Origins: Hellsing
Alias/Aka: Dracula, Vlad Tepes Blavlavla (real name)
Classification: Original vampire/Dracula
Threat level: Demon-
Powers and abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, immortality, Regeneration, flight/levitation, Supernatural Awareness, clairvoyance, Intangibility,Blood Manipulation, can drain blood to gain an enemies knowledge, Soul Absorption, Power Absorption, familiar summoning and control, Shapeshifting, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Mind Control, hypnosis, Weather Manipulation, Gravity defiance, Dispel llusions and mind-related abilities of a similar nature, Precognition, anti-regeneration, Shadow Manipulation, llusions
Physical strength: City block
Attack potency/Destructive capacity: City block
Durability: City block+
Speed: Hypersonic+
Intelligence: Very high.
Stamina: Nigh limitless. Can keep on fighting as long as he has lives/souls, which are numbering in the millions.
Range: Hundreds of meters with pistols. Several kilometers using all of the souls stored in his body.
Standard equipment: Casull and Jackal, a claymore sword while in Level 0.
Notes: This profile at the moment only covers Alucard during the central storyline, before he obtained Schrödinger's being.