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Tubal Cain is an antagonist of Shinza Banshou's, Dies Irae.

An undead warrior with no will of its own unless piloted and controlled by Lisa Brenner's Ahnenerbe, Cain occupies Seat II of the Black Round Table of L:D:O.

As mentioned, Tubal Cain is an undead walking corpse unique in that it is an amalgamation of the souls of the Sakurai Clan, dating back to almost a century before the start of the main story with Musashi Sakurai, the great grandfather of Kai Sakurai and Kei Sakurai. Musashi was assigned a task to create an Ahnenerbe replica that was exactly like the Longinuslanze for Heinrich Himmler who was jealous of Reinhard being the chosen wielder of the Spear of Destiny. Using the divine-metal of Hihiirokane to form the spear out of it as the base, Musashi was able to eventually finish creating the replica Ahnenerbe, with said replica being so perfect it ended up cursing the entire Sakurai Clan starting with Musashi himself, then carries on with his granddaughter Rei Sakurai, then later to her nephew Kai in turn and finally turning over to including Beatrice despite the latter not being of Sakurai blood. Depending on the Route of Dies Irae, Kai's sister, Kei Sakurai, could also take up the curse as the 5th Cain.

Powers and Stats[]

Dimensionality: 3D

Threat Level: Dragon-

Powers and Abilities: All abilities and resistances of Ewigkeit (up to Ber'iah), Immortality (Type 7; is a rotting corpse of undead), Sound Manipulation (Caused a roar that shook an entire church), Poison Manipulation (Has multiple Ber'iah's that all center on poison: One can spread it to others in its surroundings, another can be shot as a projectile that can enter one's bloodstream, and a third acts as an armor of poison so concentrated that neither normal weapons nor that of Relics can harm them.), Limited Ability Acquisition (As an imitation to the actual Holy Spear, Wewelsburg Longinus has the ability to steal the powers and weapons of any that Tubal Cain kills, as it took in the powers and Relic of Beatrice after Kai killed her), Lightning Manipulation and Intangibility (Possesses Beatrice's Relic and Powers, and can use them in the same way she does)

Physical Strength: At least City level, possibly Mountain level Striking Strength with Class 10 Pulling Strength (Is Wilhelm's superior in terms of physical strength)

Attack Potency: At least City, possibly Mountain (Said to be the strongest of the LDO by Lisa and even Wilhelm, with only the two leaders and the Three Battalion Commanders being its superior. Was also stated to shatter and split apart mountains). Can ignore durability in a number of ways.

Durability: At least City, possibly Mountain (Is the physically strongest of the normal members of the L.D.O. Took a blow from a restricted Machina, although it was knocked out right after); their Ewigkeit defenses and regeneration, on top of its abilities (particularly Kai's and Beatrice's) makes it very hard to defeat.

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ via powerscaling (Kai, the third Tubal Cain, was able to keep up with trade blows Beatrice while in her Ber'iah state which turns her into lightning and enable her to move at said speed, and even her sword, when used by Kei, was said to be able to strike at faster than lightning speed as well.)

Intelligence: Mindless. Tubal Cain is mindless as a drone, merely being stationary and doing nothing at all. When controlled by Lisa's Ahnenerbe, however, Cain is shown to be a monstrous figure, especially in combat where all of its attacks are fast and powerful, slaughtering and annihilating all with no restraint. Even if Lisa was no longer controlling them, Tubal Cain can still be active should it so much as hear Reinhard's name, whereupon it will be just as violent as it was under Riza's control, if not more so. Despite that, Cain has also been shown to be rather versatile with its powers even without Riza's instructions, best shown when Cain fought Ren during the events of Kei's Route where it utilized the different abilities it has absorbed in the entire lifetime of those who have taken up the mantle of Cain.

Stamina: High (Ewigkeit is what imbues the user with stamina that defies physics and thus, should be comparable to Wilhelm Ehrenburg who was capable of keeping up with Machina and Schreiber in a fight for 3 days)

Range: Extended melee range with Wewelsburg Longinus, higher with Briah's

Weakness: Standard Ewigkeit weaknesses. Tubal Cain is a rotting corpse whose name holder will only last for several years before finally decomposing, with the use of Ber'iah rapidly increasing its decaying rate (however, this is mostly subverted by Lisa's Ahnenerbe to greatly slow down the progress). If not controlled by Lisa, they become completely mindless and will attack anyone that so much utters Reinhard's name. Despite having multiple Ber'iah's, only one can be active at a time, requiring Cain to switch with another by deactivating their current one.


