Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia


A simple guide on how to ask for calculations of certain feats from the CalCurators Group if you're unsure about how to make calculations.

List of the CalCurators Group members.


Yes, there are rules for requesting calculations. Please follow them.

  1. Ask the members of the CalCurators Group for the calc directly on their message wall.
  2. Scan(s) should be available (In case of manga/comic/game feats) or paragraph(s) (in case of light/visual novels).
  3. The scan(s) should be linked through websites made to share images. Imgur is highly recommended, due to its capability of saving more images in the desired order in an album that is easy to share for an unlimited amount of time.
  4. For narrative verses such as books or light novels, it's preferable to post the screenshot of the paragraph(s) where the feat occurs, or copy-pasting it on Pastebin, due to it being able to share text with the same ease found in Imgur.
  5. Feats will be calculated in max a week, please have patience.
  6. When a calc is ready, approach the other CalCurators with it, so it can be checked and its validity confirmed.

Calc Staff Application

We're always glad to have another pair of hands and eyes to help, but there are a few requirements that must be met in order to apply to the calc staff

  1. Knowledgeable in Physics
  2. Read the Calculation guide
  3. Be an active and participating member in the wiki