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Ewigkeit Pic

The mark of Mercury that represents the formula of Ewigkeit.


Die Ewigkeit, or just simply Ewigkeit, is a form of Sorcery possessed by numerous different characters in the World of Foreknowledge (the setting of Dies Irae). Developed and created by Karl Ernst Krafft as a way to spiritually merge an Ahnenerbe (or Holy Relic) with their wielder in question, who are then called Apostles. With Ewigkeit, it grants the user superhuman capabilities, the power to reap and absorb souls, even go as far as tearing away souls from the cycle of Recurrence, and many more abilities as they learn and go up the degrees of its magical system. In simplistic terms, it is a "Beginner Guide" to becoming a God created by God to kill said God.

Note: This page covers the general basics of what all/most of the Apostles possess through Ewigkeit, as well as the levels or Degrees of Ewigkeit (Up to Briah) and a little on the nature of Ahnenerbe due to their connection to Ewigkeit. Special and unique exceptions of characters own weaknesses will be covered in their respective profiles.


Ewigkeit has four Degrees a user can fall under depending on their skill level. Below are the following:

  • Assiah: The first degree of Ewigkeit, also known as the Activation Degree. It is the stage in which one can control their Ahnenerbe albeit while in a somewhat unstable state where they are at risk of losing control of it. By just concentrating, the wielder is capable of summoning an aspect of their Ahnenerbe (ex. a slash from a blade, fire from a firearm, etc.). It is similar to psychokinesis, manifesting as invisible attacks that make for swift attacks though their attack power is not great, being only enough to deal a fatal wound to normal human beings. At this degree, a user of Ewigkeit is only somewhat superhuman, being granted only a small set of abilities including having a more resilient body and the ability to heal non-fatal injuries, though they are still capable of dying should their vital organs be destroyed.
    • All members of the LDO, Ren, and Shirou have surpassed this Degree.
  • Yetzirah: The second degree of Ewigkeit, also known as the Formation Degree. At this stage, the wielder is now capable of fully manifesting their Ahnenerbe in a visible form, allowing them to weaponize it properly and show off its particular trait. This not only boosts the Ahnenerbe’s power, but also that of the wielder's five senses and spiritual senses beyond that of Assiah as well as bolstering their regeneration to come back as disembodied souls that can form back their physical bodies. In addition, Ewigkeit helps the users' body resist against aging, fatal wounds, illnesses, and poisons. However their soul still ages, being only able to last a century long before finally expiring, 300 years when one masters Ewigkeit and it can go up to 2000 years tops.
    • All members of the LDO and Ren have surpassed this Degree. Rote Spinne, Lisa Brenner, and Shirou have only managed to reach this stage but cannot go any further. Ren, in some timelines, could also reach into Ber'iah but not fully surpass this stage.
  • Ber'iah: The third degree of Ewigkeit, also known as the Creation Degree. At this stage, an Apostle can create a Parallel World (異世界 in JP) made for them. Said World is a result of their deepest Craving made real, unbound by the laws of physics or common sense. A World that can momentarily overwrite those of the current World, that of the World of Foreknowledge, replacing it with their own] and where one's Craving is made real by destroying all common sense, which is stated more by the author to create such a phenomenon.
    • The majority of the L.D.O. and Ren have reached this point, with the former all stopping here including Reinhard who may even stop at this point depending on the timeline of events (etc. Kasumi and Kei not able to obtain Atziluth, but Marie and Rea routes do). Ren also can stop at this point like Reinhard depending on the timeline of events.

What one Ber'iah does depends on what the users desire is, of which they can fall into one of these categories:

Craving type where one's World and Law is enforced onto their surroundings and everyone around them, where space is warped to create a "parallel world", reflecting the user's ideal World. Rusalka Schwagerin, Tubal Cain (First two generations), Eleonore Von Wittenburg, and Reinhard Heydrich fall under this category.

Craving type where one's World and Law is directed at themselves. Whereas Hegemony affects the space around the user to form their ideal world and influence it, Transcendence is one where only the user themselves is affected (i.e the user's own self is transformed and they, in turn, become their own "parallel world"), a contrast of which is akin to comparing martial artists (Transcendence) to those of rulers and conquerors (Hegemony). Beatrice Waltrud Von Kircheisen, Kei Sakurai, Goëtz Von Berlichingen, and Wolfgang Schreiber fall under this category.

Although rare, a Ber'iah can also have features of both types. An example of this is Wilhelm, whose Ber'iah not only creates a world of night (a Hegemony trait), but also transforms him into a vampire (a Transcendence trait). Another example of this type as stated by WoG is Ren who, upon getting support from Mercurius due to being connected to his Throne as his living Ahnenerbe, both physically transforms and can affect his surroundings with his Law, which are traits of Transcendence and Hegemony respectively.

