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D, also known as Vampire Hunter D (吸血鬼ハンター"D"), is a dhampir, half vampire, half human who travels around the Frontier as a Vampire Hunter in search of the Nobility while also undertaking tasks such as being a Transporter, Bodyguard, Mercenary, Assasin, and so on. Not much is known about D's past except for the fact that he is the son of Sacred Ancestor (and his Only Success) and a human lady who is implied to be Mina while being born as some sort of experiment by the Sacred Ancestor to halt the decline of the Nobility. He was also revealed to have a twin brother called Twin D and he also have been a some sort of Lord as stated by Kima herself in Tyrant's Stars, but aside from this, nothing is known about his past. He holds immense hatred for his father but has been implied to have love for his mother. It is unknown what his goals are but D ensures that humanity survives in the future and thus, his task is to kill Nobles who threaten humanity.

Powers and Stats

Dimensionality: 3D || 3D || 3D || 3D (Akashic Records does not change the dimesionality of the users at all) || 3D

Threat Level: Demon || Dragon || Maoh || Celestial, Omega- via Akashic Records || Celestial

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4 & 11; As a part of Noble, D too is ageless and gifted with eternal life. Due to his connection with the Sacred Ancestor, D is blessed and cannot die as stated in Armageddon by the Sacred Ancestor that D is removed from Life and Death), Enhanced Senses (Has 7th Senses), Regeneration (At least High; Has regen on par with that of Nobles), Acausality (Type 4; D is completely missing from the Akashic Records which governs all of Space-Time, Reality, Fate, etc of the entire creation thereby making him immune to its effects), Nonexistent Physiology (Type 1; His soul was stated to simultaneously exist and not exist. One thing to be noted is that since Sacred Ancestor is also an entity with Non-existent physiology, it's very likely that his Son, D, has it too albeit it being applicable to his soul only), Aura & Fear Inducement and Paralysis (D has an Eldritch Aura which can make the environment tensed and eerie as well as induce fear and paralysis), Empathic Manipulation (D's Unearthly Beauty instantly mesmerizes anyone and anything while his aura can even make others lighten up their mood), Flight (Type 3; Comparable to other Greater Nobles), Telepathy & Telekinesis, Perpetual Power Growth (D's power growth is so immense that he grows at an exponential rate every day), Shapeshifting, Magic User, Animal Manipulation, Can survive in Space, Stealth Mastery and Presence Concealment (D can perfectly blend with the Darkness and can be undetected by even sophisticated 3D Radars), Weapon Mastery and Martial Arts (D is skilled with any weapon and D is also proficient in H2H combat as well as Nobility martial arts and has experience of over 10,000 years), Life Manipulation, Conceptual Attack (Type 3) & Regeneration Negation (Up to at least High-Godly; Negated the regeneration of Count Magnus Lee who was a Greater Noble. This is due to the fact that D can cut through the Fount of Life which is more vital than the physical, mental or spiritual aspect implying its conceptual), Vector Manipulation (Can change the Vector of attacks), Intangibility (Can become intangible), Technology Manipulation (D's Pendant can hack any kind of technology no matter how sophisticated it be), Biological Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Power Bestowal & Hypnotism, Paralysis, & Sleep Inducement (Comparable to other Greater Nobles due to being a half Noble), Holy Manipulation (Can create invisible Holy Mark of Cross), Death Manipulation (Can one-shot and kill beings with Low-High regen), Non-Physical Interaction (Can cut through as well as kill Non-existent weapons, Shadows, Sentient Auras, Fog, Lightning, Dreams, Illusions, Will, Holographic Illusions, Holograms, Non-Corporeal Miasma of Death, Elemental Intangible beings, beings made from Nothingness itself, Magical Illusionary Apparitions, Ghosts impervious to physical attacks, literal deadly intent attacks, literal Darkness, Souls/Spirits, etc.), Mental Attack & Limited Reality Warping (Forced the Sacred Ancestor into taking a physical form and attacked it by channeling his own Physical and Mental energy since Sacred Ancestor's true form was impossible for D to interact with), Electricity Manipulation (Can manipulate Electricity), Air Manipulation (Can conjure ghastly unearthly winds), Transformation & Statistics Amplification (Can transform into his full Vampire mode which boosts his stats)

All previous abilities amplified in addition to Afterimage Creation, Technology Manipulation (Vastly more amplified than before), Fear Inducement, Transformation & Statistics Amplification (Can transform into his full Vampire mode which boosts his stats by drinking his blood or inhaling the vapor of his blood and which can even induce fear into others), Limited Ice Manipulation (His mere presence can turn the Air around him icy cold), Agility, Darkness Manipulation (Can create a "True Darkness" around his vicinity which not even a single ray of sunlight can penetrate), Blood Manipulation, Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, & 7), & Regeneration Negation (Upto at least High-Godly; Can manipulate the blood flow of his opponent which allowed him to negate the Immortality and Regen of a newly turned Noble Prof. Krolock and kill him easily despite the latter being able to heal from D's attack which cuts through the Fount of Life), Healing, Flight (Type 3), Poison Manipulation (D can weaponize his blood and can cause Greater Nobles like Diane Rose to be poisoned when they drink his blood)

