Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia


Noble Greylancer (貴族グレイランサー) is a pure blood Greater Noble who oversees the Northern Frontier Sector as its Overlord. Hailing from the long line of the Greylancer Family which includes his sister Laria and their father, he is recognized as one of the greatest warriors amongst the Nobility. He is the main protagonist of his own series Noble V: Greylancer and makes his first appearance in Nightmare Village as a Co-Protagonist to help D.

Powers and Stats

Dimensionality: 3D || 3D

Threat Level: Quasar+ || Quasar+

Powers and Abilities: Noble Physiology, Homing Attacks (Can throw his Lance which can strike down any target anywhere), Darkness Manipulation (Was stated to be covered in a "Dark Mist" amidst in the middle of a sunny hot day), Summoning (Can Summon his Lance), Energy Projection (Greylancer can shoot Particle Beams from his Lance), Aura & Fear Inducement (Greylancer can emit a ghostly Aura that can petrify others), Forcefield (Via Nobility Forcefields), Information Analysis (Via Nano Sized Sensor Insects on his Chariot), BFR & Space Time Manipulation (Via Dimensional shot on his Chariot that destroys and BFR's the opponent into another dimension while Time becomes warped inside the vortex), Possibly many more powers and resistances via Von Hauptmann Bloodline Gifts || All Previous abilities amplified in addition to Non-Corporeal (Exists as an illusion given physical form by the data of Greylancer stored in Nobility computers), Forcefield (Can create Forcefields), Energy Absorption (Can absorb energy attacks in his Lance), Hellfire Manipulation (Can cover himself in Hellfire and even project it towards his enemies), Water Manipulation (Can control Water for offensive purposes), Resistances to Paralysis & Fear Inducement (Was unaffected by D's Eldritch Aura)

Physical Strength: At least Building Level (Superior to many other Greater Nobles at that time) || At least Galaxy level (Physically using his Lance, he was able to block a Galaxy busting attack from the "Thing". Pushed back D with his Spear so hard that D flew away backwards at high speed, however, D was significantly weakened due to Rain and Sunlight Syndrome and moreover, D was completely unscathed by Greylancer's attack)

Attack Potency: At least Building (Superior to a younger Baron Vlijmen Mayerling and many other Greater Nobles at that time), At least Galaxy via his Lance (Can draw the power of the entire Milky Way and was stated to have power equal to that of the "Thing" which contained power to easily destroy the Galaxy) || At least Galaxy (Was stated to have the power of the Milky and comparable to the Thing which had the power to destroy the galaxy. Could hold his own against a nerfed and weakened D)

Durability: At least Building (Can survive pressure which was described as being under a few hundred tons of stone) || At least Galaxy (Can hold off attacks from the "Thing" which not only had the power to destroy the Galaxy but also absorbed Greylancer's attack and redirected it towards him)

Speed: High Hypersonic+ Reaction Speed (Can casually deflect a raining barrage of arrows traveling at 34 Kilometers/Sec) with Light Speed attacks via his Lance || Possibly FTLx Reaction Speed (Can react to Vol 27 Base D although the latter was heavily weakened due to Sunlight Syndrome and the Rain)

Intelligence: At least Hyper Genius (Being a part of Nobility, he is gifted with their intellect and cunningness. Is a veteran and a master strategist who has led and won many wars)

Stamina: Very High || At least Very High, possibly Limitless (Due to an illusion given physical form, Greylancer is likely exempted from the limitations of physical body)

Range: At least Kilometers, likely far higher (One swipe of his Lance was stated to stated to deflect an entire army of OSB fleets) || At least Kilometers, likely far higher

Weakness: Nobility Weaknesses || Only Holy Cross

Key: Noble V Greylancer || Nightmare Village


His Signature Silver Lance, Nobility Forcefields, Dimension Ripping Bomb, his Chariot, his Time-Deceiving Incense Ring, his Noble Garments, and his Anti-Gravity Belt.


Whence have you come? And whence will you go?
— Greylancer questioning the Sacred Ancestor, Noble V Greylancer

I suppose you already know this, but both I and the duchess are illusions temporarily given physical form from data recorded in the computers. But what a pleasant time I’ve had, D. I’ve gone across time and met an incredible man.
— Greylancer's Last Words to D before fading away, Nightmare Village

