When a person reaches a point where their desire to change all things or themselves hits their peak, their souls are elevated to a higher plane of existence where they have attained Godhood. This form of Godhood is referred to by many names: Atziluth in Omega Ewigkeit (Dies Irae), Taikyoku in Mahamara (Kajiri Kamui Kagura), Big Bang in Ahura Mazda (Kokubyaku no Avesta), and so on. All in all, they all refer to the same kind of godhood a person can become in the Shinza Banshou Series.
As mentioned, this comes in two types in the form of Hegemony and Transcendence (Hadou/覇道 and Gudou/求道 in original Japanese): The former makes the God Law overwrite all others to follow their desire as they see fit while the latter becomes completely isolated from all concepts and laws in the world.
In the case of Hegemony Gods (覇道神), their World becoming that of all of creation is a feature that can only permit one per world. Should there ever be another or so, all existing Hegemony Gods will contend in battle with one another until one remains, with the victor either being the current ruler or the new one who paints over creation to begin anew. In either cases, the loser will end up killed and absorbed by the winning God and their Law.
For Transcendence Gods (求道神), they do not have this problem as their World is independent of others and thus multiple Gods of this type can coexist with one another. The only downside to this is wandering alone for eternity as an "exile of the world" without being able to fade away.
In either cases, both share the same level of existence but are expressed differently.
All Gods[]
- All the abilities of Ewigkeit on an unimaginably higher scale (Ewigkeit is a magical formula made by Mercurius to be a "beginner's manual" or "simple system to become a god", with Atziluth being the final degree a practitioner of said art could achieve. As most Gods of the series before and after Dies Irae have managed to achieve Godhood without needing to learn said art, they are more than capable of achieving the same abilities it grants on a much higher scale)
- Abstract Existence (Type 1), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Higher Dimensional Existence (Type 2): (Gods are those who embodies their own Law upon emanation into Godhood. This is further reinforced as those with Taikyoku, the definition of a god's power in Kajiri Kamui Kagura, makes the possessor the source of and/or beyond all concepts and phenomenon. This is referred to as Hegemony (Law that dominates all other laws in creation) and Transcendence (Law that lies outside of all creation). A God's Law is repeatedly said several times as the Law that molds all things and, in terms of Hegemony Gods, the source of which all things that is yin-yang originates from due to being the center point of the cosmos itself; Gods with such existence makes them incomprehensibly transcendent to those who do not reach the same level of existence as them as the act of trying to harm them is akin to a picture trying to harm reality. Even such things like the Singularity (which only as Gods are they capable of painting it, and the rest of creation, in their color), which is an infinite expanse of colorless Taikyoku, or hole in the canvas of creation, that exists as a tunnel to the Throne and comprises every layer of creation from the lowest floor being the multiverse, to the highest being right before the Throne itself, can be painted upon by the Hegemony God. The Singularity is also under the dominion of the Supreme Law/Throne God and is both infinite and endless, and one who manages to reach the "bottom" of it, will merely open another, deeper hole that is deeper than the last ad infinitum, and beyond it all exists the Throne, and Gods exist beyond even that as shown by the meaninglessness of its destruction and by it being affected by numerous' Gods' laws)
- Nonduality (Type 2, likely Type 3), Nonexistent Physiology (Type 2), and Acausality (Type 5) (Transcendence Gods like Marie are stated to exist outside of the world's laws and concepts and do not obey them. As self-contained universes, they are walking singularities that exist outside of the world's law and its concepts as something that is dead yet not dead, someone who is an everlasting, unchanging nil that exists yet doesn't exist. In other words, they are walking contradictions, representing a dichotomy yet also not so. Hegemony Gods should also be similar as Mercurius is said to also exist outside of the world's known laws and though a Hegemony God's Law instead affects all around them, they otherwise exist on the same level of existence as Gods who possess Taikyoku (the expression of Godhood in K3) possess a scale and density that makes them a world independent to everything else)
- Plot Manipulation: Madara states that Taikyoku users can rewrite their narratives, something Madara has done all the time.
- Immortality:
- Type 1 (Hegemony Gods are eternal, existing forever until a challenger of the Throne comes and defeats them and overwrites their Law. Transcendence Gods are also eternal themselves, as Gods like Marie were stated to be "Perpetual. Eternal. Immortal. Divine. Infinite. A life beyond death.", and Masada have even stated a Transcendence God's lifespan allows them to live on forever until they are killed)
- Type 3 and Regeneration (High Godly - Information, Concept, History and likely Plot; The Gods are the highest forms of existence in all of creation. As such, their immortality and regeneration should be above the likes of Methuselah, who is darkness itself and its personified concept. They should also be greater than that of Frederica, who is stated by the Goddess of the era she lived under to have the greatest immortality of all past generational mortals. As such, this would naturally mean having greater immortality the series to date have shown such as the immortality and regeneration provided through Ewigkeit as well as the restoration abilities of Gladsheim's blessing to its Einherjars and Habaki's Distortion, both of which have shown to allow them to survive direct hits and even contact from Machina's fists who has been stated many times to destroy the history, concept and information of their targets including personified concepts like Methuselah. The narrative aspect is supported with Madara stating how Taikyoku allows one to overwrite their narratives, a statement he further makes in having done so all the time)
- Type 11 (Scaling from Marie, who even as a Transcendence God was described as "dead, yet not dead", exists yet doesn't exist".)
- Immortality & Regeneration Negation (Types 1, 3, and 11 and High Godly - Information, Concept, History and likely Narrative; As shown numerous times, Gods can kill one another, bypassing their regenerative capabilities and immortality, particularly if they possess greater Taikyoku than them)
- Invulnerability (Gods are powerful beings whose very existence makes them unable to be affected or harmed by anything that isn't on the same level of or similar existence as them, with any attacks that try to land being akin to a "drawing that can't harm the artist".)