All previous abilities amplified

All previous abilities amplified in addition to Enhanced Senses (Vastly more amplified than before), Regeneration (At least High-Godly; Can heal himself back from getting his Fount Of Life Severed), Aura Imbuing (D can imbue any object with his Aura), Technology Manipulation (D can easily hack Nobility Supercomputers), Magical Cutting (D can cut puppets which can also affect the Puppeteer at the same spot. D can use magic unknown to the Nobility which allows him to cut people even if they are out of his range or if they are in safe distances from his attacks), Durability Negation & Space-Time Manipulation (Can cut through Space-Time and dimensions, stab and collapse Black Holes, create and close portals in space), Matter Manipulation (Can alter the molecular structure of anything), Status Effect Inducement & Limited Causality Manipulation, Energy Absorption (Can absorb and channel energy from Astral Plane), Resurrection (Can resurrect himself casually), Willpower Manipulation (Can imagine and create a sword made of his will), Reality Warping (Can warp reality and turn dreams into reality and reality into dreams), Conceptual Attack (Type 3) & Regeneration Negation (Upto at least High-Godly; Negated the regeneration of many Greater Nobles like General Gaskell, Lawrence Valcua, Lord Vlad Balazs, Grand Duke Dorleac, Toma, Duke Gilzen, Viscount Kraken, and so on. Negated even the regeneration of machines with regenerative capabilities proving that D's ability works on machines too as well), Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, & 11; Negated the immortality of the 4 Pseudo-Nobles with each similar to D's powers granted by The Sacred Ancestor. Miracle Bloodlight negates immortality such as in the case of Duke Gilzen and Viscount Kraken as well as The Thing which is a fusion of Human, OSB, and Noble), Resurrection Negation (D nullified Lord Rocambole's extra lives which would have allowed the latter to not die at all and resurrect back even after getting slain/killed), Power Mimicry (Can copy powers once he sees them) & Damage Reflection (Can reflect back damage to his opponents), Death Manipulation (Was able to instantly oneshot and kill The Elder God and erase him from existence), Fear Inducement (Vastly more amplified than before), Darkness Manipulation (Via The Night which generates a darkness far darker than anything in the Universe), Holy Manipulation & Light Manipulation (Via The Light of Creation which is able to generate an area of bright Light that removes the darkness and bathes the earth with holy light), Resistance Negation (Via Miracle Bloodlight which negates resistances and even layers of resistances to haxes), Negation of Reactive Evolution & Adaptation (Can negate the reactive evolution and adaptation abilities of beings such as in the cases of The Darkness and Duke Gilzen), Negation of Rubber Physiology (Can kill beings who have a rubber invulnerable physiology), Duplication Negation (Can negate duplicates of opponents), Dimensional Travel (Can travel to any realm), Reactive Evolution & Adaptation (Can evolve and adapt to situations that has previously affected him)

All previous abilities amplified in addition to all abilities of the Sacred Ancestor (In addition to being the son of the Sacred Ancestor which allows him to have all the abilities of former and the Nobility, D also eternally stalemated Sacred Ancestor in an endless neverending battle of Armageddon and as such, he should have all the abilities of the Sacred Ancestor)

Resistances to Ice Manipulation, Fire Manipulation and Magma Manipulation, Radiation, Poison Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Hypnotism, Paralysis, Fear Inducement & Sleep Inducement (Comparable to other Greater Nobles), Conceptual Attack (Type 3) & Regeneration Negation (Up to at least High-Godly; D can survive his own blade thrusts which negates even Nobility regen and can cut through the very Fount of Life), Spatial Manipulation (Was unaffected by a Space Manipulating Hill), Mind Manipulation (Can resist psychological attacks and his Psyche getting crushed by the mere presence of the Sacred Ancestor), Space-Time Manipulation, Sealing, and Matter Manipulation (Was unaffected by the collateral damage of breaking out of the Sealed Space in Novel 2. Can resist getting transmuted), Electricity Manipulation (Completely unaffected by 100,000 Volts of Electricity), Memory Manipulation & Sleep Manipulation (Is unaffected by any attempts to erase his memory or make him fall asleep), Dream Manipulation (Is unable to be controlled in his or anyone else's dreams and has even escaped from Dreams within a Dream inside a Dream), Madness Manipulation (Casually resisted a Psi attack that was so powerful that it could have driven an entire city's population mad in a millisecond), Information Analysis (Nothing or Nobody can analyze D), Illusion Creation (Can resist illusions), Resistance to all the abilities and effects of the Akashic Records)

All previous Resistances enhanced in addition to Resistances to Fear Inducement & Madness Manipulation, Ventriloquism (Can easily identify puppets masquerading as real people), Gravity Manipulation (Can move and fight at 10x Gravity), Body Control & Mind Manipulation (Can resist being controlled physically and mentally), Magic & Illusion Creation (Can resist high level illusions), Paralysis Inducement (Was unaffected by the White Knight's Aura which can paralyze anyone), Death Manipulation (Can resist multiple Death Essences, beings who exist as Fogs covered by a Death Miasma that kills any living creature in contact with it), Electricity Manipulation (Can easily tank an electrical discharge of 5 Million Volts which was capable of ionizing the air as a side effect), Curse Manipulation & Poison Manipulation (Was cursed by The Rose Princess who engraved four tattoos in his body thereby weakening him via poison to the point he couldn't move. However, D could still move after that effortlessly and proceeded to fight and kill both the White Knight and her)

All previous Resistances enhanced in addition to Resistances to Fire Manipulation, Blindness Inducement and Extreme Pain Inducement (D was attacked with an ability that leaves the opponent permanently blind and can cause pain so intense that even Vicious Beasts and Demons can go insane from it. Not only did D resist the pain, but he also recovered from the Blindness as evident in the next story where he is perfectly fine), Acid Manipulation (D's clothing easily protects him from strong acid that corrodes everything away)

