Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

Origins: Boku no Hero Academia

Classification: Human, Quirk-user, Villain alliance member

Threat level: Wolf+

Age: Unknown, likely between 16-18

Gender: Female

Powers and abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Shapeshifting, Stealth Mastery, Skilled Knife User, Expert Hand to Hand Combat

Physical strength: At least Building+ (held Deku down by twisting his arms)

Attack Potency: At least Building+ (Injured Aizawa. Is one of the prominent member of League of Villians and constantly fights Pro-Heroes.)

Durability: Likely Building+

Speed: At least Transonic (Swiftly avoided binding of Aizawa and managed to give him a wound simultaneously. Casually kept up with 5% Full Crowl Deku during Provisional Hero Liscense exams)

Intelligence: Very high. Shown to be incredibly skilled till the point Izuku confused her swift movements with a quirk when in reality she was just using openings to move without his notice. Was on even, if not superior grounds to Izuku in their confrontation. All this done while impersonating Kemii, whom she succesfully took the place of for 3 days while only being noted to be acting "weird" in comparison to the usual Kemii.

Stamina: At least above average.

Range: Melee

Weaknesses: Is obsessive and has dificulty controlling her psychopathic tendencies. Her Quirk cannot replicate their targets personality, knowledge, abilities, and other such details. The amount of time the Quirk allows one to stay transformed is proportionate to the amount of blood that is consumed - One cup of blood equates to roughly one days worth of transformation.

Standard equipment: Knife, blood-sucking mask 

Noteworthy techniques and abilities

Toga quirk-0

Transform: Also known as Metamosphis in some translations, Himiko's Quirk allows her to take on the complete physical appearance of another person, as well as to imitate their voice, by ingesting their blood. The duration of the transformation depends on the amount of blood she consumes. She does not, however, appear to be capable of using the Quirk of the person whose appearance she is mimicking. It seems that touching the disguise does not give her ability away. Additionally, she can shift between disguises if she has consumed more than one person's blood. When she deactivates her Quirk, the disguise melts into a light-colored slime-like substance

Stealth: By moving while holding her breath and making her mind blank, Himiko can erase her presence to the point she seems to vanish altogether, both from sight and hearing. This ability is not limited to ambushes, but can also be used in combat, as she can disappear if the opponent so much as averts their attention from her for an instant.

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