In this blog I'll be going over feats, scaling, verse explanation as well as addressing the special, ahem, "lore" that some other powerscaling websites have decided to blow wayyyy out of proportion.
Greek God of War[]
This section will be covering the entire original trilogy as well as the spinoff games Ascension, Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta. Here we will analyse feats and statements from the games, as well as WoG directed toward this portion of the God of War franchise.
God of War (2005)[]
God of War introduces us to the world of Kratos, and various realms.
The world as told by GoW, exists of at least two different spaces. Earth itself and Hades (Hades isn't shown very well in GoW 1, so I'll leave it's explanation for the GoW 2 section)
Firstly according to the game's manual, we have all the Gods and Titans as follows
Zeus being the greatest, king of the Gods who imprisoned his father and took his power for himself.
Atlas being the one who holds up the World These are also reinforced within the game itself
First, Zeus is the greatest of the gods
Next, Atlas holds up the Planet
However, we know that since Hades is physically connected to the real world, as shown when Kratos climbs out of it near the ending , it can be inferred that the Earth standing on top of it is at least Crust sized (the oceans also stand above Hades). Thus the weight that Atlas holds up is at least equal to this, aka at least Class M lifting to Class L
Atlas fought the Gods in the Titanomachy, and lost. Thus scaling below at least the Big 3, making Poseidon/Zeus/Hades each at least Multi-Continent to Planet AP wise as well, as they bested the Titans in the war
In the game we also recieve the power of Zeus, capable of throwing lightning. This isn't a game mechanic, as it is confirmed later in this cutscene as well.
God of War II (2007)[]
After killing Ares. Kratos has become the new God of War. Thus scaling to the Gods of Olympus and his previous form. While he later loses a good portion of those powers, he is blessed with the Titan's favor as Gaia revives him. He prevents Atlas from crushing him, by pushing his fingers apart.
In this game, we finally see a better view of Hades that is consistent to later games as well. It is shown to be connected to the world above with rock pillars and is a vast plane that "stretches out as far as the eye can see". It is shown to be as large as the world itself.
Later in the game, Zeus and Kratos clash. Kratos then appears to overpower Zeus after a final struggle and impales him with the Blade of Olympus, Zeus also scaling to Kratos.
God of War III (2010)[]
Immediately after killing Poseidon, the water level of the entire world rises considerably (covering at the minimum small mountains)
Later, after killing Helios,the sky starts getting covered by clouds immediately
After taking the head of Helios, whilst battling Hermes it is seen that he is the only character in game able to dodge the light, later, Kratos takes his boots to enhance his speed. In the entire game only Hermes is able to dodge the light, and according to a SM employee this was done on purpose Kratos later kills Zeus himself, using the power of hope
God of War Ascension []
With Ascension, we get an idea of how the Earth was created. The Primordial's war is stated to have created the Earth . The Primordial beings were on par with the Olympians such as Zeus and his brothers.
God of War Chains of Olympus[]
In this game, Persephone and Atlas plan to shatter the World Pillar to strike against the Olympians. The pillar of the world held not only the World on it, but Olympus and the Underworld too. Thanks to what we already know about the Greek World and descriptions of the Earth, this can be classified as a Planet level feat
Countering "Evidence"[]
Now, we'll address the "Universal" lore inference that seems to have to taken the internet by storm
"The Primordials created the Universe because it looks like it in Ascension"[]
Except they didn't. What they DID create was in fact the Earth, as the narration states. The Earth is not the Universe.
"But WoG says they did so"[]
Tweets from so-so's don't matter at all, especially when it's clear nobody has a crystal clear idea of what happened. Someone says the Primordials created the Universe, another says the Big Bang made them and they made the galaxies, while also saying they fought on Earth and that battle shaped the planet. Furthermore, when the entire pantheon of the world is destroyed at the end of GoW 3, the state of the Planet itself is referred to as Chaos, yet the moon and stars are all visibly unharmed.