All previous Resistances enhanced in addition to Resistances to Telepathy (The Confessor, a Hunter who has the power to read the secrets of his opponents just by looking at them, was unable to read D at all), Poison Manipulation (Has layers of resistances to poison that can affect even Nobles), Physics Manipulation (Can go against the laws of physics and was also stated to surpass physical phenomenon and can perform impossible actions which defy the immutable laws of Physics), Hypnotism & Sleep Inducement (Can resist hypnosis and sleep inducement), Illusion Creation and Mind Manipulation (Vastly more amplified than before), Water Manipulation and Matter Manipulation (Vastly more amplified than before and has layers of resistances to it), Adhesion & Acid Manipulation (D can resist adhesive and acid attacks), Willpower Manipulation (Can easily resist attacks that drains willpower), Electricity Manipulation (Can easily tank an electrical discharge of 100 billion volts), Magic & Soul Manipulation (Can easily resist Zanus's Voodoo Magic spell to affect D's soul), Fire Manipulation (Vastly more amplified than before, has a resistance of Hundred Million Degree Celsius), Existence Erasure & Antimatter Manipulation (Was unaffected by an Anti-Matter Barrier that can erase anything from existence), Empathic Manipulation (Was completely unaffected by Twin D's Unearthly Beauty as well as the other dozens of D clones), Sound Manipulation (Was able to resist a sound from a defense mechanism which can stop the heart and blood befouled of the nobles as well as stopping machines completely), Power Nullification (Lord Rocambole failed to nullify D's powers in their fight despite having the ability to nullify powers with a touch), Power Mimicry (Lord Rocambole failed to copy D's powers in their fight despite having the ability to see and copy the powers of his opponents. Even Toma who was able to copy Lyra's Strings just by seeing it once was unable to copy any of D's abilities. Xeno Gillian too was unable to copy D's abilities), Ice Manipulation (Can survive in Absolute Zero), Gravity Manipulation (Can easily resist the gravitational pull of a Black Hole), Sealing (Can easiy break out from being sealed even in 4D spaces or Void realms), Analytical Prediction (Sigma hypothised 5025 possible outcomes of the simulation D was placed in and D outdid all of that by taking an action beyond the possibilities calculated), Possession (Sigma failed to possess D despite sigma being able to possess both living beings and machines/robots), Disease Manipulation (Was unaffected by the Flesh-Eating Viruses in King Minos' Labyrinth that attack and devour on a Genetic Level), Energy Absorption & Blood Manipulation (Can easily resist his blood manipulated and energy absorbed or drained), Corruption (Can resist corruption on a Spiritual Level), Fear Inducement (Was able to resist Toto's essence which induces fear even in beings who were amped by Clulu), Absorption (Can resist getting absorbed or assimilated), Telekinesis (Budges, a powerful psychic user, failed to stop/hold D's sword throw despite budges having the power to restrain Duke Gilzen), Forcefield (Can break through Nobility Forcefields), Regeneration Negation (Upto at least High-Godly; D was cut by Duke Gilzen's attacks which initially negged the Hunter's regenerative capabilities. D also had his left arm severed at the elbow by Gilzen and when he tried to join it, it would not join. However, D stated that it would take a day or a week or even a month for it to join implying that he can heal from Gilzen's attacks. Recovered from getting cut by the Blue Blood which was made by the Sacred Ancestor and cuts from which does not close the wound), Curse Manipulation & Life Manipulation (Can resist high level curses that also drains life), Power Absorption (Xeno Gillian was unable to absorb D's abilities despite having the power to touch anyone or anything and absorb as well as copy their special abilities and energy), Void Manipulation (Is completely unaffected by getting sealed inside the "Nothingness", a realm of pure Void/Nothingness where not even any Mathematical Construct can exist and which can erase anything and anyone), BFR (D's Soul was BFR's into the Void Realm where he kept searching for the coffins of Duke Sinstre's children and upon finding and making contact with them, he was able to come back to the real world), Time Stop (Can exist and move in a Spaceless and Timeless Void Realm for a few hundred millions of years while virtually no time has passed in the Real World), Reality Warping, Dream Manipulation, & Law Manipulation (D is an individual who is unaffected completely by the powers of the Dream that can turn dreams into reality and vice versa as well as the Dream World which has its own laws)

All previous Resistances enhanced in addition to Resistances to Magma Manipulation and Absolute Zero (Sacred Ancestor was able to activate his Assault/Protection unit which covered D in blazing hot Magma and then instantly froze him down to Absolute Zero. However, D was completely unaffected by it), all the Resistances and Resistance to all the abilities of the Sacred Ancestor (In addition to being the son of the Sacred Ancestor which allows him to have all the resistances of former and the Nobility, D also eternally stalemated Sacred Ancestor in an endless never-ending battle of Armageddon and as such, he should have resistance to all the abilities of the Sacred Ancestor)

Enhanced Senses, Sleep Inducement (Lefty was able to put Doris into sleep), Absorption (Can absorb swarms of animals, smoke, fire, high speed wind, sandstorms, and even abstracts like Dreams), Body Control (can control the body of the people he touches as he did so with the Mayor and made him tell all the truth), Elemental Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, & Air Manipulation (Lefty can absorb all the four quintessential elements which are fire, water, earth, and wind for a variety of purposes. Lefty can manipulate fire and even heat objects), Healing & Resurrection (Was able to heal the hole in D's heart and resurrect D after absorbing the four elements), Dimension Manipulation (Can break through sealed mystical dimensions), Energy Absorption (Can absorb energy beams and attacks), Information Analysis (Lefty is able to analyse the information of anything it sees or touches including abstracts like Dreams on an elementary particle level), Magic (Like D, Lefty too can also perform magic rituals)

All previous abilities amplified in addition to Absorption (Can absorb magical boundaries inside which the user has complete control over all aspects like Gravity, Life, Earth, Water, Plants, etc. Can also absorb multiple Death Essences, beings who exist as Fogs covered by a Death Miasma that kills any living creature in contact with it), Ice Manipulation (Is capable of freezing objects easily), Fire Manipulation (Is capable of easily making someone burn violently in chemical blue flames that turn them into ashes even before they can scream), Air Manipulation & Enhanced Senses (Lefty can absorb air with a speed at over 100 miles/hr and can sense the presence & location of any individual using this method)

