Characters who can move at Massively Hypersonic speeds.
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- A (Shiei no Sona Nyl)
- Abel
- Abhorrent Beast
- Abo-Kado
- Abyss Mage
- Accelerator
- Acnologia
- Adelheid Suzuki
- Adiane The Elegant
- Adon
- Aged Ape
- Ageha Yoshina
- Agumon (Digimon Adventure)
- Aka
- Akainu
- Aki Hayakawa
- Akira Kongoh
- Akuma (Street Fighter)
- Aladdin
- Albion I
- Albion II
- Aldon Ski
- Alejandro
- Alex (Street Fighter)
- Alexandros
- Alfaro
- Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods
- Alibaba Saluja
- Alice Twilight
- Alpine Spaniel
- Amber (RWBY)
- Amethyst (Steven Universe)
- Ameyuri Ringo
- Amygdala
- Ana (MOTHER)
- Anathar
- Ancient King
- Andre Oscar
- Android 13
- Android 16
- Android 19
- Android 20 (Dr. Gero)
- Angel of Blades
- Angel of Illusions
- Angelus (Drakengard)
- AngeWomon
- Angler Bird
- Animus (Fairy Tail)
- Anko Mitarashi
- Anna (The God of High School)
- Annin
- Anzasu
- Apocalypse-class Battleship (warhammer 40k)
- Apondance Lemure Lemure
- Apophis
- Aqua of the Back
- Arba / Gyokuen
- Arche Eeb Rile Furt
- Architect
- Ares (God of War)
- Armlan Phoelynx
- Armored Gorilla
- Arthur Pendragon (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Asgore Dreemurr
- Ash Demon
- Askin Nakk Le Vaar
- Asriel Dreemurr
- Astigmatism
- Asuka Yoshina
- Asuma Sarutobi
- Asura (RAVE)
- Asura Tiger
- Atashino
- Atom (Astro Boy)
- Atomic Samurai
- August (Fairy Tail)
- Awakened Cockroach
- Axley Ivanovic
- Ayla
- Azashiro Kenpachi
- Azhdaha
- Baccarat
- Bad Girl
- Bai Tza
- Baldur (God of War)
- Balrog (Street Fighter)
- Bambietta Basterbine
- Ban (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- BanchoLeomon
- Bang
- Baragan Louisenbairn
- Baran (Solo Leveling)
- Barrygamon
- Bartholomeow Kuma
- Basil Hawkins
- Battleship Pufferfish
- Battra
- Bazz-B
- Beatrice Waltrud Von Kircheisen
- Beefcake
- Belldandy
- Belnika
- Benjamin Kirby Tennyson
- Berial
- Berta Mori Weiggert
- Beru
- BG9
- Big Bang Shark
- Birdie
- Black Wind Rosa
- Blackholeian
- Blade Wolf
- Blanka
- Blit
- Blood-Starved Beast
- Bloodletting Beast
- Bloodman
- Bloody Crow of Cainhurst
- Blueno
- Boa Hancock
- Bogie Woods
- Boneless
- Boxer Ape
- Brador, the Church Assassin
- Breath Dragon
- Broly (Toei)
- Bulla (Dragon Ball GT)
- Burter
- Byakuya Kuchiki
- C. Viper
- Cadis Etrama Di Raizel
- Cage Beast
- Caim (Drakengard)
- Camazotz (Monsterverse)
- Cammy White
- Candice Catnipp
- Canyon (Adventure Time)
- Caprico
- Captain Ginyu
- Captain Marvel (MCU)
- Carissa
- Carmen (The God of High School)
- Carnage Kabuto
- Carrot
- Casket Crab
- Cavendish
- Celestial Emissary
- Celestine
- Cell Jr.
- Chandler
- Chaos (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Chara
- Charlie Nash
- Charlotte "Big Mam" Linlin
- Charlotte Katakuri
- Chi Long
- Chiaotzu
- Chichi (Toriko)
- Chickong
- Chief Moginaian
- Chimera Indura
- Chin Chinchin
- Chiru
- Chiruku (Naruto)
- Chiyo (Naruto)
- Chiyo (Toriko)
- Christian Brocken Rosenkreuz
- Christopher Reid
- Chun-Li
- Chōji Akimichi
- Chōjirō Sasakibe
- Clare
- Cleric Beast
- Clock Crack Chrome
- Cloe Walsh