  • Atziluth: The fourth and final Degree of Ewigkeit, also known as the Emanation Degree. Essentially a step up from the Ber'iah Degree, it is where one's desire starts to emanate out to the rest of the World, extending to all of creation and painting it over with their reality. Unlike with Ber'iah, those who have reached Atziluth cannot turn it off, effectively becoming a literal god of the new world permanently. This is limited to those of Hegemony, as those of Transcendence, whose World and its Laws affect only themselves, contradicts the purpose and function of Atziluth in Ewigkeit (in truth, being made to overthrow Omega Ewigkeit though the potential for it can exist, as Marie at the start of Dies Irae demonstrates what that looks like) though due to this exact nature, Transcendence Gods do not go into conflict with the existing world or other laws, even that of other Gods (Hegemony or Transcendence) due to existing on their own eternally. If there are more than one Hegemony God, however, there will be a battle of contention between them as their Laws contradict one another, forcing them to fight until the victor paints over their reality and to that of all creation]. In a sense, Ewigkeit can be said to be a “beginners manual” or “guide” on becoming a God.
    • The only ones to reach this Degree in Ewigkeit are Reinhard Heydrich and Ren Fujii. Marie and Mercurius are also of this Degree despite neither having to go through it due to both being born "natural pureblood Gods" according to Masada.
      • Note: According to the Q&A in the Kajiri Kamui Kagura Fanbook, Masada stated that Taikyoku of Kajiri Kamui Kagura and Atziluth of Dies Irae are one and the same. An example of this is in Kajiri Kamui Kagura where Tenma Yato enacted his Law and despite having a Taikyoku name for it in both the visual novel and Fanbook, he instead refers to it by the name used in his original life as they essentially function the same way. This also applies to other works of the series like Kokubyaku no Avesta where its equivalent is known as Big Bang. In short, anything that Atziluth does or is described to do, be it for Hegemony or Transcendence, applies to Taikyoku and other Emanation equivalents in other Thrones and vice versa for they are functionally the same if named differently depending on the era of the Throne.


A term that refers to objects that have been given a will of its own as a result of the many feelings poured into it by people throughout history. They are also known as Holy Relics.

Although their nature will differ depending on the feelings poured into them, all Ahnenerbe share two common characteristics: A desire to seek human souls for sustenance, and select those who share their disposition. Despite being an efficient means of gathering sustenance, Ahnenerbe born from wills of grudges will devour their user in the end. However, through Mercurius' Ewigkeit system, this is reformed so that the wielder and Ahnenerbe form a symbiotic relationship which, in turn, overcomes the past downsides to wielding them.

An Ahnenerbe can fall under one of any four types depending on the disposition of both the wielder and the Ahnenerbe itself. The following are the four categories:

  • Fusion Type: One of the four types an Ahnenerbe can fall under. Short for “Ahnenerbe Fusion Type”. Those that fall under this category are offense-oriented in nature that manifests through the merging of the Ahnenerbe and its wielder, vastly improving their physical capabilities. While active, this type of Ahnenerbe will put the user into a heightened state of excitement which will hinder their capability of making a rational choice, making the user unfit to come up with any defense-oriented strategy. A user of this type tends to be belligerent and destructive, with the majority of the Ahnenerbe themselves possessing savage attributes.


The abilities Ewigkeit grants to the Apostles are as followed:


  • Regeneration Negation (Up to Low Godly): As an Ahnenerbe's will is born from the grudges of humanity over the years, the accumalation of such grudges resulted in the Ahnenerbe carrying a special "poison" and "curse" that damages the body and soul. This is especially dangerous when used against the immortal Apostles as it can inhibit their regenerative performance whether if its minor wounds or as bad as this.



Refer to this page to see the capabilities of Atziluth.





Refer to this page to see the resistances offered in Atziluth.


  • Destruction of Ahnenerbe: An Ahnenerbe is a devourer of souls, and bonding with them allows the user to gain several benefits from those souls used for the Ahnenerbe that collects them. However, should the Relic by chance be destroyed, the Apostle will almost immediately lose all access to their powers and start to perish as the Relic is bounded to their soul, thus destruction of one will bring a gradual end to the Apostle in turn.
  • Soul Stock Limit: Despite an Apostles ability to absorb souls and grow stronger, there is a limit to how much they can take. While they cannot gauge their exact limit, an Apostle has the instinct to know going any further than what they assume to have would not be wise, an act that would be akin to an "overfilled ballon". In other words, causing either the Ahnenerbe or Apostle in question to fill up beyond what they could hold would "burst" and cause death. An example of this is Wilhelm's limit of 8,000 souls, and thus he cannot go any higher lest he risks damaging himself or worse.
  • Soul Stock Usage: Ewigkeit's formula resolves around the use of souls as one's power and ability to live longer and stay physically young. It is also used as fuel for all of their attacks, from simple attacks like a punch to even powering an Apostle's Ber'iah. Once an Apostle uses up all of their soul stock (sans their own), they lose the benefits Ewigkeit gave them and makes them no stronger than that of a human until they can find more to refill their stock.
  • Information Overload: The absorption of souls not only comes with nourishment for enhanced lifespan but it also the complete memories and knowledge of souls an Apostle has taken. While this could be used in any way the Apostle seems fit, it comes at a risk of losing one's identity as the hundreds and thousands of souls they've acquired means having to be able to keep themselves sane as well as maintain their sanity and mind of looking into memories and information not of their own. Due to this, not many in the Legion have bothered to use this method to their advantage beyond their use as fuel for their powers and armor save for the likes of the insane like Schreiber or those with huge ego to process such information like Reinhard.
  • Ber'iah Limitations: An Apostle's Ber'iah is limited in a lot of ways. Aside from souls being used as fuel to upkeep them, other limitations are present such as their range of influence and the duration for how long it can be active as well as being one's Craving against the entire existing World. For those of Hegemony, due to their interference regardless of their Ber'iah's range, it cannot be held up for long. For those of Transcendence, because it is confined internally, Apostles of this type can keep up their Ber'iah for far longer periods of time in comparison to Hegemonies. Nonetheless, both are limited in time: Hegemony's lasting for a few dozen minutes or less, Transcendence lasting for a few hours tops.
    • Hegemony Ber'iah Limitations only: The more people there are in a given Ber'iah, the less effective that World and its Law becomes though it won't completely make it useless nor come undone so long as their will and ego is still stronger even in the presence of hundreds within their world. This becomes even more prominent if there are those beyond normal are in its range.