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Top-Strongest Wikia • Top Strongest Project • Rules and Guidelines • Site FAQ • Attack Potency • Threat Levels • Physical Strength • Intelligence • Speed • Stamina • Calculations guide • Average Feats List • Dimensionality • Hax • Higher Dimensional Existence • No Limits Fallacy • Omnipotence • Omniverse • Universe • Reality-Fiction Transcendence • Creation Feats • Stabilization Feats • Black Holes • Environmental Destruction • Statements • Author Statements • Lightning Standards • Light/Laser Standards • Game Mechanics • Save Files • Multilingual Guide • Character Profile Layout • Verse Profile Layout • Categories (Tags) |
Like all the places, the Top-Strongest Wiki has rules which need to be followed to have good use of it and healthy interactions with the other users. There are different types of them as well, and breaking them leads to consequences, from warnings for the less severe ones to permanent ban for the most extreme violations, on a case-by-case basis.
General Rules
- Any kind of unnecessary trolling or spam is not allowed.
- Be always polite no matter the situation.
- The Code of Conduct of the Wiki needs to be followed irrespective of your position or status in the Wiki:
- Abstain from using Abusive Ad hominem: Using any sort of language that is intended to be demeaning, humiliating, mocking, insulting, or belittling that may or may not be based on the actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity of an individual would result in an instant suspension from the Wiki and possibly a permanent ban as well depending on the degree of the offense. Death threat/wish of harm/suicide encouragement are considered specially heinous offenses and will lead to instant bans as well, even if made as a joke.
- Contriving unnecessary drama: Instigating/Causing drama and controversies for the sake of worthless self-satisfaction doesn’t do good for anyone and would lead to warnings which if trespassed than would lead to suspension.
- Improper use of Authority: Abusing your powers as a Moderator/Administrator by falsely banning someone without any coherent reason, or deleting important pages and blogs without the permission of other Administrators would result in warnings, and could possibly result in the removal of the role as Staff Member, or also suspension from the Wiki.
- Make only constructive comments on the blogs only if you need to. Simple complaints are not allowed and will lead to said comments being deleted.
- Using sockpuppet accounts is strongly forbidden, especially to circumvent blocks. Doing so will result in the block duration being greatly increased for all of the accounts.
- Don't use any username which falls under the inappropriate ones.
- Don't post any kind of porn and/or gore (this includes also NSFW text and drawings).
- Impersonating other members is not allowed.
- Don't make any kind of not objective bias such as Jotaro Kujo easily beating the whole of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann or the Sailor Moon verse being below City.
- Talking badly about other websites is not allowed to avoid drama with them.
- Talking about how to solve personal issues such as depression is not allowed. This is not a psychiatry center.
- Talking about real deaths such as suicide or death threats towards other members is not allowed.
- Talking bad about other members like making explicit posts to humiliate them is not allowed, especially if it is about Staff Members.
- Sharing personal information of other members is not allowed.
- While people are free to disagree with our standards and ratings, we should also defend ourselves within our boundaries. Thus, users who join the Wiki only to attack it and its community without planning to actually contribute to it will be permanently banned.
- Off-site behavior is usually irrelevant except in cases of:
- Actions that lead to the destabilization of the site (such as videos, forum posts, Discord chats, etc. that create drama), whether or not it was systematic. To determine what counts as the destabilization of the site one should mostly look at the consequences of the said act rather than the individual act itself.
- Threatening someone off-site, be it a threat of violence, hacking, doxing, sexual harassment, etc.
- Harassment of users in their immediate surroundings (ex. Someone constantly messaging you with insulting comments via DMs/PMs)
- Engaging in online criminal activity.
- Impersonating someone for malicious purposes.
- Copying the content of TSW for off-site wikis.
- Shortened links are not allowed as they would just make the user use the Wiki to gain money, making only full-length links allowed.
- The Wiki is open for suggestions as there's always room to improve and we want to make the best vs wikias out there. However the project is the property of its Founder, meaning that has the final word on anything concerning the Wiki, especially anything regarding Administrative changes and rules.
- Staff members who are inactive (in the meaning of not showing any response when asked to perform a task in their role other than general absence at the Wiki) for a period of 2 months without leaving a message about said inactivity, will get their role as a Staff removed, returning to be a regular member.
Editing Rules
- Use of Logic is necessary. Just as most vs sites, this Wiki will go by low-ends to be only put up what can be likely ascertained. However just as there is blowing characters out of proportion, there is also the underrating of characters by excessive low-ends. Thus even the low-ends provided here must be logical in context with their verse, and not excessive lowballing. Obviously, calcs that seem like glaring outliers blowing a series out of proportion aren't welcome either.
- Vandalizing is not allowed and will definitely lead to Bans.
- Making changes without a Content Revision Thread (CRT) is not allowed.
- Please use the updated Character Profile Layout when making a new character profile. Using another type will lead to the deletion of the created profile. The same rule applies to Verse Profile Layout when making a new verse profile.
- In order to avoid incomplete information, only create profiles of verses you're really knowledgeable about. Whoever makes a page is responsible for its content and thus should be able to assure the contents are factual. False info is intolerable as this project is meant to be one of the best sources in its category.
