Origins: Code: Breaker
Alias/Aka(also known as): Code: 06
Classification: Rare Kind-Ability user hybrid. Human, Code: Breaker
Threat level: Demon-
Gender: Male
Powers and abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Energy Manipulation, Invisibility+ Fire Manipulation (Owner of the 7 flames of purgatory, Beelzebub can rain invisible flames that reach temperatures over 1500 degrees, after fusing with the flame part of Ogami also became invisible), Void Manipulation (Via being able to burn Nothingness), Soul Manipulation (Satan flame burns the soul along with the body), Summoning (Able to summon dead souls via Satan Blaze), Power Nullification (Belphegor is able to burn away and negate special powers, Chibigami used it to reverse Aoba's time manipulation on him), Ice Manipulation (Able to remove body or surrounding heat causing the target to instantly freeze), Sound Manipulation (Temporarily had Yuuki's sound barrier power but gave it away as a payment for Belphegor) and Explosion Manipulation (Via Asmodeus Ogami can cause massive explosions of iridescent colour, the sound is loud enough to shatter the inner ear of people with sensitive hearing), Weapon Mastery (After losing his powers he was taught how to use a sword by The Principal), Non-Physical Interaction (Burned sound, light, magnetism as well as Nothingness, a power that erases from existence), Illusion Creation (Can create Illusions via Asmodeus), Summoning (Is able to summon The Emperor from his left hand), Life Manipulation (Every special power uses life force as a source, Beelzebub was able to suck out Ogami's life force), Regeneration Negation (Nullified The One Being Sought's regeneration by constantly burning his cells), Curse Manipulation (Can place a condition on beings and if the condition is broken Ogami's flames burn the target's heart from the inside), Creation (Turned Mammon into 2 blades), Wind Manipulation (Using Mammon he created a whirlwind strong enough to erase Toki's magnetism and instantly burn Gaus Cannon), Matter Manipulation (Leviathan severs all matter and Belphegor burns all matter), Acupuncture (Aoba gave him her powers), Shapeshifting and Power Mimicry (The 7 Demons perfectly replicated all Code Breakers and were able to use the same powers and techniques), Resistance to: Sealing (Sakura who could seal people, powers, memories and even an entire day couldn't seal him due to his strong will), Fire Manipulation (Kagerou's flames couldn't burn him), Electricity Manipulation (Fire conducts electricity so any electrical attack would just go through Ogami), Life Manipulation (Dozens of normal humans don't even make up for 1% of a special power user's life), Power Nullification (Not even Sakurakouji could nullify his powers once they ran out of control, comparable to The Emperor who burned countless of rare kind children), Immune to sense-related abilities (Gave away taste and smell as a payment for his powers)
Physical strength: Multi Block level (Via power-scaling)
Attack Potency: Multi Block+ (Burned Nothingness, a pitch black power that almost destroyed an entire city, surpassed The Emperor by combining all 7 flames)
Durability: Multi Block+ (Tanked multiple attacks from Joker Toki who could make a huge hole on the wall by casually throwing a pin and took his attack with no powers)
Speed: Speed of light (Blitzed Heike's clones which were made out of photons, special powers users use the real world's elements)
Intelligence: Genius. Excellent and witty fighter shown to make decisions in a split second. Always composed during fights and doesn't let emotions take him over. Learned how to survive and kill from The One Being Sought as a child.
Stamina: High.
Range: Kilometers, his flames covered an entire city.
Weaknesses: Overusing their power can make users enter a 'Lost' state where some transform into random animals and are unable to use their powers for 24 hours. The Emperor can give and take away his powers. Has no sense of smell or taste and can't use Lucifer's flames without sacrificing the most important thing to him which are his memories.
Standard equipment: None
Noteworthy techniques and abilities []
The Flames of Purgatory are Code:Emperor's flames to judge evil. It is known as the strongest Special Power. They represent the seven deadly sins and are known to incinerate them.
Ogami uses these flames through his left arm, which is actually the Code:Emperor's arm. However, as a child, Ogami was able to control all seven. After the Emperor's soul fragment disappears Ogami regains the use of the flames, but has yet to master them all. The flames are said to be able to burn even the Rare Kinds.

- Satan Blaze: Ogami's element is fire. At first, it is shown that he can cover anything he touches with his left hand in blue flames that can burn fire itself. It is later shown that if he removes the ring on his left hand, his power and reach increase dramatically, to the point where it is hinted that he can use pyrokinesis. This special power originated from the arm of Code:Emperor that was given to Ogami (hence why he could only generate it from his left hand). Later on, he was shown to be able to channel it through his entire body, since he possessed this power long before he received Code:Emperor's arm. Ogami offered his sense of taste as payment for this flame. The sin it represents is Wrath.

- Belphegor : This flame burns the Special Power instead of the person, nullifying its effect. Ogami can also use this flame to burn and nullify the effect of abilities used on his body, as Chibigami did after Code:Revenger turned back his time, nullifying both Yukihina's ice and Code:Revenger's ability. The sin it represents is Sloth. It is able to burn matter.

- Mammon : Mammon's first form was that of a twin-headed beast, which was able to destroy all of Heike's clones by causing a massive explosion. In his battle with Toki, Ogami showed to have full control over Mammon and could summon its true form: the Dichromatic Twin Flamberges of the Netherworld. In its true form, the hot blue flame and cold yellow flame can interact, making the temperature differences change the air pressure, which creates a gigantic whirlwind of scorching heat. The sin it represents is Greed.

- Beelzebub : Beelzebub is the Achromatic Catharsis Flame of Purgatory and the wielder of the Flame of Judgement. Beelzebub is capable of unleashing a colorless flame, at a temperature exceeding 1500 °C, to instantly incinerate anything. Ogami first tried to use it in his battle with Toki, but was unable to control it. Once Heike returned the missing part required to control it, Ogami was able to summon its incomplete form and defeat Toki. In its true form, Beelzebub can call a rain of fire to descend from the sky, instantly disintegrating anything around Ogami. However, the damage it inflicts rebounds back to Ogami with the same intensity. The sin it represents is Gluttony.

- Leviathan : Leviathan is the Argentous Phantom Flame of Hades and the strongest of the demons shown yet. Initially, Leviathan appeared to be very reasonable and polite, unleashing a silver-colored flame that shredded the Rare Kind to pieces (supposedly its true power). After sensing Reggae Four-Eyes's envy, however, it showed its true demonic personality and power: the capability of freezing its targets by removing the heat from the area. The sin it represents is Envy. It is also able to severe matter.

- Asmodeus: Asmodeus is the Iridescent Explosive Flame of Hell. At first, Asmodeus displayed the ability to trap people inside an illusion of lust, while slowly consuming them. Its true power, however, lies in its capability of producing massive explosions of iridescent colour (due to chemically reacting with the surrounding alloys). Furthermore, the sound produced by the explosion can shatter the inner ear of people with sensitive hearing, like Yuuki. In order to gain control over Asmodeus. The sin it represents is Lust.
- Lucifer: Ogami's final and strongest flame given to him by The Emperor. It combines all flames into one that was even able to burn "Nothingness"
- Flame of Rebuke: He can create a flame that doesn't kill his target, but is more of a form atonement/punishment to prevent them from committing anymore crimes in the future at the risk of their lives.