Origins: Magi / Magi - Sinbad no Bouken (Magi spin-off in which he is the MC)
Alias/aka: Sinbad of the Seven Seas, Sin, High king of the Seven Seas, Conqueror of Seven Seas, Master of Seven Djinns
Classification: Human, King vessel || Guardian of the Sacred Palace, Deity
Threat level: Dragon+ || Celestial+
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Powers and abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magoi Manipulation, Minor Power Nullification (Dissipated black fog used by cassim, and claims weak spells of such do not work against him. Also dissipated Alibaba's flames. Also stopped Kougyoku from using full djinn equip)
Physical strength: Depends on Djinn equip, at least up to town+ level striking (only inferior in strength in his verse to the top tiers whom are city or higher in striking) || At least low multiverse+ level (superior to Ugo), likely higher (Magi verse works in a "multi layer" system similar to dimensional mechanics which makes Sinbad potentially immeasurably above Ugo if Sinbad reached a higher hierarchy in their system)
Attack potency/Destructive capacity: Depends on Djinn equip, at least island+ with strongest shown Djinn equip (plowed through several decent sized mountains several years before his current self which is much stronger) || At least low multiverse+, likely higher
Durability: Depends on Djinn equip, at least up to island || At least low multiverse+, likely higher
Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (top tier in his verse in speed) || Unknown
Intelligence: Genius. Manages a country and a multi national alliance, which he built from 0 since he comes from a poor family. Was a prodigy in all aspects since his birth, he was such an irregularity that beings with higher awareness all over the world noticed the moment he was born. Needless to say he is effectively a battle genius. || Nigh omniscient.
Stamina: Very high. He is a top tier in his verse in this category just like in every other, can manage extremely large quantities of magoi and can continue fighting even with grave injuries. || Limitless.
Range: Tens of kilometers ||
Standard equipment: His metal vessels in which his 7 Djinn reside
Key: Human || Guardian of the Sacred Palace