- Insert all the information possible, as long as is not false. Inserting fake/edited scans is not allowed and can lead to bans.
- Ensure the usage of proper grammar and editing skills while making/editing a profile.
- If you feel that some pages are wrong and are needed to revise them, check and use the internal discussion forum.
- Only officially recognized work will be posted in this Wiki. This covers even the pictures used on the profile, they must come from an official/recognized source/media. Absolutely no exceptions unless directly approved by the Admins/Founder of the Wiki.
- All kinds of characters are allowed except:
- Fanmade characters, such as Dragon Ball Multiverse or UNDERTALE AUs. This extends also to works of fiction which use without permission copyrighted material which is not just a reference/parody for their story.
- Joke/Troll characters such as Suggsverse or memes (Gigachad, Pepe, Doge, etc.).
- Characters who have nothing worth to be indexed such as the characters from K-ON and Love Live!. Basically, characters who have zero powers and abilities and have human or below level stats.
- Real Life persons, unless they are the fictionalized versions of said persons.
- Any kind of religious figure, unless they are the fictionalized versions of said figures.
- Characters from relatively obscure works of fiction, with those made by individuals involved in the vs community like members of this Wiki being specially succeptible to scrutiny. However, this does not mean that works falling under this specific umbrella are inherently banned, as exceptions can be made if said work is officially released by a established company and/or gains considerable public acclaim. For smaller and lesser known companies, the decision of including these verses on the Wiki may be made on a case-by-case basis.
- Do not link any other fictional indexing Wiki for any kind of information. We use just TSW original content here.
- Always link evidence for the powers of the characters, especially if is for extremely powerful abilities as Conceptual Manipulation, Reality Warping, Higher Dimensional Existence, Acausality, Nonexistent Physiology and so on. As suitable alternatives to link posting, detailed explanations, as well as a citation for chapter and/or page number, is also welcome.
- In-verse Specific Abilities pages are allowed only when at least 10 or more characters of the verse share a long list of abilities from default, with evidence for all said powers as well.
- Please specify if the power is combat applicable or not and elaborate or explain why so.
- Making blogs to explain the feats, cosmology, mechanics, and powers, and abilities of a verse is highly advised as it makes it easier to index them.
- Please read the notes on the bottom of the Attack Potency/Destructive Capacity page before making a profile.
- If a page name is of 3 letters or less, please insert the verse name between brackets so the search bar will be able to lead you to said page when searching it.
- It is better to list the Resistances at the end of the Powers and Abilities section or create a separate tabber for Resistances.
- It is better to put the Powers and Abilities of different keys in different tabbers to make the profile easier to read.
- In order to avoid this Wiki to get flooded from pages of high-tiered characters without any control, verses with cosmologies and/or characters that are Hyper Dimensional or above, before being made as profiles, must be introduced first with a CRT which explains why the tiering is that high, with preferably also blogs in order to introduce in a proper formatting and a better readiness the arguments in favor of said tiering, so the Staff members can evalutate if said tiering is legitimate or needs changes. Failure in doing so before making said profiles will cause them getting deleted.
- Any kind of text and/or information that was obtained through A.I. (for example ChatGPT or Google Gemini) should always be checked from a human source before being used on this Wiki. This includes also verifying that the formulas and calculations that the A.I. has made are correct, that the sources it uses are correct and reliable, and that the generated text is accurate for its content and meaning.
Forum Rules
- Do not make any form of spam-like making repeatedly matchups/CRTs with the same verse/character.
- CRTs need to be made as comprehensible as possible.
- Don't Bump a Thread repeatedly, make them at 3 hours distance between each other at minimum.
- Use boards for their destined use.
- Do not use poll based threads (which are the ones where you submit the vote from just clicking the option) for any use except in the "Fun & Games" category, as we allow to be used just threads which are agreed through argumentation and actual discussions.
- Always add the appropriate tags before posting a thread, so it'll be noticed more quickly from the people who'd be interested in it.
Content Revision Rules
- In order for a CRT to be applied, the CRT needs general approval from at least two Staff Members.
- CRT is warranted when there is an important change in the page/pages. For example: Multiple additions or removal of abilities, significant tiering changes, information that impacts multiple pages of a verse, etc.
- CRT is not needed/required IF the change in the page/pages are insignificant or minor. This is assuming that the change made is justified with added scans or links to calcs. For example: Addition of one or two abilities in a page/pages, minor shift in stats due to calcs or visual feats (Building to Large Building or Supersonic to Supersonic+/Hypersonic as examples). However, such changes should definitely be discussed with an Admin or Mod beforehand in either the Fandom Message Wall, Discord Profile or Facebook GC. Moreover, in case of removal of powers and abilities, CRT is warranted as the removal begs the question of why the power is removed.
- CRT for any specific character(s) or verse should be made once in a month to avoid a Spam of Upgrade/Downgrade Threads every day. For example: Multiple Revision Threads to downgrade and upgrade Rimuru Tempest every day.
- An exclusion to the above rule is if the CRT Threads are posted in Different Parts while they comprise a whole revision of an entire Verse.