All previous abilities amplified

All previous abilities amplified in addition to Enhanced Senses (Can instantly analyze a room for the presence of any electronic, demonic, or paranormal traps), Regeneration (Was bisected by Toma but still regenerated and healed itself in a day), Healing (Can heal others easily even if they are suffering from grave wounds), Biological Manipulation & Body Control (Can completely control the bodily functions of any individual), Absorption (Can absorb electricity, flames, anti-protons, energy beams, life forces, forcefields, magical things, radiations, and even reality warped spaces), Memory Manipulation (Can make anyone view all of their memories no matter how deep or forgotten they are), Electricity Manipulation (Can electrocute anyone), Spatial Manipulation (Can stabilize distorted space and even swallow up distorted space from his surroundings), Life Manipulation (Can channel Life-Force to resurrect dead beings), Non-Corporeal (Lefty can exist as a disembodied Non-Corporeal being), Non-Physical Interaction (Lefty is capable of destroying ghosts with mere physical attacks despite the ghosts being impervious to physical attacks), Limited Causality Manipulation (Can manipulate causality to a limited degree), Dimensional Travel (Helped D travel through dimensions multiple times), Sound Manipulation (Can impersonate two or more sounds accurately at the same time), Perception Manipulation (Via Fog of Misdirection which is a magical fog that affects the sense of direction of both living beings and non-living things thereby affecting them heavily), Information Analysis (Lefty is able to analyse any environment using his "Analogical Inference" where he scans the data and information available and gives an accurate evaluation of the situation to D), Status Effect Inducement (Can make even Pseudo-Nobles unconscious near-instantly just by touching their necks such as in the case of Lilia), Blood Manipulation (Can produce a limitless supply of Blood provided that D is able to absorb a bit of Blood from somewhere), Dream Manipulation (Can manipulate and show others Dreams), Mind Manipulation (Can nullify a mind-controlled individual), Poison Manipulation & Acid Manipulation (Can develop an extremely corrosive poison within his body that was able to burn and corrode the face of Xeno Gorshin and was stated to not heal for a few days), Resurrection (Lefty died after getting poisoned by the Supernatural Diseases in Duke Dandorian's blood. However, he resurrected soon after a few hours), Forcefield (Can erect Forcefields to protect D from external threats), Pain Manipulation (Can inflict pain on such a magnitude, that it can make grown borderline superhuman level individuals pass out)

All previous abilities amplified in addition to Resurrection (Can resurrect D even after the latter was killed by the Sacred Ancestor's Death Touch)

All powers granted by the Akashic Records

This section contains the powers of the various Nobles in Vampire Hunter D which is possessed by D as stated by Lefty in Dark Road novel that since D is the special success/son of the Sacred Ancestor, he has access to any ability that the Nobles have shown which includes Summoning, Energy Projection, Forcefield, Energy Absorption, Hellfire Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Possession, Limited Non-Corporeal, Plant Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, BFR, Creation, Death Manipulation, Necromancy, Magic, Curse Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Darkness Manipulation, Teleportation, Existence Erasure, Absorption, Life Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Reality Warping, Status Effect Inducement, Body Control, Healing, Spatial Manipulation, Shadow Manipulation, Power Mimicry, Power Nullification, Durability Negation, Earth Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Sound Manipulation, Clairvoyance, Age Manipulation, Astral Projection, Resurrection, Power Bestowal, Telekinesis, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Corruption (On a Spiritual Level even in Living and Non-Living things), Shapeshifting (Full Conversion), Anti-Matter Manipulation, Reactive Evolution, Adaptation, Dream Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Life-Force Absorption, Explosion Manipulation, Statistics Amplification, Holy Manipulation, Fire Absorption, Magma Manipulation, Anti-Energy Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, Power Absorption, Technology Manipulation, Fate Manipulation

Physical Strength: At Least Building level (Superior to Diane Rose who in turn is superior to the Four Knights where even Black Knight can rip off large thick trees casually with bare hands), Higher in Full Vampire Mode || At least Island level (Can physically contend with Baron Meinster who has destroyed lands and mountains as a side effect of his battle against The Traveller In Black), Higher in Full Vampire Mode || Continent level (Knocked down Dynus with a single blow from his sheathed sword), Higher in Full Vampire Mode || At least High Universe level Striking Strength in Base with Universe+ level in Full Vampire Mode (Superior to the likes of Duke Gilzen, Toma, Lawrence Valcua, Baron Byron Balazs, Lord Vlad Balazs, Twin D, General Gaskell, etc) with at least Class A Lifting Strength (Pushed open a 50,000-ton door effortlessly with a single hand) || At least Universe+ level (Is eternally stalemating the Sacred Ancestor in a never-ending conflict)

Attack Potency: At Least Building+ (Can fight against and beat many Nobles such as Count Magnus Lee, Baron Vlijmen Mayerling, etc who can harm D), Higher in Full Vampire Mode || At Least Island+ (Can cut through Zeramium Steel and even hurt Baron Meinster), Higher in Full Vampire Mode || Continent (Can easily cut beings whose armor can tank small nuclear weapon. Is superior to Dynus who was powered by 2,000 years of continuous nuclear energy exposure at a rate of 50 Million Megawatts per hour), Higher in Full Vampire Mode || At least High Universe in Base (Is superior to Baron Byron Balazs and Guide Infused Lord Vlad Balazs who are in turn superior to the likes of The Destroyer. Killed both Nobles with the latter being a doppelganger having the same powers as the original one. Fought and killed dozens of D clones who were supposed to be equal to D and Twin D in terms of skills, stats, and abilities. Moreover, he killed Twin D who was stated to be his mirror in terms of everything except for personality. Vastly more powerful than Nobles such as Duke Julius Van Doren, Lawrence Valcua, etc. Can even use the power of the Dream World which is a Universe sized Realm of Infinite Energy to influence Reality itself), At least Universe+ in Full Vampire Mode (Full Vampire Mode immensely boosts his overall stats to an unknown degree. In his Astral form, he can channel and manipulate the entire energy of the Astral Realm which is a metaphysical dimension that houses an Infinitely Thick wall made from a mere part of the Sacred Ancestor's will. In later Volumes, the Sacred Ancestor has stated that D is getting more and more powerful and close to the former's power but not enough to slay Sacred Ancestor), Hyper Dimensional Via Akashic Records (Akashic Records governs all of creation within the VHDverse which extend up to 6D thus giving Akashic Records full control over them while it exists transcendental to it) || At least Universe+ (Is eternally stalemating the Sacred Ancestor in a neverending conflict)

