Origins: Fire Emblem (Fire Emblem Fates)
Alias/aka: Kamui
Classification: Half dragon, Half-Manakete, Child of Anankos, Prince/Princess of Hoshido/Nohr, King/Queen of Valla
Threat level: Demon-
Physical strength: At least city block level striking
Attack potency/Destructive capacity: At least town (Stronger than his/her father whom ravaged large masses of land)
Durability: At least town (Survives the fight with his/her father)
Speed: At least faster than the eye can see+, possibly higher (Characters in the verse can dodge meteors)
Intelligence: Very high. Despite its inexperienced he is very talented in combat. It makes an excellent field commander and successfully leads their army against Hoshido/Nohr/Valla.
Stamina: High. Far above average humans.
Standard equipment: Swords, Dragonstone, tomes (dark blood class) or staves (white blood class).