Ability to move freely above ground, in atmosphere or vacuum. There are many ways for a character to perform this ability, which are as follows
1) Pseudo Flight: A form of flight where a person is able to achieve this by successive jumps or kicking the air rapidly. This form of flight is limited.
2) True Flight: Ability of a character to move freely above ground, atmosphere or Vacuum for a long period of times
- Examples: Several characters from Dragon Ball, Several characters from The God of High School, God Tiers of Naruto.
3) Levitation: Levitation is the process by which an object is suspended against gravity, in a stable position, without physical contact. The drawback of this form of flight is user cant move freely in the air
- Examples: Magneto
4) Using Devices: A form of flight where a character uses different equipments to move in air (Rocket engines, anti-gravity equipments, Mechanical wings, or other gadgets). Characters who use Wings to fly also come under this category
- Examples: Marco and Doflamingo (One Piece), Devil Gene Users from Tekken
5) Using Abilities: Characters achieving flight by using different abilities like elemental manipulation (Water/ Wind/ Sand Manipulation), Gravity Manipulation, Magic or other powers come under this category
- Examples: Logia Users fromOne Piece, Some characters from Fairy Tail, Several characters fromBastard!!, Susanoo users from Naruto.