Durability: At Least Building+ (Can casually tank attacks that have enough energy to blow up and destroy Hundreds of Tons of Rock), Higher in Full Vampire Mode || At Least Island+ (Can fight against Baron Meinster and tank attacks from him), Higher in Full Vampire Mode || Continent (Superior to Dynus), Higher in Full Vampire Mode || At least High Universe in Base (His Aura is more intense than The Destroyer which tanked and negated a full-powered blast from the Big Bang Accelerator. Is superior to the likes of Twin D, Baron Byron Balazs, and Guide Infused Lord Vlad Balazs who are vastly more powerful than The Destroyer and even managed to survive a Golden Scepter attack from the Guide Infused Lord Vlad Balazs. Fought and tanked attacks from Lawrence Valcua. Even when he recovered from Sunlight Syndrome a few minutes ago and weakened due to rain, he can easily tank and shrug off an attack from Noble Greylancer who draws power from the Milky Way and has enough power to destroy the Galaxy), At least Universe+ in Full Vampire Mode (Full Vampire Mode immensely boosts his overall stats to an unknown degree allowing him to fight Greater Nobles like Duke Gilzen, Toma, Grand Duke Drago, etc) || At least Universe+ (Is eternally stalemating the Sacred Ancestor in a neverending conflict)

Speed: Likely Light Speed Reactions and Combat (Can easily react to Light Speed attacks from Nolt Marcus as well as being swifter/superior to him. Was stated twice to have been able to cut and split Laser Beams in two multiple times), Higher in Full Vampire Mode || Likely Light Speed Reactions and Combat Speed, Higher in Full Vampire Mode || Likely Light Speed Reactions and Combat Speed, Higher in Full Vampire Mode || At least FTLx in Base (Superior to the likes of Baron Byron Balazs and Lord Vlad Balazs who are at least 5x more powerful than Base Vlad and The Guide who in turn are faster than The Destroyer which reacted to a full-powered blast from the Big Bang Accelerator. Can casually dodge white light beams from Baron Byron Balazs and even jump and move at Light Speed. Fought Lawrence Valcua and even reacted to his Particle Cannon Beam), Infinite in Full Vampire Mode (Was able to run and cut down Matthew despite the distance between them was outright stated to be Infinite multiple times. Crossed the distance of hundred million light-years in literally 0 seconds in Noble Front Novel), Immeasurable via Akashic Records (Akashic Records exist in a Dimension above all of Creation in VHDverse allowing the user to interact with any era in any period of Time such as the Past, Present, Future) || At least Infinite, Likely Higher (Is eternally stalemating the Sacred Ancestor in a neverending conflict)

Intelligence: At least Hyper Genius, Likely Cosmic Genius (Outwitted and Outsmarted many Greater Nobilities and is an extremely genius and gifted combatant. Has shown a deep understanding of multiple fields of science, the technology of the Sacred Ancestor, and multiple disciplines. Has shown speed reading, a photographic memory, and mimic ability, master detective, an expert in psychology, highly logical reasoning, easily negates manipulations and uncovers deception, is one of the only people on the planet who can come close to the Sacred Ancestor in this area who is the undisputed most intelligent on earth and possibly the universe at large, possesses thousands of years worth of combat experience and is very analytical of his opponent’s tactics, expert marksman and master of nearly every kind of weapon have vast knowledge on the world at large due to thousands of years of traveling. D is the son of the Sacred Ancestor and as such, he should also inherit that level of Intelligence. Bested Lawrence Valcua and his army in combat strategy in a very casual manner using a handful of soldiers), Nigh-Omniscient via Akashic Records

Stamina: Very High || Very High || Very High || Nigh-Limitless (Can draw energy from the Astral Plane and his Metabolic activity was stated to draw energy from a nigh-infinite energy source) || Likely Limitless (Is eternally stalemating the Sacred Ancestor in a neverending conflict)

Range: Melee || Melee || Melee || At least Melee, Likely Universal+ (Cut down a Metaphysical Gate of Infinite Thickness and can channel power from a parallel world), Hyper Dimensional via Akashic Records and Teleportation || At least Melee, Likely Universal+, Hyper Dimensional via Akashic Records and Teleportation (More powerful than before, is eternally stalemating the Sacred Ancestor in a never-ending conflict)

Weakness: Holds back most of the time, Sunlight Syndrome could weaken him greatly, however, it takes 5 years of continuous exposure for him to be affected, a wooden stake to his heart can kill him though he can resurrect himself.

Key: Volume 1-6 || Volume 7-9 || Volume 10 || Volume 11-Current Volume || EoS Armageddon


D's standard equipments include:

  • Special Uniform: One of the most significant aspects of D's appearance is his attire which is also a part of his equipment. D wears a black traveler's brim hat accompanied by a black coat with a long black cape and pants as well as black hunter boots. One of the special features of his attire is that it is not only ice, acid and fire-resistant, but is also capable of shielding someone completely while significantly reducing any impact on them thereby acting as a protective shield. In many novels such as "Raiser Of Gales", "Dark Nocturne", and even "Tyrant's Star Part 3 & 4", D has used his clothing to protect himself as well as others from hazardous situations like exploding bombs, acid and fire blasts, dropping from the stratosphere, etc.
  • Combat Utility Belt: A special sort of belt worn by D and was mentioned in many novels especially Novel 1, the Combat Utility Belt helps D store many things that can be of his use such as Coins and Money, Wooden Needles, Caltrops, Black Dagger, Computational Kit, Plasma Capsules, wires & threads, and many more things.
  • Longsword: A trusted companion, integral to D's arsenal of weapons, the Longsword is a thin elongated sword with a slight bent that D carries with him in all his journeys. Throughout the novels, the Longsword has been broken and replaced numerous times and even a special type of Longsword was made specifically for D in Novel 9 "The Rose Princess" which was never mentioned or used again afterward for some unknown reason. With the use of the Longsword, D is not only able to fight in Close-Quarter Melee combat range, but he is also able to channel his powers and skills in accomplishing absurd physics-defying feats throughout his journeys.
  • Blue Pendant: A mysterious blue pendant of unknown origins, it is worn by D around his neck in all of his journeys. One of the key attributes of the blue pendant is that it is able to automatically negate, nullify or disable any kind of technology that intends to harm D. Due to such passive protection, D is able to easily venture into heavily guarded Nobility castles or scientific centers without the hassle of fighting automated defenses and machines. D likely has many of these due to the fact that in Novel 1, D gave his pendant to Dan and never took it back but however in later novels, he was shown to wear another blue pendant with the same properties as the first one.
  • Wooden Needles: A key important weapon in D's arsenal similar to the Longsword, the wooden needles are carried and used by D in all of his journeys. The wooden needles are described to be thin and nearly a foot long which is often used by D in long-distance attacks or to test the enemy. The design of the needles combined with D's skills and speed makes them very lethal to humans and vampires alike.
  • Black Dagger: A dagger of unknown origin, it is used by D often in his journeys but is nevertheless a very crucial part of his arsenal. With a blade having a size of eight inches and completely black in color, D uses it when he has to perform magical rituals or to cut something if he has no access to the Longsword or if he has to cut his wrist to feed Lefty his blood as part of the four elements absorption ritual.
  • Mini Computational Kit: Shown in Novel 2 "Raiser of Gales", the mini computational kit is very rarely used or described in his journeys but is nevertheless a part of his arsenal. D uses the mini computational kit to perform complex analysis of substances and keep records and accounts of beings and it is plausible that the kit might be a product of Nobility's advanced science tech.
  • Blood Plasma Capsules: Often used in his journeys, the blood plasma capsules are small capsules that contain dried blood and plasma. While not a weapon, the blood plasma capsule acts as a nutrient supplement for D in order to satiate his hunger or thirst for blood which is a result of his Nobility blood.
  • Soul Sword: A special Longsword forged by the Black Smith Blasko of Sacri in Novel 9 "The Rose Princess". Composed of molybdenum, chromium steel, an iron polymer, and an unknown synthetic substance which gives it an enhanced and special cutting strength. Blasko also performs mystical purification rites and incantations along with forging a soul within the blade further amplifying its power. However, it is unknown if D still possesses the sword in later novels or not.
  • Fog of Misdirection: A mystical fog that is capable of confusing the sense of direction of people and even inanimate objects such as projectiles shown in Volume 19 "Mercenary Road". The Enchanted Mercenary Army uses this against their foes, one of which happens to be D. Left-Hand sucks this up and uses it according to D's wishes against them which allowed all the incoming weapon firings to be swallowed up by it and thrown off-course.

