Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria. While brawn is always helpful for fights, someone with brains may show superior.

The word in itself, however, is extremely difficult to objectively define, as it may refer to someone's ability to learn and understand, how they apply their knowledge and skills in various situations such as problem solving, self-awareness, their amount of knowledge, creativity, and many on, given how many ways intelligence can be applied in different areas. For this reason, when indexing characters, it's incredibly difficult to objectively pinpoint their exact degree of intelligence, as while someone can have a high Logical-Mathematical intelligence or generally have high knowlegde, they may lack in other areas, such as Musical, Emotional or Interpersonal intelligence, making necessary to not making a generalization of a character's intelligence as a whole, but rather to give a rating to their intelligence in certain areas; for example Son Goku, who, despite lacking intellect-wise in most of the situations, in battle he's a prodigy with immense skill and talent.

Intelligence Quotient

Often simplified as IQ, it is a score which is a scientific attempt to quantify one's intelligence, which is given through tests in real life. In fiction, most of the time authors give a IQ rating to characters, which might be extremely high, such as 5000 or even 10^30. However, without feats, those numbers are just exaggerated ratings which aren't supported, as from their own would just mean that said character is really smart compared to human beings, given that, again, intelligence is hard to quantify and IQ is generally treated from scientists as an inefficient way to rate a person's intelligence, and just basing on it discredits other aspects of intelligence, given that IQ tests just measure the general intelligence of a person. For this reason, basing on just an IQ rating and not the actual intelligence feats of the character is fallacious.


The following is a list of the ratings which are given to a character's intelligence.

  • None: Lacking of any actual thought process. These characters are literally mindless and are uncapable of performing acts which require any kind of intellect.
  • Animal-like: Beings who are mainly instinctual, lacking intellectual process for the most part, though they still can have really basic skills in reasoning and problem-solving.
  • Low: Individuals that are essentially mentally challenged in comparison to average human standards, without remarkable skills.
  • Below Average: Beings who below average adult intellect, for example people who could be classified as literally "dumb" in comparison to the average human or who simply has an underdeveloped brain, such as young kids.
  • Average: Average human intellect. While the intellect of these characters is slightly higher in some fields, their overall intelligence is still average.
  • Above Average: Characters that show greater cognitive ability than the norm, but do not particularly stand out in any intellectual or academic fields.
  • High: Characters that demonstrate high reasoning ability, can master concepts with few repetitions, and display high performance capability in intellectual, creative, or specific academic fields.
  • Genius: Characters who have showcased extremely high intellect in one or more areas. This level of intelligence in fiction is often showcased from scientists or strategists, and is attributed to actual geniuses or intellectuals of the real world, such as Aristotle, Stephen Hawking and Pablo Picasso. In lack of better feats, this should be the default intelligence rating for characters treated as if they have exceptional or superhuman intelligence. For Combat users this can be defined as being able to easily defeat other skilled warriors and learn techniques from just seeing them.
  • Super Genius: Characters whose knowledge spreads over many areas and surpass those of the smartest humans on the Earth. They can create futuristic technology, elaborate complex strategies even under pressure, surpass supercomputers or even accurately predict the future from just their calculations. For Combat users this level of intelligence is generally about characters being able to learn techniques from just hearing about them, or defeating their opponents despite those have even hundreds or more years worth of fighting experience.
  • Hyper Genius: Characters who can perform feats such as create reality-defying technology from just using daily household items, effortessly outsmarting other geniuses, have a complete understanding over all the fields of science, are easily capable of performing calculations beyond the capabilities of modern humanity from just their own or even elaborate extremely deep and complex plans. Note that just creating futuristic technology isn't enough for a Hyper Genius rating, as unlike Super geniuses, those characters are capable of making inventions which make them warp reality at will, instead of simply defying the laws of physics.
  • Cosmic Genius: Characters who have the highest non-omniscient level of intelligence. These beings have a total understanding of the cosmological setting of their verse from just their analysis, to the point they have a kind of cosmic awareness from their intellect alone. Note that just being above Hyper Genius characters isn't enough to have this rating, as those characters are capable of competing with omniscient beings through sheer intellect, or even being able to detect space-time anomalies from just their intuition, without any kind of study and/or technology behind.
  • Nigh-Omniscient: Characters who know almost everything in the setting in their verse, with the exception of some information or even areas which are still unknown to them.
  • Omniscient: Self-Explanatory. Characters who know everything of their verse, with no exception, as they have all the possible knowledge in their setting.


  1. Ratings such as "Below Average normally, Super Genius in X field" works for characters who normally behave with generally a silly behaviour or have issues in performing simple tasks, but in the field they're specialized in, they have impressive feats which surpass by far the human capabilities.
  2. Ratings such as "Average normally, Nigh-Omniscient with X ability" works with characters who, when using a certain power, can achieve all the possible knowledge of a certain place, for example through Cosmic Awareness, but they're unable to achieve said levels of intelligence from just their own.
  3. A character gets their rating in intelligence with the same basis they get so in Attack Potency and other statistics, which is on their intelligence feats.
  4. A character being Omniscient doesn't mean that they know about things which are not in their verse. For example, a character being Omniscient wouldn't know about abilities such as Plot Manipulation if said power isn't showcased in their setting.