Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia
Top-Strongest Wikia

Origins: The God of High School

Alias/Aka: The Champion Among Gods

Classification: God, Master of the First Heavenly Realm

Threat level: Nova- || Nova+ || Quasar-

Age: Thousands of years old

Gender: Male

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced SensesSkilled in Hand-to-Hand CombatPhysics Manipulation & Gravity Manipulation (Copied Daewi's Fundamental Force - Gravity Manipulation to toss Jupiter on Earth), Longevity, Energy ProjectionWind Manipulation (via The Wave of Blue Dragon and The Kick of Blue Dragon), Flight (Type 2 and 4), Duplication (Can create quintillions of his clones), Mind ReadingPower Mimicry (Type 3; Able to mimic any ability or martial arts technique he sees once, or even by reading the mind), TransformationBody Control (Can turn around his head 180°, use his tail for attacks, etc), Regeneration (High-Mid), Absorption and Energy Manipulation (Can absorb light and heat from his surroundings to become stronger), Statistics Amplification (via Light and heat absorption and, Jeahbongchim), Acupuncture, Resurrection (Can resurrect himself by sacrificing his extra lives), Resistance (to Extreme Heat & Cold, Radiation)

Physical Strength: At least Small Star level || At least Small Star level, likely higher. Large Star level with Jeahbongchim x52, Large Star level with Light & Heat absorption || At least Large Star level, higher with Jeahbongchim

Attack Potency: At least Small Star (Casually tossed Jupiter on Earth at FTLx speeds) || At least Small Star, likely higher (Stronger than before). Large Star with Jeahbongchim x52 (Boosted his stats x52 times), Large Star with Light & Heat absorption || At least Large Star (Stronger than before), higher with Jeahbongchim

Durability: At least Small Star (Tanked several attacks from Jade Emperor Daewi with no damage) || At least Small Star, likely higher. Large Star with Jeahbongchim x52, Large Star with Light & Heat absorption || Solar System+ (Survived many back to back attacks from Jeahbongchim x250,000 Mori Jin)

Speed: MFTL (Casually pulled Jupiter to Earth in almost an instant. Can easily keep up with Jade Emperor Daewi) || At least MFTL (Can keep up with Mori Jin), higher with Jeahbongchim x52 and Light & Heat absorption (Blitzed without any effort Mori Jin all the way to Sun) || At least MFTL, higher with Jeahbongchim

Intelligence: Likely Very High (Is shown to space out when he entered Human realm but also is extremely calm and level-headed in fights. A combat genius, whom can nigh instantly copy any type of techniques he learns via mind reading of his opponents and is also compared to the Monkey King)

Stamina: At least Very High

Range: At least Solar System (Casually pulled Jupiter towards Earth in his base form)

Weaknesses: None notable

Standard Equipment: None notable

Keys: Base || Phase Two || Phase Three

Noteworthy Techniques and Abilities

- Kyokushin Karate: Satan mimics this style of martial arts during his fight with Daewi.

  • Last Stage: The Wave of Blue Dragon: Satan takes control of the flow of air and directs it towards his opponent in a powerful blast of air. Satan is good enough to do this technique without doing the first three stages.
Satan The Wave of Blue Dragon
    • Blue Dragon No.0 Style: Used to control and reflect the air currents made by an opponent's attacks and release it back to them. Satan tried to use this to counter Daewi's Repulsive Force.

- Renewal Taekwondo Satan mimics this style of martial arts when he read Daewi's mind during their fight.

  • Mori Jin Original: The Kick of Blue Dragon: It is a technique developed by Mori in his fight against Daewi after observing The Wave of Blue Dragon.
Satan The Kick of Blue Dragon
  • Homi-Geolyi: It is used to grab an opponent in a lock position. The fighters faints a reverse kick with one leg and uses that leg to hold the arm of the opponent. It is mainly used to break an enemy's guard.
Satan Homi-Geolyi

- Bongchim Nah Style: Satan mimics this style of martial arts by reading Mori's mind during their fight.

  • Jeahbongchim: By hitting a pressure point in the brain, Satan is able to remove the limiters that are placed on his body. This allows him to gain massive increase in stats depending on the multiplier used. Satan can increase his power up to x250,000 times.

  • Mind Reading: Daewi commented during their fight that Satan read his mind in order to learn the martial arts techniques of Mori and himself. Daewi further compared this to fighting against Mori's analytical skills and copying abilities.
  • Technique and Ability Mimicry: Satan has shown the ability to be able to mimic any abilities or martial arts techniques he sees, regardless of their origin, mechanics, or difficulty. So far, Satan has copied Daewi and Mori's martial arts techniques, as well as one of The King's Fundamental Force abilities.
    • Planet Toss: Using Gravity Manipulation that he copied from Daewi, Satan can toss planets as an attack. He displayed this by casually tossing Jupiter to the Earth in almost an instant.
Planet Toss
    • Monkey King's Clone: After witnessing Mori use his clone ability to defeat the Gods of the Heavenly Realms, Satan was shown sending a clone to fight him to test what being cloned felt like. Like Mori, he can create numerous nigh-perfect copies of himself. In Phase Two and in the presence of the Sun's corona, Satan was able to create an estimated 200 quadrillion, 9,600 trillion, 7,450 billion clones which is a mistranslation from Naver Webtoon's part, the actual amount of clones Satan created was 2 quintillion, 9 quadrillion, 600 trillion, 745 billion (source). Mori stated that (in his eye) Satan was turning the whole universe white from it.
Satan Clones
  • Light and Heat Absorption: Satan's powers can be enhanced by using his horns and wings to absorb surrounding light and heat. The more he absorbs, the more powerful he becomes
  • Lives: Satan's horns represent his two 'lives' which he can sacrifice to survive an otherwise sure-kill technique, as seen by him sacrificing 1 and 3/5th of his life to survive Mori's attack.

  • Satan Armor: El Diablo: A Phase Two skill that presumably increases his defense. When activated, a giant Baphomet head apparition appears around him.
Satan Armor
  • 666 Hellraiser: A Phase Two skill that Satan. However, it was unseen what it was capable of as Mori destroyed most of Satan's body before he managed to unleash the skill.
Satan Hellraise
  • Right Wing Freed: A Phase Three skill that increase his attack power by dissolving his Right Wing. After using this skill, he can use a powerful right claw attack.
Right Wing
  • Left Wing Freed: A Phase Three skill that increase his attack power by dissolving his Left Wing. After using this skill, he can use a powerful left kick attack.
Left Wing