- All of the resistances granted by Ewigkeit on an unimaginably higher scale (All Gods should more than likely possess the same resistances that is granted by Ewigkeit but on a much higher scale as many have been able to achieve Godhood without undergoing said art).
- Resistance to Death Manipulation (Yakou, who possessed Colorless Taikyoku prior to ascending to Godhood, was able to survive in Ootake's world of death, only having their lifeforce drained despite it instantly killing those who would take a step inside. For Gods who possess a proper Craving and thus a Color, they are more than able to survive in the same situation.).
- Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Gods can stay in the singularity unaffected. The singularity is a place reserved for the gods, and if a mortal were to be hypothetically dropped in, their minds wouldn't be able to handle its existence, and the phenomenon would be akin to dropping a single sugar cube into a giant body of water)
Hegemony God exclusive abilities[]
- Statistics Amplification (A Hegemony God's strength is determined by how much of their Law covers in their domain, which will continuously expand until they reach permanence so long as they exist)
- Large Size (Up to Type 11; A Hegemony God's body is proportionate to the dominion their Law has covered, with their peak covering all of creation upon completion which can be that of the entire universe to even a multiverse of infinite universes. Thus, everything from the lowest floor of creation which is the universe or even infinite multiverse, to the Throne which is hyper-dimensional in nature and is described as so alien "humans words can't describe it", can be painted over and thus become part of that God's "body".)
- Enhanced Spiritual Aura (Overwhelming; The density of a Hegemony God's soul is powerful enough to destroy all of creation from their mere presence, which why the Throne is needed to contain it. Stronger Gods, in turn, can even destroy weaker Hegemony Gods who can do the aforementioned feat if the gap in power between them is large enough)
- Creation (Alongside being the origin of all things, Hegemony Gods are stated to be capable of creating concepts).
- Information Manipulation (Hegemony Gods paint over the infinite colorless information of the Singularity with their Law)
- Omniscience (As a Hegemony God, they expand to consume all of Creation, where they are capable of knowing everything that has or will happen inside their own Law, as it is no different than being part of their being)
- Omnipresence (A Hegemony God is the origin of and embodies their law, which emanates over all of creation, and paints the blank slate of the cosmos in their color)
- Size Manipulation (Due to being the embodiment of and source of their own Law, a Hegemony God endlessly expand their law so long as they're alive until their Law completely overpaints all of creation)
- Law Manipulation, Spatial-Temporal Manipulation, and Reality Warping (A Hegemony God that emanates will impose their own Law on the world and also passively warp existing laws; the flood of their Law will cause reality to warp and be shaped according to their desires, affecting all of the cosmos, including things like space and time)
- Summoning (Hegemony Gods can summon the Physical Manifestation of their Law, which is known as a Kamunagara. Kamunagara can also be used for attacks that can exhibit the summoners Law)
- Reactive Power Level (A battle of Hegemony Gods is like a clashing of laws, in which both sides struggle to overtake one another, gaining more power in the process)
- Power Bestowal (A Hegemony God can grant any soul under their Law pseudo Godhood status and protection through Legion Reincarnation, enabling those who do not have divinity of their own to be granted one and also able to damage beings on the same level of existence as the God that bestowed them such status.)
- Avatar Creation (Hegemony Gods bodies are the entirety of creation, thus they are incapable of physically interacting with others on a more personal level and where they employ the use of Sensories for that purpose as shown with Mercurius, whose true self lives at the center of the Throne, while his shade is referred to as only a "reflection of the moon on a lake's surface" that is able to interact in the lower planes of existence. Said Sensories remain unaware of their nature at first until certain conditions awakes their awareness of their nature)
- Void Manipulation (Gods or those of the Emanation level can paint over the singularity, which embodies a notion of nothingness as a blank slate without color)
- Absorption (Unlike Transcendence Gods, who have to rely on their own soul, a Hegemony God can take in all of the souls existing in the world to strengthen themselves, with a fight between two Hegemony being akin to a fight for each others' souls)
- Power Nullification (Hegemonies can neutralize each other. A Hegemony God's Law will also passively push down anyone who tries to deploy their own world while under theirs, causing the user's desired world to fade away in short time.)
Hegemony Gods[]
- A Hegemony God cannot stop their growth once they start emanating and once they repaint over creation entirely, they are unable to do so again. Additionally, completing their "painting" of their law over all of creation essentially hard caps the Hegemony God in question of their growth based on the reality their Law can cover up to, making them unable to "grow any stronger".
- As a Hegemony God's Law is done to repaint over all of creation in its entirety, there cannot be more than one as all Hegemony Gods will end up clashing with one another regardless of their intent (Sans Marie who's law allowed multiple Hadou Gods exist at the same time).
- A Hegemony God's Kamunagara can be potentially attacked, which sends some of the damage it suffers back to the user. While it's only a "power image" meant to showcase one's power to dominate others, the destruction of one's Kamunagara won't kill the Hegemony God in question but said God will still suffer significant damage in any case.
Transcendence Gods[]
- Due to their nature as self-contained worlds unable to emanate and affect their surroundings as a Hegemony God can, a Transcendence God must directly affect others to inflict their Law's effect as seen in Marie's curse and as described in the battle between Soujirou and Shiori.
- Unlike Hegemony Gods, Transcendence Gods are incapable of taking in any souls to empower themselves. As such, their power is based on their own selves (soul), making their fullpower essentially capped compared to Hegemony Gods who can grow stronger this way and more.