Adventure Time
- Ice King freezes the world (74.91 exatons - Moon)
Air Gear
- Gundam (KE = 2.464606 kilotons - MCB+, Speed = Mach 70.3984 - High hypersonic+)
- Black Hole (AP/DC = 8.76 exatons of TNT - Multi-continent, Durability = 169.3385 petatons - multi-continent)
- Hirose hollows out a mountain (794 Megatons - Mountain)
- Ronnie disperses clouds (62.1015 megatons - City, Mach 12.4245 - Hypersonic+)
- Somebody boils something and we're here (110.772 petatons - Multi-continent)
Battle Angel Alita
- Zekka splits an asteroid (109.91 megatons - City+)
- Zekka pushes Toji (328.96 gigatons - Island)
Ben 10 Series
- Vilgax's greed (7.4651 megaton - City)
- Guts reaction speed (Mach 37.905 [low-end] - Mach 57.8135 [high-end])
Black Clover
- Salamandar Roar (8 kilotons - Town)
Substitute Shinigami Arc
- Ichigo blocks an arrow (Mach 1.08 - Transonic)
- Ichigo's First Getsuga Tenshō (129.3 Tons - Multi block+)
- Chad Crashes (2.9 Tons -Large Building)
- Ganju Crashes (0.36 Tons - Building)
Arrancer Arc
- Rukia's Shikai: First Dance (398 Tons - Multi block+)
- Edrad's Fire Punch (16.76 Kilotons - Town)
The Thousand-Year Blood War Arc
- Meninas lifting strength (Class A - 3988630 kg)
- Sternritters Speed (Mach 334 - Massively Hypersonic)
Boku no Hero Academia
- Deku's punch (2.09 Tons - Large Building)
- All Might speed (Mach 9.8 - Hypersonic)
- Bakugo destroys boulders (0.35 tons - Building)
- Todoroki's Ice Speed (Mach 0.82 - Transonic)
- Pixie-bob creates Avalanche (0.56 Tons - Building)
- All For One Enters
- Dracula makes a big explosion (32.53 teratons - Country)
Choujen Sensen
D. Gray Man
- Allen Saves a Kid (Mach 114.6 - High hypersonic+)
- Kanda and Allen create a hole (14 kilotons - Town)
Dark Souls
- Boulders! Boulders everywhere! (0.46364 tons - building [Low-end])
- Nameless King and The King of the Storm (480.38 Gigatons - Island+ [Creation], 1.7974 Petatons - Continent [Dispersion], Speed = Mach 402.282 - Massively hypersonic)
- Ashen one dodges lightning (mach 182.53 - High Hypersonic+)
- Let there be LIGHTNING (mach 11.548 - Hypersonic+)
- God of destruction nukes Japan (AP/DC = 9.1256 gigatons)
Fairy Tail
- Fairy Tail's earth size (Diameter of Earthland = 42292.16 km)
- Magnolia Length (919.877 meters)
- Tenrou Island
Pre Timeskip
- Gildarts splits (1.858 kilotons - MCB+)
- Gray freezes Juvia (68.8 Tons - City block+)
- Fairy Law (45 Megatons - City)
- Iron Dragon Roar (6.66 Kilotons - Town)
- Erza vs Erza (31.35 Kilotons - Town)
- Gray's casual feat (379.95 Tons - Multi Block)
- Zancrow's Roar (11.6 Kilotons - Town)
- Gildarts punches (756.053 Kilotons - Town+)
- Amaterasu 100 (16.98 Megatons - City)
- Lightning Flame Dragon Roar (2.19 Megatons - Town+)
Post Timeskip
- Jellal Sema (1.98 Gigatons - Mountain+)
- CSK Entrance (73.86 Megatons - City+)
Post Second Timeskip
- Brandish lifts an Island (4.4 gigatons - Island)
- Brandish lifts an Island (4.3956 gigatons of TNT - Island)
- Universe One (502.56 teratons - Continent)
- Erza's Speed (Mach 3864.84 - Mid end)
- Irene's Meteor (563.61 Gigatons of TNT - Island+ [Mid End])
Generator Rex
- Lightning (Mach 250 - Massively Hypersonic)
- Space Elevator (8.343 Gigatons - Island)
Geukji High
- Nipples (198.0532 megatons - Mountain level)
- Satellite laser speed (Mach 28296.05 - Sub relativistic)