Noteworthy Techniques and Abilities

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These are the powers and techniques that are unique to D and which has been used in various novels

  • Sword Strike: One of D's most common but deadly move, D slashes his opponent with his longsword strike. The attack is so sudden, fast, and unpredictable that often the opponents are thrown off-guard and either get slain by D on the spot or if they are lucky they are able to dodge or block it. D is also extremely skilled with his blade which makes him do virtually impossible things with his swords such as cutting opponents without even being seen to draw or unsheathe his blade as if the opponent was magically cut down. However, the deadly aspect of D's sword strike attack is not the speed or power or dexterity by which he attacks his opponents, but rather his supernatural skill using which he can do various impossible things such as cutting abstracts, metaphysical, nothingness, and non-corporeal entities and things as well as collapsing black holes, cutting through space-time and dimensions, channeling mental and physical energy, and so on. It is to be noted that D's sword is not the special factor since it is a normal sword but rather it’s D himself who is capable of such things.
  • Needle Throw: A secondary and common form of attack but deadly nonetheless, D is able to hurl his wooden needles at his opponents at high speeds which pierce them. D uses this when he has to attack at long range or to test out the power of the enemy. D sometimes coats his needles with his blood which makes them more potent and gives them some supernatural abilities such as being able to pierce literal dreams as seen in Novel 6: "Pilgrimage of the Sacred and the Profane".
  • Lefty: An integral part of D, Lefty is the left hand of D who is a symbiote of some sort and is present in the left palm of the hunter. Origins and background unknown, Lefty is an extremely useful companion of D who has helped the latter in many situations throughout the novels and has also saved the latter's life on multiple occasions. More often than not, however, Lefty generally prefers sitting back and letting D do the work, usually throwing in a sarcastic comment or two at D's expense. Left Hand can absorb any form of energy, and the four cardinal elements of Fire (All forms of heat), Water (Any liquid, including blood and urine), Air, and Earth to grant D more power or revive him when his life is extinguished. Left hand has absorbed of note: a hundred billion volt pillar of lightning, the energy from a detonating nuke, energy straight from the heart of an antimatter reactor, and a particle beam from a space cannon that burned through half the asteroid belt with enough power to punch through a planet two to three times Earth's size. In the 6th novel, it absorbed hurricane-force winds capable of blowing D away. He can also invade the minds of those it touches, drawing forth knowledge, or anything else it desires. Left hand once drained a lake of water to revive D after he was staked in the heart, and removed that weakness. Lefty can also generate gale-force winds, blast of heat/water, and freeze objects in blocks of ice, as well as devour beings. Furthermore, Lefty can analyze things or beings, escape from sealed dimensions or breaking through dimensions, resurrect others as well as himself, perform occult magic, and many more. The things that he absorbs likely goes to some sort of pocket dimension rather than anywhere in its body or in D's.
  • Aura: A passive ability of D, his aura is capable of multiple things. Normally it is able to soothe and calms the emotions of individuals around him such as in Novel 4: "Tale of the Dead Town". It is also capable of making the atmosphere around him cold and chilling as if it's frozen such as in Novel 7: "Mysterious Journey to the North Sea". However, in situations where he powers up, his Aura is capable of two major things. Firstly, it is able to radiate a ghastly eldritch feeling which induces fear into the opponents such as in Novel 5: "The Stuff of Dreams". Secondly, it is able to paralyze his foes to the point they cannot move even if they have a strong will to move. Both of these qualities are also shown to work on powerful Greater Nobles such as in the case of Lord Vlad Balazs in Novel 9: "Pale Fallen Angel".
  • Unearthly Beauty: Another passive technique of D, his looks are easily capable of charming anyone and is something that has been heavily emphasized throughout the novels. D is described as an individual with an Unearthly, Otherworldly Beauty which is second to none. The novels have constantly depicted his beauty as something that is far more beautiful than anyone in the world and is so beautiful that it makes succubus look like extremely old hags in comparison while the succubus themselves were stated to be extremely beautiful compared to any women (Ref. "Tyrant's Star Part 3 & 4"). D's unearthly beauty has an instant charming and attraction effect which makes anyone irrespective of their gender, sexuality, or even age feel heavily attracted to him and make them sexually aroused in lust in some cases. This not only applies to humans but it also extends to demons, mutants, nobles, servants of nobility, magical beings and entities, extradimensional beings, eldritch gods, ghosts, machines, and even supercomputers with sentience. Furthermore, even when Valcua became a Nigh-Omniscient entity after gaining complete access to the Akashic Records, he was still affected by the hunter's beauty implying the fact that his beauty can affect even cosmic deities beyond his level (Ref. "Tyrant's Star Part 3 & 4").
  • Pendant: Another passive ability of D, his Blue Pendant is able to automatically negate, nullify or disable any kind of technology that intends to harm D. Due to such passive protection, D is able to easily venture into heavily guarded Nobility castles or scientific centers without the hassle of fighting automated defenses and machines as well as tackle nobles with sophisticated deadly electronic weapons without any issues.
  • Akashic Records: The Akashic Records are the ether or the primordial force which governs all of creation in all past present future. With the help of Akashic Records, D gets the ability to control Space and Time, change Laws and Reality, manipulate Fate and probability, gain information of everything living or dead as well as every event in all of creation as well as rewrite that information, copy powers from beings no matter if it's organic or inorganic, negate powers & energy, erase anything or anyone on a conceptual level, manipulate void, create pocket realities and higher dimensional realms by editing the records, manipulate souls and dreams, redirect damage and inflict pain, forcibly make it so that someone would completely obey their orders, rewrite death and life as well as causality itself. Since the records can be read and manipulated like a book which reflects upon all of creation, it is plausible that it gives D some degree of Plot Manipulation as seen when he retconned the ending of "Tyrant's Star Part 3 & 4" giving Sue and Matthew a happy life just like their mother wanted.