"The World Pillar holds the Universe"[]
How exactly? The World Pillar exists in the Underworld which connects not to the Universe, but to the Earth. Saying Olympus will fall if the Pillar breaks doesn't mean anything too since the mountain exists on the planet, not somewhere in space. In fact, thanks to the visual descriptions we have of Atlas in game, we know he's holding up a Planet, not the entire universe
"The Underworld is Infinite"[]
How even. The only in game mentions of the underworlds' size say it stretches out as far as the eye can see. Not only that, it is PHYSICALLY connected to the Planet. Icarus can fly from the island of fates to Hades, Kratos can fall from Olympus to Hades, can climb from Hades to Athens. It's pretty clear the underworld is literally beneath the actual Earth. You tryna say the Earth is infinite now?
"Kronos created time"[]
What does that even mean.
"Hyperions spear can support the weight of the cosmos because Multiplayer lore was made to fit in the Universe"[]
This is the only semi-reliable source of information relating to Universal prowess. But then again, it is frankly useless. For one, it's obvious hyperbole, two, it has nothing supporting it as we've already discussed
"Helios banished Nyx and Nyx manipulates a dimension of eternal night w/ a moon"[]
Once again, we've seen that the cycles of day/night are not dependent on the actual gods, since the sun god literally dying had no effect on the actual sun itself, the Earth just became covered in clouds, thus it becomes hard to take this literally especially considering Nyx didn't come forward once Helios died either
"Uranus is the embodiment of the Universe"[]
Again and again we've seen, in God of War, being the "emodiment" or "God" of something isn't always true in the most literal sense. You can see it with Kronos, who died and time went on, with Thanatos, who's a god of death that um, died. Kratos, a god of war who also died and war and warfare did not die out. Even when Gaia, the "embodiment" of the Earth died, the planet was fine
God of War (Greek Myth) scales from at least Multi-Continent to Planet+ level, given the variety of feats such as the Primordials creating the Earth and Atlas shouldering it for years on end. Speed wise the verse is difficult to measure, however Kratos and Hermes can be scaled to FTL thanks to being able to dodge Helios' light.
Norse God of War[]
Ah, the interesting part. In this section I will be addressing both the lore and the feats in the latest installment of the franchise, and seeing exactly how strong the Norse variants of GoW are.
First off, we will examine the cosmos itself. From Mimir's tales (the authencity of which is questionable given how some of his tales about the same topic differ, but we can find a common ground) we know that before the Universe as it is, existed the Ginunngagap, the great nothing. From there great primordial forces of creation took over, and from those was born Ymir, the creater of all.
He created almost everything in the Norse Myths, from the Aesir, Vanir, to the Jotunns and more. Now, we know that Odin, being the asshat he is, killed Ymir and proclaimed himself creator of all. Now, in accordance with Ymir's tales, it is also postulated that Surtr created the sun and the stars (which btw is inconsistent with another one of Ymir's tales which say the flame of Muspelheim created them, but he did say not to take it very seriously).
How to take Mimir's word seriously? Well, first of all, Mimir is the smartest man alive, and smarter than all the dead ones too. Odin himself is so scared of his intellect he chose to bind him to a tree, and the Aesir still consult him on various topics, such as finding Kratos. He served Odin for a long, long time before the game's events, and also saw through his bullshit while trying his best to maintain inter-realm peace.
Next, what do we know about Yggdrasil? Well, according to Freya, Yggdrasil, the great world tree, holds the realms and the mortal universe in it's boughs. The realms all exist in the same physical space, divided by the light of Alfheim. This means that it holds the entire universe in it. However, another interesting thing about Yggdrasil? It exists beyond time, and beyond space. This will be relevant further down the road.
Now, first things first. The travel between realms is allowed by Tyr's temple. A giant temple that um, Kratos first moved then um, flipped.
Secondly, remember that guy Baldur? Well, he's also comparable to Kratos himself and managed to harm him quite a bit in their first bout.
Now what's impressive about him is that he managed to knock out the World Serpent. The World Serpent and Thor in their fight managed to shake the 9 realms, as described by Freya.
Kratos later finds out from Mimir that Jormungandr is actually from the future, and was sent back in the clash of Ragnarok between Thor and him, that splintered the World Tree. This is in itself, a Universe/Universe+ level feat, as the tree hosts the entire universe in it's boughs. This is, by far the greatest strength of feat in the game, as this feat can be argued to be higher since the Yggdrasil not only contains the entire space time continuum, it transcends it as well.
Not much by way of speed in this game, so old ratings will have to suffice. TL:DR, GoW receives a massive Universe/Universe+ level tiering from the 2018 game, hopefully to get stronger even