Hungry Joker
- Haiji Lifts a Building (15.5 tons of TNT - City Block level)
- Hungry joker crater something (8.2825 tons of TNT- Building+ level)
- Roxy Dodges a bullet: (Mach 3 - Mach 9.8 - Supersonic+)
Jackie Chan Adventures
- Atlantis v2.0 (43.03 megatons - City)
- Tso Lan's space adventures (Mach 139.975 - High hypersonic+, Mach 489.912 - Massively hypersonic)
- Kars flips Great Britain (44.376 petatons of TNT - Multi-continent)
- Silver Chariot intercepts Hanged Man (529.207c - FTLx)
Kenja no Mago
- Shin Vapourizes the Ground (35.54 Kilotons - Town)
Knight Run
- Collective Knight Run blog (89.8753798 megatons [Low end] - 10.77582114 gigatons [High end])
Knights of Sidonia
- Ochiai's future body (717.92 gigatons - Island+)
Kongoh Bancho
- Bancho punches around the world (Speed = Mach 9,572.716 [Mid end])
- Megaladon Throw (19.83 Kilotons - Town)
Lucifer and Biscuit hammer
- Animus hammer slam (327.3 kilotons - Town)
Magi Verse
- Ugo Makes a Crater (4.85 Kilotons - Multi-block+)
- Ugo gets Mad (0.99 Megaton - Town+)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Silver surfer and holes (720.97378 Gigatons - Island+)
Marvel Comics
Several superhero feats
Miss Kobayashi's maid dragon
- Elma Vs Tohru (4.7 teratons - Island+)
- Tohru flies to space (Low end = mach 277.858 - Massively hypersonic)
Nanatsu no Taizai
Twigo's slashes (44.1 Tons and 27.7 Tons - City block)
Baste Dungeon (Size - 1683.6 meters, Shaking [949.48 Kilotons- Town+], Destruction [1.228 Megatons - Town+])
The Ten Commandments first appearance (4.27 Teratons - Island+)
Meliodas destroys Danafor (26.8 Gigatons for Danafor, 34.3 Gigatons for Liones)
Drole's power (Labyrinth Creation [2.75 Megatons - Town+], Meteor Drop [58.859 Gigatons - Island level])
- Sasuke's katons (85.49 Tons - City block+)
- Naruto saves Inari (Mach 5 - Hypersonic)
- Tanzaku Castle Destruction (48 tons - City block)
- Fodder snake feat (101 tons - Multi block)
- Jirobo's lifting strength (1126579 Kg - Class A )
- Choji's Cho Baika no Jutsu (9.81 Kilotons - Town)
- Jirobo's lifting strength (21886412001.3 kg - Class B)
- Jirobo elevates giant choji (21.97 Kilotons - Town)
- Kidomaru makes a crater (0.43 Kilotons - Multi block)
- Temari Swats Sound (Mach 19 - Hypersonic+)
- Gaara's Sand speed (Mach 14 - Hypersonic+)
- Prison Sand Burial (1.18 Kilotons - Multi block+)
- Gaara's sand manipulation (64.56 Kilotons - Town)
- Gaara's sand ball (0.378 Kilotons of TNT - Multi Block )
- Itachi's katon (1.25 Kilotons - Multi block+)
- Deidara's explosive clone (4.7 Tons - Large Building)
- Yamamoto raises the ground (53 tons - city block+)
- Base Naruto's Durability (75.62 kilotons - Town)
- Rasenshuriken (1.8 Megatons - Town+)
- C2 Explosion (351 meters)
- C0 (9.2 Teratons - Country)
- Rain Tiger at Will (94 Megatons - City+)
- Jiraiya's Sensing Range
- Kirin (1.68 megatons - Town+)
Pain Arc
- Terror of God (25.74 Teratons - Country)
- Rhino Toss (DC - 1.1 kilotons [Multi-block+], Lifting strength- 260971780 tons [Class B])
- Deva Speed (Mach 1839.7 - MHS+)
Hagoromo creates the moon (1.101 Zettatons - Small planet+ Level)
Naruto dodges Light Fang (0.11c - 0.18c - Relativistic)
Naruto and Sasuke create a moon (4.97 Zettatons - 19.67 zettatons - Small Planet+ level)
- Toneri Splits the Moon (438.69 exatons - Small Planet level)
