsistencies in them to their games, yet the directors of both answered they are part of the canon and they are even pointed out in their latest titles as well to exist in canon, you simply ignore the contradictions, simple as that, same for the crossover and endings along with the dialogues for MK vs DC, the fact they point them out within the game shows they happened and exist within the canon lore.
3)>The dialogue mentioning Raiden just teases him as DLC later on, it's not proving the crossover to be canon<
Then how come those like Hellboy and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles didnt get a similar thing? Especially the latter, as they crossed paths with DC in the past before with Batman and other associated things with him. Hell, even with Subzero they could have pointed out between with their available ice users something, so such an argument holds no weight.
Let alone the fact Joker was announced 1 month away from the game release, while Black Adam 2 months away and the second fighter pack that had Raiden was announced 4 months since the game release, as well as the same ammount for the first fighter pack, also it was 5 months away between Joker and Black Adam clash dialogue and Raiden reveal, there was plenty of time to think later about him as DLC and work on his model for the game.
4)>Guest characters arent meant to be canon to another series, it's reaching<
Wanna bet on that? Since other titles like Tekken and Soul Calibur brought up Akuma and Geralt respectively into both of these games canon story mode playing a vital part in them.
In comparison with Mortal Kombat and Injustice, NetherRealm Studios not only points out Raiden and Subzero are coming straight from latest Mortal Kombat game story mode at that time through explained means in both their endings, but are also backed up by the dialogues that were already proven to be relevant about canonicity.
Let alone the fact that both games and characters are owned by Warner Bros and created by the same studio, unlike the previously mentioned Akuma and Geralt in the respective titles, who are owned by different companies or authors, where they are just brought up in the story and arent pointed out if they are coming straight from the titles they originate from, nor do they recall it in their own series about this appearance they did in another one, neither that the two franchises are canon to the other by anything.
Mortal Kombat 11
Let us move unto Mortal Kombat 11 now, once again for those not aware, Joker was a guest character in this game, the dialogues that he has with some of the cast of the Mortal Kombat characters its once again about how they met before and mentions of the main villain of the crossover known as Dark Kahn (again), which only in the Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe would have been possible for this dialogues to exist. Not to mention their main story mode having two major evidence about Joker arrival and the crossover existence in the lore they had so far from the series.
Dialogues with Mortal Kombat characters
Dialogues with Cassie Cage
This is the following dialogue with Cassie Cage:
- 1)Joker: We didn't meet the last time I was here
- Cassie Cage: This isn't your first visit?
- Joker: Nobody told you? I was all the rage
- 2)Cassie Cage: Mom told me all about you, Joker
- Joker: Ooh! She must've been all smiles
- Cassie Cage: At the thought of me killing you, yes
Joker says how he didn't meet Cassie last time he was in Mortal Kombat and how she asked him that is not the first visit here, saying he was all the rage which is something essential in the story mode of Mortal Kombat vs DC, also how Sonya told her about Joker, which we will be getting at next.
Dialogues with Sonya Blade
This is the following dialogue with Sonya Blade:
- 1)Sonya Blade: There a reason you've came back?
- Joker: Don't worry. The punchline's coming soon
- Sonya Blade: Over my dead body, clown
- 2)Sonya Blade: Had enough of you the first time
- Joker: Aww, don't like losing in graveyards?
- Sonya Blade: Not to some face-painted freak
Explained by the guy in the link to the second dialogue, but in case you don't wanna click it to see it explained, Joker points out about their meeting and battle during Chapter 6 of the DC Universe side of the story mode.
Dialogues with Kotal Kahn
This is the following dialogue with Kotal Kahn:
- 1)Joker: Whatever happened to Dark Kahn?
- Kotal Kahn: Dark Kahn?
- Joker: Oh that's right, you missed it
Explained by the guy in the link to the dialogue, but in case you don't wanna click it to see it explained, Joker points out to Kotal Kahn what happened to Dark Kahn, which was the main villain of the crossover as explained multiple times, Kotal doesn't know who that is, since as Joker points it, he wasn't present back then.
Dialogues with Scorpion
This is the following dialogue with Scorpion:
- 1)Joker: Fancy meeting you here, Scorpy!
- Scorpion: Sub-Zero knew how to find you
- Joker: And how is your new cuddly buddy?
- 2)Joker: There's a name for people like you
- Scorpion: Choose your next word carefully, Joker
- Joker: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a!
- 3)Scorpion: Hellfire awaits Joker
- Joker: As it should for the master of sick burns!
- Scorpion: Your lunacy must die
- 4)Scorpion: You, I remember all to well
- Joker: Aww, the back of your head still hurting?
- Scorpion: I should've burned you right then and there
Explained by the guy in the link to the fourth dialogue, but in case you don't wanna click it to see it explained, Joker points out about their meeting and battle during Chapter 5 of the Mortal Kombat side of the story mode.
