Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

OnePunch-Man is originally a webcomic by ONE which is currently getting a remake as a webmanga with drastically improved art. OPM is the story of Saitama, A superhero by hobby which has a slight problem... he became too strong. No matter who he fights he always wins with one punch. Soon Genos appears, A Cyborg seeking revenge on a robot that destroyed his home town and in his quest he encounters Saitama and becomes his disciple in order to become powerful enough to fulfill his mission. Eventually the story expands introducing the heroes association which Saitama becomes a part of and beings that threaten the entire world's peace, and as usual Saitama must appear to stop them! Will there ever appear an enemy worthy of his time?

OnePunch-Man is a strong verse overall. There are very few noteworthy haxes in the series so far (Albeit, Some of them are exceptionally admiring such as Garou's reactive evolution).

The verse's Low to Mid tiers (Tiger to High Demon level threats) are around Large Building to City levels of striking strength consisting of decent abilities, The High tiers (Dragon to High Dragon level threats) usually possess power ranging from Mountain to Island levels of striking strength.

Currently the Top tiers of the verse (being above Dragon) such as Awaken Garou, Boros, Orochi, Psykorochi & Tatsumaki range from Continental to Small Planet. The God Tier of the verse (Saitama) sits at "At least Small Planet, Likely higher" due to not showcasing much extent of his power and continuosly holding back on multiple occasions while performing feats of higher calibre than any other character in the series.

There exists a mysterious being in the verse who's known as "God" who's true power & abilities remain unknown except for displaying the ability of Power Bestowal.

The speed ratings of the verse as for now range from Supersonic to Relativistic+ speeds (Bare minimum).

The heroes are divided into C, B, A and S-Class. C-Classes deal mostly with petty crimes. B-Classes with minor dangers, A-Classes with mid ranked threats and S-Classes usually deal only with demon class threats and above.

The "Monsters" are divided into various threat/disaster levels:

  • Wolf: A potential threat that might be endangering to the surrounding environment.
  • Tiger: A threat to a mass number of people.
  • Demon: A threat that's endangering to an entire town or city.
  • Dragon: A threat to multiple cities.
  • God: A genuine threat to the world.

  • Tatsumaki's reaction speed = Mach 2543.9 - Massively Hypersonic+
  • Atomic Samurai's combat speed = Mach 1951.59 - Massively Hypersonic+

  • Characters[]






    Threat Level Above Dragon[]

    Threat Level Dragon[]

    Threat Level Demon[]

    Threat Level Tiger[]

    Threat Level Unknown[]
