Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

Origins: Avatar - Legend of Korra

Alias/aka: Bo, Nuktuk, Turtle Duck

Classification: Human Earthbender, Pro-bender and actor

Threat level: Tiger-

Powers and abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, earth manipulation, lava manipulation, skilled martial artist.

Physical strength: Wall level+ with Bending

Attack potency/Destructive capacity: Wall+ with Earthbending, at least building with Lavabending.

Durability: Wall level physically, wall+ with shields

Speed: At least supersonic

Intelligence: Average.

Stamina: At least above average.

Range: Dozens of meters with Earth and Lavabending.

Weaknesses: Can be stubborn and air-headed, requires earth in order to Earthbend and Lavabend.

Standard equipment: None notable.