Due to being the son of the Sacred Ancestor as well as being the only Success ever, D inherited almost all of the abilities the nobility, as well as the Sacred Ancestor, possess. Furthermore, it was also stated by Lefty that since D is the special son of the Sacred Ancestor, he can use any ability that the nobility possesses (Ref. "Dark Road Part 3"). As such, this gives him almost all the abilities that the nobilities are able to use.

  • Kiss of the Nobility: The Kiss of the Nobility isn't really a kiss in the literal sense, but rather it is the bite of the Nobles or Vampires into the neck of the human victims that turns the latter into a Vampire or Servant of Nobility. The Kiss of the Nobility has multiple abilities all packed into one which includes biologically changing the physiology of the victim to that of an Immortal Undead Noble, tainting the soul, mind, and will of the individual so that they become a member of the evil darkness, imbuing the victim with almost all the powers of the Noble including Regeneration, Status Effect Inducement, and many more. However, depending on the Noble, the victim can gain special unique powers. D has this ability as shown in Novel 1 when he bit the Midwitch Medusas and made them into his servants. It was also shown in the Novel "White Devil Mountain" when he bit Lilia thereby making her into his servant.
  • Nobility Shapeshifting: An ability amongst Nobles, the user is able to change their molecular structure at will and can turn into Fire Dragons, Mists, or Rainbows which helps to protect them against humans with arrows or spears or wooden stakes (Ref. "Dark Nocturne").
  • Nobility Hypnosis: Nobles have the ability to hypnotize their victims and furthermore, they can use this Hypnosis ability of theirs to put their victims into sleep, can paralyze them, and even make it so that they wouldn't be able to notice the Noble in front of them at all.
  • Nobility Regeneration: Nobles possess extraordinary regenerative ability which even defies analysis of the OSB and goes beyond their concept of Regeneration which is cellular division on an Atomic level. Nobles have shown that even getting atomized completely doesn't stop them from Regenerating back as in the case of Noble Greylancer who instantly reformed after getting atomized by an OSB soldier's plasma weapon (Ref. "Noble V Greylancer"). Furthermore, even Anti-Proton weapons which vaporize even protons are ineffective against Nobles. In the case of D, especially in later novels, D is able to heal and regenerate back from getting his "Fount of Life" severed and destroyed where the "Fount of Life" is something more vital than the body and the soul.
  • Nobility Power Growth: A very deadly characteristic of Nobles, the powers of the Nobles grow throughout the years. While it is unknown at what rate do the powers of the nobles grow, however, it is certain that their rates differ from each other as for some Nobles, even a few years of being alive is enough to rival the Power of D such as in the case of Baron Byron Balazs and Lord Vlad Balazs (Ref. "Pale Fallen Angel") while in some, even millennias of living increases their power very little such as in the case of Count Magnus Lee, Baron Vlijmen Mayerling and so on. In the case of D, his powers increase every day where even if he faces an enemy stronger than him today, the next day the enemy would be powerless compared to D.
  • Mayerling's Claw: A signature ability displayed by the Mayerling House especially Baron Vlijmen Mayerling (Ref. "Demon Deathchase" & "Noble V Greylancer"), the user is able to turn their hands into hardened claws as a deadly fear-inducing weapon which can swiftly kill opponents with 100% fatality.
  • Sybille's Dream: An ability of Sybille Schmitz which she gained from the Sacred Ancestor after the latter gave her the Kiss of the Nobility (Ref. "The Stuff of Dreams"). The user is able to create Dream Worlds of their own which can be mistaken as reality due to the presence of living beings but all of them are made from nothing more than dreams of the user and obeys the will of the user.
  • Meinster's Terror: A unique ability of the deadly Noble Baron Meinster which allowed him to possess any dead corpse and resurrect himself from death (Ref. "Mysterious Journey To The North Sea").
  • The Rose Kiss of Nobility: A unique ability of the Rose Princess, Diane Rose, the Rose Kiss of Nobility is a variation of the Kiss of the Nobility where Diane is able to turn her victims into Nobles while draining them completely of life force which is a result of her giving a curse upon them (Ref. "The Rose Princess"). It is often accompanied by flowing rose petals and sweet aroma of flowing wind.
  • Necromancer: An ability possessed by many Greater Nobles such as Diane Rose and Grand Duke Dorleac, the user is able to awaken dead people into the undead monster army.
  • Leech Grass: An ability of Lady Ann which allows her to use flowers for not only draining blood, but all kinds of energy (Ref. "Dark Road").
  • Golden Hair: Another ability of Lady Ann where she can make needles out of her hair (Ref. "Dark Road").
  • Flower Fortress: Another ability of Lady Ann where she is able to plant flowers around an area which activate on their own when an enemy gets too close to the flowers. This allows them to stick on the enemy on their own draining them of all energy (Ref. "Dark Road").
  • Daybreak: An ability of Dr. Gretchen, the victim is not only poisoned, but he or she starts to get transmuted into a literal mini sun. As sunlight is emitted from every inch of the Noble, he is seared to the bone. Any Greater Noble to experience this will scream and beg for death, but it's said that the Sacred Ancestor once endured it (Ref. "Dark Road").
  • Shadow Manipulation: An ability of Major Gillis which allows him to become a 2D shadow and use his shadow to control other peoples' bodies and to destroy the cellular structure of a noble by passing his shadow through them. Anyone who passes through him in his shadow form feels her cells melting as her heart and lungs cease to function. He also has the power to restrict some one's movement paralyzing them usually by capturing their shadow (Ref. "Dark Road").