Dialogues with Shang Tsung
This is the following dialogue with Shang Tsung:
- 1)Joker: You sonnuvabitch, you stole my face
- Shang Tsung: I could steal a lot more, Clown
- Joker: Never rub another man's rhubarb
- 2)Shang Tsung: Why have you returned Joker?
- Joker: My fanboys were begging for a sequel
- Shang Tsung: Too bad your story ends here
Joker mentions how he returned in Mortal Kombat and that points how the crossover happened, but an interesting thing in the first dialogue, while not really clear cut entirely, although would be logical, could point towards how Shang Tsung copied Joker fatality from the crossover, which would explain why he has that in Mortal Kombat 9, only if he met him before.
Dialogues with Shao Kahn
This is the following dialogue with Shao Kahn:
- 1)Joker: The bigger you are, the harder you'll fall
- Shao Kahn: The harder I'll punish, Joker
- Joker: Who said you could re-write me?
As I talked two times for Raiden and Subzero at the Injustice section, Shao Kahn back then was fused with Darkseid, but he should remember about the Mortal Kombat characters, since Dark Kahn says he has so many memories, that they aren't his own, which means the two have the memories of the other obviously.
Simply put, Shao Kahn has memories from Darkseid and Darkseid has memories from Shao Kahn, so it makes sense they would know of the characters of the other side.
Along with the fact Shao Kahn has swapped with Darkseid universes, after Dark Kahn's defeat, ending up in the opposite series, shouting his name to the characters of its characters universe when asked who is he was in the Mortal Kombat side of the crossover story mode.
MK characters knowing about the DC characters
Some might point out that MK characters mention or know of DC Universe characters only when they talk with them, which is false, since between Raiden and Subzero, as well as Subzero with Cetrion, we have the following dialogue:
- 1)Raiden: I dreamt of a strange and unjust world
- Subzero: With a dark knight and a caped wonder?
- Raiden: How could you know my dream?
Remember how way back I said at the Injustice 2 section that there is more proof supporting Raiden and Subzero actually going in Injustice? This is the one I was talking about, Raiden says the unjust world, which is synonymous with the word injustice, let alone Subzero saying that world with a dark knight and caped wonder, wasnt obvious enough he talks about Batman and Superman.
Also the dialogue between Subzero with Cetrion is the following:
- 2)Cetrion: I have seen the world beyond the realms
- Subzero: Then Raiden and I did go there?
- Cetrion: It was no dream Subzero
This one sets it in stone now, Raiden and Subzero have indeed gone in Injustice and it wasn't a dream as Raiden was thinking it was, it was real, so there should be no more questions regarding their arrival, as both sides agree ended up there, Cetrion is also an Elder God so she knows what she is talking about.
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe being part of the Mortal Kombat lore as a timeline
Next thing we are gonna talk about is that Mortal Kombat vs DC universe was shown in the story mode of the latest game, as being one of the many timelines of the series and that it is canon to its series, with DC as a whole from what I talked with knowledgeable people on DC verse, they made everything canon, from The Flashpoint paradox and even later with Multiversity, which would logically include this crossover for Injustice too, so that one is out of the way and we focus if Mortal Kombat is doing the same too.
First, as I said earlier, Mortal Kombat 11 shows the crossover as being part of the series many timelines that occurred, in which Raiden and Liu Kang has fought, from those that I can tell as of now from all these are Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat Armaggedon, also obviously Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe too, which is the third one they show in the cutscene linked, the void like area with floating rocks, there is no other stage in Mortal Kombat games like that one, besides the crossover near the end of the game, which also has floating rocks and void-like area.
Also, this scene from Mortal Kombat 11, is clearly similar with this scene from Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe when it comes to the Raiden vs Liu Kang battles or how about this scene from Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath, is clearly similar with this scene from Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe regarding the trust for Shang Tsung with the main villain they are facing.
And it's not just headcanon or huge assumption on my part, since Dominic Cianciolo, who is a story and voiceover director at NetherRealm Studios has spoken in regards to that not long ago: " Dominic Cianciolo: It's something that's often been asked of us, whether after the mass confrontation, between Raiden and Liu Kang whether or not to trust Shang Tsung, which directly calls back to a similar beat in Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe is intended to make those events of MK DC canon. And the answer is yes, definitely. For sure. Uh, we can assume that those events happened in one of Kronika's many previous timelines. Clearly she thought it was a mistake because she rolled it back and got rid of it. But yeah, when we looked at this idea of multiple timelines, we were hoping to be able to integrate a lot of you know, past lore including Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. It was a lot of fun for us to be able to reference that back and we knew that our most observant fans and those fans that have been with us through the whole history of the game we're going to pick up on that and see that similarity. "
So not only he agrees that these calls back to the crossover, but literally says it is canon!! So both sides accept it as being part of their lore as canon, so at this point, it can't be denied at all its canonicity.