- Example: CRT Part 1 for Saint Seiya Cosmology Revision, CRT Part 2 for Saint Seiya Stats Revision, CRT Part 3 for Saint Seiya Hax Revision, and so on all comprise an entire CRT for Saint Seiya Verse.
- A CRT can be applied only from at least 24 hours after the minimal amount of agreements required, in order to prevent rushed revisions.
Versus Thread Rules
- While accidental Stomp Threads (when someone makes a Versus Thread where a character can't win against the opponent no matter what they do, but without realizing to have done such) are tolerated, Spite Threads (when someone makes intentionally such Thread) aren't allowed. However, it should be noted that Stomp Threads won't be added to the profiles as they're still one-sided, in order to prevent Spite Threads to be made as well.
- Win conditions are death or incapacitation for 24 hours, may it be from Knock-Out, Sealing, BFR, and so on.
- Even if a character can keep coming back after being killed thanks to abilities such as Regeneration or certain types of Immortality, getting killed over and over against an opponent without having a chance to kill/incapacitate them back also counts as a defeat due to getting incapacitated, as the character will constantly be killed without a chance to win on their own.
- Matchups involving more than one character from a part won't be added, unless:
- The characters need each other to use their full potential.
- One of the characters is useless without the other.
- The characters canonically fight alongside each other frequently and complement each other's skills.
- Votes count until they're debunked from another user.
- Votes count as long as they're constructive to the Thread.
- Please don't use information that isn't on the profile for a Versus Thread. Make a CRT for it.
- In order to add a Versus Thread to the profiles, the difference between votes (Part 1-Part 2-Inconclusive) must be both at least of 3 and the minimum of votes from a part of 4.
- For example a Vote of 4-1-0 would be accepted.
- 3-0-0 won't be accepted.
- 6-6-0 would be counted as Inconclusive.
- 10-7-0 would be accepted.
- Statistics Equalized matches won't be added.
- Speed Equalized matches are the exception and will assume that all the aspects of the speed of a character will be equalized to the lowest one, except the travel speed, which will remain the same. All the abilities given thanks to said speed will remain as well (for example, an Infinite Speed character would be able to move in Time Stop even if their speed is reduced to a finite one). It should be noted however that by default speed will be unequalized unless the OP specifies that it's equalized in the Thread.
- Characters with "Varies" as statistics can't be assumed to have a tiering which isn't listed on the profile.
- Characters are assumed to always have the Equipment they've shown as Standard unless it falls in the Optional one, which needs to be specified in the Thread.
- Characters are assumed to be in the strongest Key and in character, where they'll fight like they usually do in their verse with their morals, but always willing to kill. This shouldn't be confused with the Bloodlusted state, where the character is completely off morals and will try anything to kill the opponent in the fastest way, even at cost of hurting themselves. The OP needs to specify if one or both sides are bloodlusted in they want to use such state and the Key to use if they don't want to use the strongest one in the Thread.
- When a Versus Thread is completed, it should be asked to the Versus Threads Addition/Removal to be added to the respective profiles. Same applies in case it should be removed if it violated our rules or the result is wrong (however, the reason should still be elaborated and discussed in the thread itself). It's preferable that in the Versus Thread there are the links leading to the profiles of both the characters involved, and if they're not, they should be linked in the request itself.
- Always add the tags of the characters and their verse(s) before posting the Versus Thread.
- Standard assumptions about place and initial distance is that both parties are each 5 meters away from the center of the Rungrado 1st of May Stadium, in the opposite direction and looking to each other, with clear sky and 20 °C/68 °F temperature as the weather. The OP needs to specify the battle arena and its conditions in the Thread if they wish to use another one.
- In Versus Threads will be used Verse Equalization.
- Similar energies will be assumed to work as the same. For example, attacks involving a certain type of energy will be assumed to work against similar energies as long as the mechanics behind them are compatible, in order to make the match as fair as possible.
- Characters won't lose or gain any kind of ability they don't inherently possess.
- If an ability has shown some kind of limitation or weakness (such as not working against characters with pure hearts or being nulled from simply the opponent being much stronger) which was directly stated, that will be applied even after the equalization.
- The minimal gap in power which is requires to one-shot in match-ups between characters of different verses is x8.2, due of it being the gap between Human and Superhuman tiers. Note that said gap shouldn't be used for in-verse scaling, as in that case the character would simply upscale in tier unless in the verse it was directly stated the numerical gap necessary to one-shot, in order to avoid flawed ratings which aren't supported from the feats of said character.
- Similarly to our standards for one-shot, the minimal gap in speed required for a speed blitz, which is when a character is so fast that its opponent can't even see or perceive them moving, is x21 due to the difference between our Human and FTE speeds. Note that even here, just blitzing another character in-verse doesn't multiply the speed of such value, as this is just for Versus Threads between characters of different verses, so the character would just upscale in speed from who they have blitzed.
- All the votes have the same value, no matter who's the user.
- Similar with CRTs, a Versus Thread can be applied only from at least 24 hours after the reaching of the minimal amount of votes required.