- Golden wheel rebirth Speed (Mach 9878.1575- Sub Relativistic)
Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Ramiel (882.925 megatons - Mountain+)
Nier Automata
- 9S's speed (Mach 3585.872 - Massively hypersonic+)
One Piece
- Luffy's speed (Mach 7.33 - Hypersonic)
- Desert Spada (220.85 Tons - Multi Block)
- Gomu Gomu No Storm (0.65 Kiloton - Multi block level)
- El Thor (16.36 Kilotons - Town)
- Burn Bazooka (0.5 Kilotons - Multi block)
- Sango ( 68.45 Kilotons - Town)
- Reject Dial (0.81 Megatons - Town+)
- Luffy Rings the Golden Belfry (0.56 Kilotons - Multi block level)
- Raigou (Upperyard Destruction= 73 to 126.9 Gigatons - Island, Beanstalk = 128.44 meters)
Water 7 / Enies Lobby Saga
- Kalifa's lightning dodge (mach 283 - MHS)
Dressrosa Saga
- Dressrosa size (13491.77 meters)
- Fujitora Meteors (33.2797 Gigatons of TNT- Island level)
- Fujitora's meteor crater and Doflamingo's speed (203.694 kilotons - Town+, Mach 1221.84 - MHS+)
- Zoro cuts Pica (308.49 kilotons - Town+)
One Punch Man
- Saitama parts the atmosphere (24.7421 Petatons - Multi Continent [Low-end)
- Beefcake Makes a Crater (241.838 Kilotons - Town)
- Some Beams (103.65 kilotons - Town)
Red Storm
Season 1 / Pre Timeskip
- Nosa busts a mountain (35.78 Kilotons - Town level)
- Nosa lifts a log (612194 kg - Class 1000)
- Sand Dragon enlarges a hole (1.5975 kilotons - MCB+ level)
- Yulian dodges an arrow (Mach 6.5 - Hypersonic)
- Heavenly beam (0.5 Kilotons - Multi block level)
- Bega chicks make some craters (0.26 Tons - Building level)
Shubeon Busts a hole in mountain (16.99 Tons - City Block level)
Legendary Dragon Roar (1.39622 megatons - Town+)
Nosa's widespread destruction (16.9 kilotons - Town level)
Nosa's speed feat (Mach 4.464 [supersonic+ - Low end] - Mach 7.44 [Hypersonic - High end])
Nosa Crashes Again (26.796 kilotons - Town level)
Satan 666
- Jin Burns the ground (837.82 tons - Multi-block)
Senran Kagura
- Kagura's planet flip (1.73440185e40 J - Small Star level)
Seikon no Qwaser
- Helium Sun (167.396 Gigatons - Island)
Shaman King
- Skeleton Busting (Asakura Yoh - Wall level, Ren Tao - Large Building level)
The God of High School
- Ruyi Jingu Extension (FTLx - 149.1783 times SOL [Low-end])
- Hui-Mo Ri and Han Dae-Wi Push Jupiter (7.95 * 10^38 J - Small Star level )
ToAru Majutsu no Index
- Brahma Astra (Incomplete Brahma Astra = 1.6081 megatons of TNT - Town+, Completed Brahma Astra = 818.517 gigatons of TNT - Island+)
- Star of Bethlehem (411.72 gigatons of TNT - Island+)
- Hel freezes over (1.221 gigatons of TNT - Mountain+)
- Salt with a chance of vectors (427.769 petatons - multi-continent, 1c - SoL)
- Guts and Glory (mach 533.592 - Massively hypersonic)
Mobile Suit Gundam
- A big explosion (15.375 teratons - Country)
- Eva makes it rain (AP/DC = 34.711 kilotons - Town level, Speed = mach 58.82 - high hypersonic+)
- Celestial sword (AP/DC = 14.013 gigatons - Island level, Speed = mach 406.331 - Massively hypersonic)
- Grougaloragran's fire breath (791.383 kilotons - Town+)
- Phaeris and Anathar create a whirlpool (6.2 teratons - Island+)
- Eva throws a Gobball (AP/DC = 26.811 tons - block level, Speed = mach 2076.77 - Massively hypersonic+)
We Live In An MMO?!
- Guardian fight (6.8 kilotons - Town)
- Slashes (Mach 184 - High Hypersonic+)