Origins: Marvel Comics
Classification: Asgardian, Elder God
Threat level: Celestial-, likely Celestial+ | Omni-
Powers and abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Artist, Weapon Mastery, Enhanced Senses Mind Manipulation (erased several people's memories #192(Can hear prayers across the cosmos), Illusion Creation, Energy Manipulation (Can channel beams of Anti-Force), Weather Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Intangibility, Time Manipulation (Type 4, was lost later), Gravity Manipulation (Can manipulate gravity to BFR his opponents and Stormbreaker can reverse the effects of gravity), Spatial Manipulation (Can create space warps, can even send people to higher dimensions), Soul Manipulation (As shown here), Wind Manipulation, Flight (Type 4), Teleportation, Light Manipulation, Absorption (Can absorb a person's attacks as well as their life force with it), Attack Reflection (reflected Thanos' attack with a hundred times its intensity), Statistics Amplification (with Warrior's Madness Tenfold and Megingjord Two-fold), Magic Nullification (Nullified Juggernaut's forcefield by swinging Mjolnir), Forcefield Creation (Can create an indestructible forcefield out of interdimensional matrix energy), Matter Manipulation (Can atomise objects using Alpha Particles or re-arrange their molecules), Transmutation (Can transmute people), Holy Manipulation (Mjolnir can turn unholy beings to ash or cancel out the effects of Evil), Energy Sensing (Can sense energy even through time or other beings, or reveal the nature of one's abilties), Sleep Inducement (Put kids to sleep), Immortality (Type 1, by eating the Golden Apples of Idunn)
Matter Manipulation(Took Ultron's Sub-Atomic Disintegrator and survived, took the Destroyer's disintegrator and survived as well), Mind Manipulation (Resisted Telepathy of a Deviant, who could control entire civilizations), Anti-Matter Manipulation (Was unaffected by an anti-energy blast from Odin), Transmutation (resisted having his blood turned into water #185)
Should possess all the powers of his father to a higher degree, in addition to Fate Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Telepathy, Large Size (Type 11), Higher Dimensional Existence (Type 2)
Fate Manipulation (TWSAIS became unable to change Thor's fate as he broke free from the cycle of Ragnarok)
Physical strength: At least Class L lifting strength, likely far higher (scaling from the Hulk and Hyperion. Him having an arm-wrestling contest with Hercules was going to throw the Earth out of orbit. Moved the nine realms, which are individaul universes, and the World Ash, which contains Infinite variants of all realms in it, lifted the Midgard Serpent which stretched from Asgard to Earth. Prevented the Multiverse from collapsing by supporting it's dimensional walls), with High-Universe level, likely Low Multiverse level, possibly higher striking | Irrelevant
Attack potency/Destructive capacity: High-Universe, likely Low Multiverse, possibly higher (Can crack the armor of Celestials, newborn Celestials' armor is perfectly capable of containing the energies of an explosion rivaling the Big Bang. Eric Masterson clashing with Dargo generated a force comparable to the Big Bang,both of them being just 1/10th as strong as Thor himself. Can harm the Mangog with his deadliest blows and can overpower him when he stops holding back, is far more powerful in the mortal plane than on Asgard thanks to being the child of Gaia), far higher with the Godblast (harmed Galactus, making him run for his life) | Meta Dimensional (destroyed Yggdrasil and TWSAIS after attaining power beyond his father)
Durability: High-Universe, likely Low Multiverse, possibly higher (has tanked hits from Hulk, Silver Surfer, Juggernaut and more. Took a blast from Gammenon. Has repeatedly taken attacks from the Mangog and is tougher than Mjolnir) | Meta Dimensional
Speed: TransUniversal+, likely TransUniversalx (Has consistently kept up with the Silver Surfer who can whiz past 500,000 light-years in seconds and the entire Universe in moments. Flies to and fro Asgard multiple times), possibly TFTCx (Silver Surfer outsurfed the Big Bang) | Irrelevant (superior to his father and achieved a status of existence in par with TWSAIS)
Intelligence: Above Average, Genius in battle (has thousands of years of battle experience fighting in all sorts of wars) | Cosmic Genius (achieved knowledge and wisdom through Mimir allowing him to see through time and the cosmic structure)
Stamina: Extremely High (fought a drawn out battle for two years without sleep or food) | Extremely High
Range: At least Universal (Eric and Dargo's clash traveled throughout the cosmos. Can create winds on Asgard that reach the Earth) | Meta Dimensional
Weaknesses: Holds back against mortals and other enemies for fear of killing them, and pays the price for it sometimes
Standard equipment: His famous hammer, Mjolnir. Sometimes Megingjord
Keys : Classic Thor | Rune King Thor