Origins: ToAru Majutsu no Index
Alias/Aka: Number One, The One Who Wields the Power of God
Classification: Human, Esper, Science Angel,
Threat level: Dragon- || Maoh+ || Maoh+ || Maoh+ || Maoh+ || Maoh+ || Celestial
Age: 15-16
Gender: Male
Powers and abilities: Vector Manipulation (Simply put, if anything has a direction of action, Accelerator can control it, it also involuntary creates a Vector shield that automatically repels incoming attacks) || Same as before with Flight by Black Wings & White wings || Reality Warping, Law Manipulation, Soul Manipulation by Platinium Wings
Physical strength: Human level, likely much higher with Vector Manipulation || At least Human level (Was able to handle several Hound dogs members wearing body armor using his hands and cane), likely much higher with Vector Manipulation || At least Continent level (His Black Wings are described as his trump cards, making them stronger than when he was using power of the rotation of the Planet) || Same as before || Same as Base || Same as Black Wings || Same as before, likely much higher
Attack potency/Destructive capacity: At least City (Calculated that he was going to destroy half of academy city using the plasma bomb) || At least Multi-Continent by borrowing Earth's rotational energy (Was able to stop the rotation of the earth for five minutes in order to throw a building at the windowless building), up to Multi-Solar System by taking away the vectors from an attack and striking with it (Striked with Gabriel's powers and hurt her) || Same as before || Same as Base || Same as Black Wings || Galaxy (Shook and attacked with the power of the Galaxy), up to Universe+ with the Clonoth Tree (The Third tree makes the Universe Accel's personal reality)
Durability: Street, at least Island+ with Vector Shield (Reflected Misaka's Railgun) || Same as before || At least Multi-Continent || Same as before || Galaxy, At least High Multiversal, likely Hyper Dimensional+ with Vector Shield (Reflected Coronozon's Magick_Flame Sword that was stated to be equal to Othinus's Gungir) Same as before || Same as before
Speed: At least Supersonic (Scales above Gunha who could move at two times speed of sound) with Relativistic combat speed and Speed of Light reaction and attack speed (Scales above Misaka) || Same as before || At least Speed of Light (Superior to his speed when he was using power of the rotation of the Planet), likely higher || Same as before || Same as Base || Same as Black Wings || Likely MFTL+ (Matched Nephtys)
Intelligence: Hyper Genius (All level 5's of Academy city are compared to a supercomputer in computing capability) || Hyper Genius (Lost half of his calculating ability due to brain damage and relies on the misaka network for calculations) || Hyper Genius (Doesn't need misaka network to make calculations with Wings, likely smarter than his peak intelligence)
Stamina: Average, Likely higher with Wings
Range: Several meters normally, Kilometers by manipulating air (Can compress all the air in academy city and make plasma) || Same as before, Planetary by using planet's rotation energy || Same as before || Same as before || Same as before || Same as before || Same as before, Universal with the third tree (When using Platinium Wings, all of the Universe becomes Accelerator's personal reality)
Weaknesses: Over-reliance on his Vector Shield and arrogance || Can only use half of his original calculating capacity and only for 30 minutes || Lacks control on his black wings || None notable || Same as Post-Brain Damage || None notable || None notable
Standard equipment: None || Electrode choker
Keys: Pre-Brain Damage || Post-Brain Damage || Black Wings || White Wings || Post NT22 || Post NT22 Black Wings & White Wings || Platinium Wings