Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia


Biological Manipulation is the ability using which an individual is able to manipulate the biological structure or biological make-up of another being. The user is able to change the biological structure of the being on a cellural, genetic, or even molecular level which not only turns the opponent into something else entirely biologically, but they might lose or gain powers and abilities as a direct result of the change.


Uses for the ability consists of but not limited to:

  • Biological Absorption
  • Biological Explosion
  • Biological Overload
  • Body Modification
  • Cell Manipulation
  • Disease Manipulation
  • Evolution Manipulation
  • Fertility Inducement
  • Genetic Modification
  • Physiology Modification


  • Biological Manipulation is invalid against beings who are Non-Corporeal or Abstract as they lack a biological body
  • Biological Manipulation is ineffective against robots or beings who are complete machines with no trace of Biology
  • Powers such as Reality Warping, Conceptual Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, etc can counter Biological Manipulation easily