Answering to counters for the Mortal Kombat side
Since some that will read this are gonna most likely oppose it on certain other things, i will answer against possible counters people might bring up against our evidence on those particular things if they will:
1)>How you explain Joker arriving in Mortal Kombat? With Raiden and Subzero there was, with Joker not<
The most logical thing you can say is that Kronika is responsible for it, since as we proved earlier MK vs DC was a timeline of Kronika, let alone the fact that in the story mode of Mortal Kombat 11 during Kronika vs Fire God Liu Kang battle, she can have Joker actually appear and fight him, which also further proves she knows about the DC characters and can bring him here for her timeline to be how she wants it.
2)>Fatalities aren't canon, they are game mechanics only, so Shang Tsung copying Joker one from the crossover is just an easter egg<
This is something I hear in general in any debate for Mortal Kombat, first of all, Fatalities, along with X-Ray and Brutalities (mostly the Brutalities ones from MKX I'm talking off), are cinematics which shows us what characters are capable off, the last two are a discussion for another time as they aren't the main topic to this.
Anyway, they are canon, they happen in lore and they aren't far fetched with what they can do, with the exception of those that are outlier-ish or not meant to be serious (such as Kabal scaring opponents to death that their soul leaves their body).
Like for example D'Vorah Fatality Heart Broken in Mortal Kombat X, is performed in the actual story mode on Baraka in Chapter 6 of the game, an actual finisher which you normally do at the end of a match either offline, online or so on, is depicted in the actual lore of the game, you don't see them often because we would end up with many of our characters dead if everyone was now going to do Fatalities in lore.
So Shang Tsung copying Joker fatality isn't an easter egg and this whole thing about these and other things similar to them not being relevant of use is just dumb, there is no issue to use them and neither is this one to use as evidence as I did earlier.
Notable mentions from both Injustice and Mortal Kombat
Now these are things that I didn't feel like using for proof mainly as there are far better ones for them regarding canonicity, but then I decided to just put them as notable mentions, something extra that supports the canonicity of the crossover as well:
1) Scorpion intro from Injustice: Gods Among Us shows how he gets magically teleported from Mortal Kombat 9 going by the looks, into Injustice series, which much like Subzero case we discussed above happens in a similar manner as said in his ending, which shouldn't be something out of place given what we talked so far.
2) Shazam ending in Injustice: Gods Among Us shows that the characters get infected by some alien virus that messes with their mind and makes them attack even their friends if you look at the description given and the visuals, it's similar to the kombat rage from MK vs DC that I talked off earlier, which also made characters fight their friends, it messed with their minds and most notably the yellow glowing eyes, that can't be anything else besides that, which hints more that it had happened before.
3) Spawn has some interesting dialogues with those like Raiden, Subzero, and Scorpion which hints at their encounters with DC characters from the Injustice side before.
- A) Spawn: You've been to other dimensions?
- Scorpion: Each has had its own injustices
- Spawn: Maybe that's why my soul still burns
So this goes all the way back to Scorpion in Injustice: Gods Among Us, as it clearly implies heavily he went there, especially if the Injustice part he mentions wasn't like obvious enough, also more neat is that Spawn more or less acknowledges he was in Soul Calibur series as well, more exactly in Soul Calibur 2, the Xbox version of the game, so that is really nice they included, it feels nostalgic.
- B) Raiden: You remind me of another dark knight
- Spawn: The billion-dollar crusader? He's a friend
- Raiden: It seems we are both well traveled
This one points out at how both Spawn and Raiden know Batman, we already know from where Raiden knows him, while Spawn knows him from a crossover he had with long ago in the comics.
- C)Subzero: I've met caped wonders like you before
- Spawn: Your days of icing people end here
- Subzero: They spoke like that, too
Suggests how to Spawn isn't the first caped hero Subzero has met and they told him the same thing as Spawn did, basically another thing pointing he met with the DC characters before.
4) Mortal Kombat 9 has at the 1:49 mark if you look at it with 0.25 speed a scene, which resembles very much this scene from Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, precisely the design and looks, like the portal, computers, the stairs climbing to the portal mentioned, Mortal Kombat 9 counts in the visions current Raiden sent to his past self the crossover as well, this is also happening in the main story mode of the game, which speaks volumes for the other ammount of evidence we presented here.
So on an end note, MK vs DC is canon to both Mortal Kombat and Injustice series, in regards to what timeline/dimension of both are scaling to the other, the answer is all.
MK1 till MK Armaggedon and MK9 till MK11 is scaling to them because as we've seen in the story mode of the latest one they are comparable to other and even before that game should have been obvious, the only difference is just the events are altered between each other, but power levels are similar.
Same goes for Injustice: Gods Among Us and Injustice 2, especially the first one where we have two dimensions where events are different between them, but as we seen in the story mode, each of the two versions of a character are comparable to each other.
Although given the kombat rage influencing for some characters the power levels, we gotta check each instance carefully as being considered legit for scaling or not.