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Shinza Pantheon Gods

All of the Hegemony Gods plus Hirume and Yomi as shown in Dies Irae: Pantheon.

Gudou Gods K3

The Eastern Expedition Team (sans Keishirou and Sakuya Kougetsu) as Transcendence Gods in Kajiri Kamui Kagura.


When a person reaches a point where their desire to change all things or themselves hits their peak, their souls are elevated to a higher plane of existence where they have attained Godhood. This form of Godhood is referred to by many names: Atziluth in Omega Ewigkeit (Dies Irae), Taikyoku in Mahamara (Kajiri Kamui Kagura), Big Bang in Ahura Mazda (Kokubyaku no Avesta), and so on. All in all, they all refer to the same kind of godhood a person can become in the Shinza Banshou Series.

As mentioned, this comes in two types in the form of Hegemony and Transcendence (Hadou/覇道 and Gudou/求道 in original Japanese): The former makes the God Law overwrite all others to follow their desire as they see fit while the latter becomes completely isolated from all concepts and laws in the world.

In the case of Hegemony Gods (覇道神), their World becoming that of all of creation is a feature that can only permit one per world. Should there ever be another or so, all existing Hegemony Gods will contend in battle with one another until one remains, with the victor either being the current ruler or the new one who paints over creation to begin anew. In either cases, the loser will end up killed and absorbed by the winning God and their Law.

For Transcendence Gods (求道神), they do not have this problem as their World is independent of others and thus multiple Gods of this type can coexist with one another. The only downside to this is wandering alone for eternity as an "exile of the world" without being able to fade away.

In either cases, both share the same level of existence but are expressed differently.

All Gods[]

Shared Abilities[]

Shared Resistances[]

Hegemony God exclusive abilities[]


Hegemony Gods[]

  • A Hegemony God cannot stop their growth once they start emanating and once they repaint over creation entirely, they are unable to do so again. Additionally, completing their "painting" of their law over all of creation essentially hard caps the Hegemony God in question of their growth based on the reality their Law can cover up to, making them unable to "grow any stronger".
  • As a Hegemony God's Law is done to repaint over all of creation in its entirety, there cannot be more than one as all Hegemony Gods will end up clashing with one another regardless of their intent (Sans Marie who's law allowed multiple Hadou Gods exist at the same time).
  • A Hegemony God's Kamunagara can be potentially attacked, which sends some of the damage it suffers back to the user. While it's only a "power image" meant to showcase one's power to dominate others, the destruction of one's Kamunagara won't kill the Hegemony God in question but said God will still suffer significant damage in any case.

Transcendence Gods[]

  • Due to their nature as self-contained worlds unable to emanate and affect their surroundings as a Hegemony God can, a Transcendence God must directly affect others to inflict their Law's effect as seen in Marie's curse and as described in the battle between Soujirou and Shiori.
  • Unlike Hegemony Gods, Transcendence Gods are incapable of taking in any souls to empower themselves. As such, their power is based on their own selves (soul), making their fullpower essentially capped compared to Hegemony Gods who can grow stronger this way and more.