The ability to not to be affected by something, especially adversely. In fiction, there are many characters that attain certain resistance towards ceratain abilities/Powers
Elemental Resistance: Ability to have resistance towards elemental based attacks or different elements like Fire, Water, Air, Electricity or Earth. User can partially or completly ignore the effects of attacks
Energy Resistance: Ability to have resistance towards Energy based attacks. Users can partially or completly ignore the effects of energy based attacks. This can also be achieved via different abilities like Nullification, Friction Manipulation etc
Mental Resistance: Ability to have resistance against Mind based attacks. Users can partially or completly ignore different forms of Mental Manipulation and Telepathy
- Naruto Uzumaki and Killer B from Naruto
Note: Even if a character is said to be "immune" to certain ability, we will count that as resistance because he is immune to it only to a ceratin degree. For Example, if a city level character is said to be immune to fire based attacks, that does not mean a country level character's fire based attacks wont hurt him.