Wewelsburg Longinus

Wewelsburg LonginusThe Holy Spear of the Black Throne: The Ahnenerbe of Tubal Cain, Materialization Type. It is an inferior replica that was created in an attempt to imitate the Spear of Destiny, otherwise known as the Longinuslanze Testament that Reinhard wields as his Ahnenerbe.

Derived from the same metal used to forge Kei Sakurai's Ahnenerbe, Hihiirokane, it retains some of the properties of the legendary spear, most known being that no user other than those of the Sakurai clan can wield it. Due to this property, any Sakurai who wields it will eventually become a zombified version of themselves, the result of becoming the undead warrior known as Tubal Cain. In addition, the weapon itself will change its shape and form based on whoever is the wielder. The notable forms it has are as follows:

  • Musashi: Giant curved katana
  • Rei: War cannon with a bayonet at the end
  • Kai and Beatrice: Giant Broadsword
  • Kei: Smaller version of the previous Cain's broadsword

Wewelsburg Longinus's true power, however, is to take the powers and weapons of those Tubal Cain killed. This power, due in part of being a replica of Reinhard's Longinuslanze Testament, is shown when Kai, the third Tubal Cain, killed Beatrice, taking upon both her weapon (which situates inside Wewelsburg Longinus itself) as well as the lightning powers of Beatrice's Ahnenerbe and Ber'iah. Such a property makes it a fearsome weapon, enabling Tubal Cain the potential to wield more weapons and powers on top of those belonging to the Sakurai Clan. This is further explained by Rusalka, who during the events of Kei's route, threatened to take Ren's life in order to absorb his Relic and powers through Cain.

Noteworthy Techniques and Abilities[]

Curse of Tubal Cain: When each member of the Sakurai Clan takes up the mantle of wielding the Wewelsburg Longinus and becoming Tubal Cain, they gain access to the powers of those before them. By the time the events of Dies Irae occur, Tubal Cain had a total of four Briah's. Below are the following:

  • Kakusasurahi ushina hite、tsumi to ifutsumi haaraji (此久佐須良比失比氏罪登云布罪波在良自): Musashi Sakurai's Hegemony Briah, derived from his desire "I want to pass on the curse", a desire born from the first Tubal Cain's anguish at being cursed alongside his entire bloodline. It takes the form of a poison that spreads to others. Those affected will have their limbs discolor to black and skin to start cracking, their blood flow coming to a halt, the beating of their heart simply stopping, and their entire vitality expiring from the body, with the result of the target collapsing under their own weight. A phenomenon that is no different than the very undead monster that is Tubal Cain.
  • Kamuyarahiniyarahitamahiki (乃神夜良比爾夜良比賜也): Rei Sakurai's Hegemony Ber'iah, derived from her desire "I want to force the curse onto others", a desire born from the second Tubal Cain out of wanting others to experience what she and her family have to suffer. This time, it takes the form of poisonous arrows shot out of Wewelsburg Longinus, which turns itself into a cannon upon this Briah's activation, where the arrows of poison enters the body of anyone it hits, poisoning them from the inside and causing their heart to fail.
  • Koko da kuno wazawa imeshitehayasasura itamaechi kuranookikura (許許太久禍穢速佐須良比給千座置座): Kai Sakurai's Transcendence Briah, derived from his desire "I want to take the curse onto myself". Unlike the Ber'iah's of those that spread and force the poison of Tubal Cain onto others, Kai's variation instead forces all of it onto himself. A desire born out of the third Tubal Cain's wish to protect his loved ones (Beatrice and Kei) by directing all of the poison to himself. This results in a layer of poisonous armor so corrosive it rots anyone and anything that comes into contact with him whether that be conventional weapons, debris, or even the attacks of a supernatural weapon such as the blood stakes of Wilhelm Ehrenburg's Ahnenerbe. The poison also wraps around Wewelsburg Longinus, giving it the same effect as the armor of poison and, just like the previous Cain's Briah's, affects not the outside but the inside of their target with their poison, instantly rotting them.
  • Donner Totentanz Walkure: Beatrice's Transcendence Ber'iah, which Cain obtained after Kai and Beatrice killed each other and were absorbed together. This allows Cain to gain the properties of lightning, becoming intangible and moving faster than the speed of lightning in addition to using Kai's weapon and Briah, further increasing the undead giant's already incredible strength.


Notable Matches[]


1) When using Tubal Cain for Versus debates, it's best to clarify what state of Tubal Cain is being used. For example, one should clarify if they are using Cain without Beatrice or not as Beatrice is not a natural vessel of the Tubal Cain curse.