  • Mimic: An ability of Lord Rocambole which allows him to copy any kind of ability and skill he sees whether it be physical skills such as expert swordsmanship or supernatural skills such as turning into 2D shadows(Ref. "Dark Road"). Said ability is also used by the likes of Toma when the latter saw and instantly copied Lyra's string attack (Ref. "Scenes From An Unholy War").
  • Blood Sphere: A floating drop of blood that is only the size of a small coin. It blocks every form of attack physically from an enemy and requires the sacrifice of one's life force to destroy it. While Lawrence Valcua fused with Valcua Two was able to perform this (Ref. "Tyrant's Star Part 3 & 4"), D makes use of a similar defense for himself and the group (Some still human) when he drinks Lilia's blood using left hand to coat the room and the air that blocks all heat and flames from the bombs Lady Carr set that were strong enough to destroy sections of Gilzen's Castle, which weathered Nobility enhanced nuclear blasts with negligible damage (Ref. "White Devil Mountain").
  • The Abhorrent Kiss of Nobility: A unique ability of Grand Duke Dorleac which allows him to touch or kiss (in case of females) his victims and drain them of their life forces, blood, and energy (Ref. "Mercenary Road").
  • Absorption: An ability granted to the members of the Black Death Gang, the user is able to absorb and assimilate any being including Nobles and Dhampirs by eating them (Ref. "Scenes From An Unholy War").
  • The Night: A power to create night even in the day time, it seems to boost the powers of Vampires. The Sacred Ancestor gives this power to Toma as well as the Black Death Gang to use as they please. The power is described as: Moving across the sun. Or rather, the surroundings were suddenly, and unexpectedly plunged into darkness, its physical and temporal characteristics were of the night itself. It seems to not only make the night but gives the user access to control the temporal surroundings to make and control this night as they please. D seems to possess it as well and is able to overpower Toma's darkness with a much more powerful and darker version of the Night (Ref. "Scenes From An Unholy War").
  • Light of Creation: Described as stark, radiant sunlight- the light that drives back the darkness, warms the earth and gives life to all things. A powerful attack using the purest of sunlight, a blast of holy power that can split the darkest of spells and defenses. May be instant destruction of most Nobles when hit with it. It's a blast used by Toma, D displaying he has all of Toma's abilities but at a higher level may also have this in his arsenal (Ref. "Scenes From An Unholy War").
  • Reactive Adaptation: Duke Gilzen has the ability to reactively evolve and adapt to his opponents or his environment as shown when he evolved and developed a new resistance to Sunlight while being sealed inside his tomb or when he evolved and came back as a monster when D initially cut his head and killed him (Ref. "White Devil Mountain").
  • Water Magic: An ability of the Sacred Ancestor which was taught to Viscount Kraken, the user is able to completely control water around their domain or area of effect and can use water for both offensive and defensive purposes (Ref. "Iriya The Berserker").
  • Power Absorption: A unique ability possessed by Xeno Gillian of the Xeno Clan, the user of this ability is able to touch and absorb both the powers and special abilities of any individual and even mystical weapons. The power is also able to see and copy powers as well as absorb the energy of the opponents instantaneously just by touching (Ref. "Throng Of Heretics").
  • All-Seeing Eye: A power developed by the Sacred Ancestor and gifted to Duke Daios Dandorian and later, Meg Stow, the user is able to capture the image of the victim in the black eye of the palm which allows them to know the location as well as the actions of the victim as well as prevent their actions and even control their body as per their command (Ref. "Undead Island").
  • Dream Power: A power used by LUI and later granted to Dorleac B, the user is able to instantly draw the opponent into the world of dreams (irrespective of whether or not they are sleeping) where the opponent is subjected to the laws and reality of the Dream World. Moreover, the user of this power can turn reality into dreams and even make dreams into reality. It is to be noted that D was not only stated to be unaffected by the powers of this ability, but he can also come and go between Reality and Dream World while being himself due to his Reality Tethering and was even stated to have this same Dream Power (Ref. "Bedeviled Stagecoach"). Moreover, D's actions in the Dream World or in his Dreams can influence reality as shown when he tried to attack the Sacred Ancestor in his Dream while in the Real World it cut down an incoming arrow even when D was sleeping the entire time (Ref. "The Tiger In Winter").


This profile covers only up to "Volume 29: Noble Front" of Vampire Hunter D as well as the Armageddon Short Story which is EoS and as such, the page will get updated continuously when new novels are released. Here's The Feats Blog for Novel D.


People who have lost something become Hunters---only those who've lost something that can no longer be replaced. People like me, or you...
— D talking to Iriya, Iriya The Berseker

If there's one thing this world needs more of, it's thoughtful Nobles
— Lefty, Tyrant's Stars - Parts Three and Four



  • D does not use all of his haxes in fights when in character and usually starts with his Swordsman Skills.
  • D is one of those characters in fiction who are prone to PIS and has some outliers which are not counted.
  • Author at time makes Yield Values in Joules which do not correspond with their effects and such values are not at all taken seriously.